HOME > 試薬 > 細胞培養 > 細胞培養一般試薬 > 3次元細胞培養試薬・器材 > VitroGel Hydrogelシリーズ

二次元/三次元細胞培養などに最適なアニマルフリーのハイドロゲル VitroGel Hydrogelシリーズ

掲載日情報:2023/05/08 現在Webページ番号:65452



VitroGel Hydrogel High Concentrationを用いた実験動物への注入方法

Ready to use
  • pHの事前調整が不要
  • 室温下で安定
  • 細胞と混合するだけの簡単操作
  • 優れた透明性
  • 細胞を幅広いイメージングシステムで観察可能
Cell harvesting
  • 三次元細胞培養後に通常の遠心分離で細胞を回収できます。
  • インジェクションが可能です。
  • in vivo の研究に最適です。





従来の二次元(2D)培養と比較して、三次元(3D)培養には多くの利点があります1,4。3D培養は、2D培養に比べて細胞を硬い表面への曝露を最小限に抑えることで、細胞の成熟と生存を改善し、生体内により近い環境に置くことができます。3Dハイドロゲル製剤に特定の低分子化合物を導入したり、RGDペプチドなどの細胞接着部位を組み込むことで、最近では、様々な臓器ニッチ(臓器が発生する場所)をin vitroでより完全に再現することが可能になり、創薬や機能的な組織エンジニアリングに役立っています2。長年、主にマウスECM由来のハイドロゲルが3D組織分野で用いられてきました。しかし、それらはがん細胞培養で単離されたものであり、化学的に定義されたものでも、異種由来成分不含でもないことに留意する必要があり、再生医療およびヒトの3D組織モデリングにおいて主要な課題となっていました3


  1. Ravi, M., et al., "3D Cell Culture Systems: Advantages and Applications.", J. Cell. Physiol., 230, 16~26 (2015). [PMID:24912145]
  2. Edmondson, R., et al., "Three-Dimensional Cell Culture Systems and Their Applications in Drug Discovery and Cell-Based Biosensors.", Assay and Drug Development Technologies., 12 (4), 207~218 (2014). [PMID:248312787]
  3. Fan, Y., et al., "Production of Human Pluripotent Stem Cell Therapeutics Under Defined Xeno-free Conditions:Progress and Challenges.", Stem cell reviews., 11 (1), 96~109 (2015). [PMID:25077810]
  4. Baker, BM. and Chen, CS., "Deconstructing the third dimension-how 3D culture microenvironments alter cellular cues.", J. Cell. Sci., 125, 3015~3024 (2012). [PMID:22797912]



  • 簡単な操作で、培地またはPBSと混合するだけでゲル化が開始し、わずか20分で安定なゲルが得られます*
  • 酸素・培地成分・各種分子のゲル透過性が高く、長期培養や創薬研究に有用です。
  • 天然の状態により近い環境下で細胞を培養できるため、in vitro からin vivo への移行の際に有用なデータが得られます。
  • 様々な細胞で使用実績があります。
  • 専用のVitroGel Organoid Recovery Solution(別売)を用いることで、酵素を使用することなく高い細胞生存率で簡単に細胞を回収することができます。





VitroGelハイドロゲルシステムは、ずり減粘および急速な回復レオロジー特性を有しています。注射器による注入などの機械的せん断力の下では、ハイドロゲルはゲル-ゾル転移を行い、自由な流動状態になります。一方で、せん断力が停止すると、ハイドロゲルの機械的強度はゲル-ゾル転移で急速に回復し、再びハイドロゲル状態になります(グラフ参照)。このインジェクションが可能な特性によって、VitroGelは、優れた保持力でバイオプリンティング、液滴形成、および自動化in vivo細胞/ドラックデリバリーに使用できます。

VitroGel feuture


VitroGel Hydrogelのインジェクション


製品 VitroGel Hydrogel BME
Ready-to-use High Concentration
Easy-to-Use ●(希釈不要) ×
天然型ECM(細胞外マトリクス)の模倣 × ×
成長因子(不純物)不含有 ×
室温での操作 ×
中性pH(pHの事前調整が不要) × N/A N/A
培養後の細胞回収が容易 × ×
透明性 ×
細胞接着性の改変が可能 × × ×
ハイドロゲル強度のコントロールが可能 × × ×
実験動物へのインジェクションが可能 × ×



あらかじめ使用濃度が調整されたReady-to-useのVitroGel HydroGel Matrixと、ゲル強度の調節が可能で様々な機能性リガンドを含んだハイドロゲルも選択できるVitroGel Hydrogel High Concentrationがあります。

Ready-to-useタイプ <VitroGel HydroGel Matrix>

なお、VitroGel Hydrogel MatrixまたはVitroGel ORGANOIDにTheWell Bioscience社の三次元培養関連各種製品を組み合わせたStarter Kitもあります。詳細は各製品の紹介ページをご覧下さい。

品名 商品コード 適した細胞種
VitroGel Hydrogel Matrix VHM01 幅広い細胞種
VitroGel STEM VHM02 ヒト多能性幹細胞(hiPSC)
VitroGel MSC VHM03 間葉系幹細胞(MSC)
VitroGel ORGANOID VHM04 オルガノイド
VitroGel HEK293 VHM05 HEK293細胞

High Concentrationタイプ <VitroGel Hydrogel High Concentration>

使用前にご自身で希釈することで、ゲル強度の調節が可能なタイプのハイドロゲルです。Dilution Solutionが付属しており、スクロース含有のTYPEⅠまたは非含有のTYPEⅡがあります。使用する細胞種や用途に応じて、6種類の異なるタイプのHigh Concentration製品を取りそろえています。
High Concentrationシリーズの詳細はこちらをご覧下さい。下表中の商品コードをクリックすると価格をご覧いただけます。
なお、6種類のハイドロゲルにTheWell Bioscience社の三次元培養関連各種製品を組み合わせたStarter Kitもあります。詳細はこちらをご覧下さい。

品名 商品コード 修飾 機能性リガンド
VitroGel 3D High Concentration TWG001 非修飾 なし
VitroGel RGD High Concentration TWG003 RGD 細胞接着ペプチド
VitroGel COL High Concentration TWG009 GFOGER コラーゲン疑似ペプチド
VitroGel MMP High Concentration TWG010 MMP マトリックスメタロプロテアーゼ
VitroGel IKVAV High Concentration TWG007 IKVAV ラミニン由来ペプチド
VitroGel YIGSR High Concentration TWG008 YIGSR ラミニン由来ペプチド


■ VitroGel Organoid Recovery Solution
☞ VitroGel Organoid Recovery Solution紹介ページ

■ VitroGel Angiogenesis Assay Kit
☞ VitroGel Angiogenesis Assay Kit紹介ページ

■ Cyto3D Live-Dead Assay Kit
☞ Cyto3D Live-Dead Assay Kit紹介ページ








VitroGel Organoid Recovery Solutionの操作方法





全リストをダウンロードするには右のファイルをクリックして下さい。 ⇒(Click here!製品外観


組織/器官名 細胞名 関連製品 細胞の挙動
β cell BL5 human beta cells VitroGel Hydrogel Matrix, VitroGel 3D Enhance spheroids and cluster formation and promote cell viability.
β TC3 cells VitroGel Hydrogel Matrix, VitroGel RGD Cell proliferation and cellular interations
Bone Bone marrow stromal cells (rat) VitroGel Hydrogel Matrix, VitroGel RGD Osteogenesic differentiation
VitroGel Hydrogel Matrix, VitroGel RGD Cell proliferation, cell viability, and cellular networking
VitroGel Hydrogel Matrix, VitroGel COL Cell attachment and osteoblast differentiation
Bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells (human) VitroGel Hydrogel Matrix, VitroGel COL Chondrogenic/osteogenic differentiation
VitroGel Hydrogel Matrix, VitroGel IKVAV Angiogenesis
VitroGel Hydrogel Matrix, VitroGel COLCell spreading, proliferation, and collagen II production
Bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells (goat)VitroGel Hydrogel Matrix, VitroGel RGDOsteogenesic differentiation
Osteoblasts (rat)VitroGel Hydrogel Matrix, VitroGel RGDCell attachment and spreading
Bone marrow stromal cells (bovine)VitroGel Hydrogel Matrix, VitroGel COLCell spreading and osteocalcin expression
BreastMammary gland MCF10AVitroGel Hydrogel Matrix, VitroGel MMPMMP activity in response to TGF-β1
Mammary epithelium (mouse)VitroGel Hydrogel Matrix, VitroGel COLCell invasion and dissemination
Cancer/tumorHuman colorectal carcinoma HCT 116VitroGel Hydrogel Matrix, VitroGel RGDcell proliferation, cell survival, and intercelluar networking
Huaman colon carcinoma HCT-8VitroGel Hydrogel Matrix, VitroGel RGDCell proliferation and cell matirx interaction
Glioma U87-MGVitroGel Hydrogel Matrix, VitroGel RGDCell spreading and actin stress fiber assembly
VitroGel Hydrogel Matrix, VitroGel RGDCell proliferation and cell matirx interaction
VitroGel Hydrogel Matrix, VitroGel COLCell migration dependent on mechanical force
VitroGel Hydrogel Matrix, VitroGel MMPcell proliferation, spreading, and migration
Primary glioblastom U87VitroGel Hydrogel Matrix, VitroGel RGDcell proliferation and cellular interations
Glioblastoma SF 268VitroGel Hydrogel Matrix, VitroGel RGDCell proliferation and cell matirx interaction
Glioblastoma SF 295VitroGel Hydrogel Matrix, VitroGel RGDCell proliferation and cell matirx interaction
Glioblastoma SNB75VitroGel Hydrogel Matrix, VitroGel RGDCell proliferation and cell matirx interaction
Glioblastoma U-251 MGVitroGel Hydrogel Matrix, VitroGel RGDCell proliferation and cell matirx interaction
Prostate PC3VitroGel Hydrogel Matrix, VitroGel COLCell proliferation and reduced MMP release
VitroGel Hydrogel Matrix, VitroGel IKVAVcell proliferation and invasion
VitroGel Hydrogel Matrix, VitroGel RGDCell proliferation and invasion
VitroGel Hydrogel Matrix, VitroGel COLCell invasion, migration, and spheroid metabolic activity
Prostate LNCaPVitroGel Hydrogel Matrix, VitroGel RGDCell attachment
VitroGel Hydrogel Matrix, VitroGel COLCell proliferation and prostate specific antigen release
Prostate CRPCVitroGel Hydrogel Matrix, VitroGel RGDCell proliferatin and invasion
Prostate DU145VitroGel Hydrogel Matrix, VitroGel RGDCell proliferation and invasion
Melanoma B16F10VitroGel Hydrogel Matrix, VitroGel COLCell migration, invasion, and MMP release
VitroGel Hydrogel Matrix, VitroGel YIGSRCell attachment and spreading
Breast MDA-MB-231VitroGel Hydrogel Matrix, VitroGel MMPCell invasion
VitroGel Hydrogel MatrixCell spreading
VitroGel Hydrogel Matrix, VitroGel RGDCell proliferation, division, migration, and invasion
VitroGel Hydrogel Matrix, VitroGel COLCell spreading and cluster growth
Fibrosarcoma HT1080VitroGel Hydrogel Matrix, VitroGel COLCell infiltration
VitroGel Hydrogel Matrix, VitroGel COLCell attachment
Breast T47DVitroGel Hydrogel Matrix, VitroGel COLForce dependent tubule formation
VitroGel Hydrogel MatrixCell cluster growth
VitroGel Hydrogel Matrix, VitroGel 3DSpheroid formation and proliferation
VitroGel Hydrogel Matrix, VitroGel COLCell cluster growth
Breast 4T1VitroGel Hydrogel Matrix, VitroGel RGDCell proliferation
Breast CTCVitroGel Hydrogel Matrix, VitroGel 3DCell proliferation
Breast E0771VitroGel Hydrogel Matrix, VitroGel RGDCell proliferation, spheroid formation
Breast AU-565VitroGel Hydrogel Matrix, VitroGel RGDCell proliferation, cell matrix interations
Epithelial ovarian OV-MZ-6VitroGel Hydrogel Matrix, VitroGel RGDSpheroid formation and proliferation
Epithelial ovarian SKOV-3VitroGel Hydrogel Matrix, VitroGel RGDSpheroid formation and proliferation
Glioma U373-MGVitroGel Hydrogel Matrix, VitroGel RGDCell adhesion and migration
Rhabdomyosarcoma (human)VitroGel Hydrogel Matrix, VitroGel YIGSRCell attachment and spreading
Melanoma SK-MEL-28VitroGel Hydrogel Matrix, VitroGel IKVAVCell adhesion and proliferation
Melanoma K-1735VitroGel Hydrogel Matrix, VitroGel IKVAVCell invasion
Melanoma A2058VitroGel Hydrogel Matrix, VitroGel IKVAVCollagenolytic activity
Brainstem glioma DIPGVitroGel Hydrogel Matrix, VitroGel 3DCell proliferation and survival
Hela CellsVitroGel Hydrogel Matrix, VitroGel 3DCell proliferation
Colorectal adenocarcinoma DLD-1 cellsVitroGel Hydrogel Matrix, VitroGel RGDCell proliferation and cell matirx interaction
Glioma LRM55VitroGel Hydrogel Matrix, VitroGel IKVAVCell attachment
Melanoma WM239AVitroGel Hydrogel Matrix, VitroGel MMPCell invasion
Melanoma CellsVitroGel Hydrogel Matrix, VitroGel RGDCell proliferation and cell matirx interaction
Insulinoma ins-1 (Rat)VitroGel Hydrogel Matrix, VitroGel RGDCell proliferation and cell matirx interaction
HEK 293VitroGel Hydrogel Matrix, VitroGel RGDCell proliferation and cell matirx interaction
Biphasic synovial sarcoma SYO-1VitroGel Hydrogel Matrix, VitroGel RGDCell proliferation, cell matirx interaction, and cell survival
Fuji CellsVitroGel Hydrogel Matrix, VitroGel RGDCell proliferation and cell matirx interaction
Chordoma CellsVitroGel Hydrogel Matrix, VitroGel 3DCell proliferation
Bone OSA 1777VitroGel Hydrogel Matrix, VitroGel RGDspheroid and cluster formation
Glioma RuGliVitroGel Hydrogel Matrix, VitroGel COLIntegrin dependent cell adhesion
Breast Cancer MCF-7VitroGel Hydrogel Matrix, VitroGel RGDCell proliferation, intercellular connections
VitroGel Hydrogel Matrix, VitroGel COLCell proliferation, morphological changes, MMP expression, and angiogenesis
Liver carcinoma HepG2VitroGel Hydrogel Matrix, VitroGel COLCell viability, growth, and drug resistance
VitroGel Hydrogel Matrix, VitroGel RGDCell proliferation and cell matirx interaction
Human pancreatic cancer PANC-1VitroGel Hydrogel Matrix, VitroGel RGDcell proliferation and cellular interations
Primary breast (human)VitroGel Hydrogel Matrix, VitroGel COLCell invasion, migration, and dissemination
Ovarian carcinoma OVCAR-3VitroGel Hydrogel Matrix, VitroGel RGDCell proliferation, cell matrix interations
Ovarian OVCA429VitroGel Hydrogel Matrix, VitroGel COLMMP dependent cell invasion
Human osteosarcoma KHOSVitroGel Hydrogel Matrix, VitroGel 3Dcell proliferation and spheroids formation
Human osteosarcoma U2OSVitroGel Hydrogel Matrix, VitroGel 3Dcell proliferation and spheroids formation
Priess human lymphoblastoid cellsVitroGel Hydrogel Matrix, VitroGel 3DEnhance spheroids and cluster formation and promote cell viability.
CartilageChondrocytes (bovine)VitroGel Hydrogel Matrix, VitroGel RGDCell viability and proliferation
Chondrocytes (human)VitroGel Hydrogel Matrix, VitroGel RGDCell viability and proliferation
Connective tissueDermal fibroblasts (human)VitroGel Hydrogel Matrix, VitroGel RGDCell viability and spreading
VitroGel Hydrogel Matrix, VitroGel COLCell viability
Fibroblasts NIH3T3VitroGel Hydrogel Matrix, VitroGel RGDDirectional cell migration toward gradient
VitroGel Hydrogel Matrix, VitroGel COLCell spreading dependent on substrata rigidity
Foreskin fibroblasts (human)VitroGel Hydrogel Matrix, VitroGel RGDCell spreading
VitroGel Hydrogel Matrix, VitroGel YIGSRCell spreading
VitroGel Hydrogel Matrix, VitroGel MMPSubstrata degradation and cell invasion
Skin fibroblasts (skin)VitroGel Hydrogel Matrix, VitroGel IKVAVCell adhesion
Epidermal keratinocytesVitroGel Hydrogel Matrix, VitroGel COLCell viability
Epithelial CellsMouse ovarian follicle cellsVitroGel Hydrogel Matrix, VitroGel RGD3D cell culture using ES-hydrogel can enhance vitro follicle culture by considering the permeability and stiffness of the gel.
Human Nthy-ori 3-1 cellsVitroGel Hydrogel Matrix, VitroGel 3DEnhance spheroids and cluster formation and promote cell viability.
A549 cellsVitroGel Hydrogel Matrix, VitroGel RGDEnhance cell proliferation and cell matrix interactions.
MCF-12AVitroGel Hydrogel Matrix, VitroGel RGDEnhance cell proliferation and cell matrix interactions.
Immortalized bronchial epithelial cells HBEC-KRASVitroGel Hydrogel Matrix, VitroGel 3DCell proliferation
EyeCorneal endothelial B4G12VitroGel Hydrogel Matrix, VitroGel COLCell attachment and spreading
Retinal ganglion cells (xenopus)VitroGel Hydrogel Matrix, VitroGel COLNeurite outgrowth
Immune CellsCD8 + T cellsVitroGel Hydrogel Matrix, VitroGel 3DEnhance spheroids and cluster formation and promote cell viability.
KidneyHuman embryonic kidney HEK293VitroGel Hydrogel Matrix, VitroGel RGD3D spheroids formation
VitroGel Hydrogel Matrix, VitroGel COLCell proliferation and cluster growth
Madin-Darby Canine KidneyVitroGel Hydrogel Matrix, VitroGel RGDEpithelial cysts formation
podocytes (human)VitroGel Hydrogel Matrix, VitroGel COLGlomerular capillary formation
glomerular endothelial cells (human)VitroGel Hydrogel Matrix, VitroGel COLGlomerular capillary formation
LiverHepatocytes (human)VitroGel Hydrogel Matrix, VitroGel RGDFilopodia formation and synthesis of albumin
VitroGel Hydrogel Matrix, VitroGel COLCell attachment
Hepatocytes (mouse)VitroGel Hydrogel Matrix, VitroGel RGDCell viability
Hepatocytes (rat)VitroGel Hydrogel Matrix, VitroGel COLAlbumin secretion
Hepatocytes (swine)VitroGel Hydrogel Matrix, VitroGel COLCell spreading and albumin section
LungAlveolar basal epithelial A549VitroGel Hydrogel Matrix, VitroGel RGDCell attachment
Alveolar epithelial RLE-6TNVitroGel Hydrogel Matrix, VitroGel RGDCell attachment and mesenchymal differentiation
Pulmonary fibroblasts LL2VitroGel Hydrogel Matrix, VitroGel IKVAVCell adhesion
HFL1 lung fibroblasts CCL153VitroGel Hydrogel Matrix, VitroGel COLCell proliferation and spindle morphology
Lung cancer associated fibroblasts (human)VitroGel Hydrogel Matrix, VitroGel COLSubstrata contractility
Lung fibroblasts MCR-5VitroGel Hydrogel Matrix, VitroGel COLNGF-mediated substrata contraction
MuscleMyoblasts C2C12VitroGel Hydrogel Matrix, VitroGel RGDCell Proliferation and differentiation
VitroGel Hydrogel Matrix, VitroGel COLCell attachment, proliferation, and myofibril formation
VitroGel Hydrogel MatrixMyotube formation
VitroGel Hydrogel Matrix, VitroGel COLIntegrin dependent cell adhesion
Skeletal myoblasts (mouse)VitroGel Hydrogel Matrix, VitroGel RGDCell attachment, proliferation, and myofibril formation
Myoblasts (human)VitroGel Hydrogel Matrix, VitroGel COLCell adhesion, alignment along fiber, and myotube formation
Myoblasts C25Cl48VitroGel Hydrogel Matrix, VitroGel COLCell proliferation, differentiation and myotube formation
NeuralDorsal root ganglion (chick)VitroGel RGDNeurite formation and outgrowth
VitroGel COLForce dependent neurite outgrowth
Neural PC12VitroGel COLNeurite outgrowth
VitroGel IKVAVNeurite outgrowth
Neural stem cell/progenitor cell (rat)VitroGel YIGSRCell viability
VitroGel IKVAVCell attachment and differentiation
Neural stem cell/progenitor cell (human)VitroGel IKVAVCell viability and differentiation
VitroGel LDP1Cell viability and differentiation
VitroGel LDP1Cell viability
VitroGel COLCell attachment
Schwann cells (rat)VitroGel YIGSRCell attachment and migration
Neural stem cell/progenitor cell (mouse)VitroGel IKVAVCell adhesion and differentiation
Cortical astrocytes (rat)VitroGel IKVAVCell adhesion
Spiral ganglion neurons (mouse)VitroGel IKVAVNeurite outgrowth
Motor neurons (human)VitroGel COLForce dependent neurite outgrowth
Forebrain neurons (human)VitroGel COLForce dependent neurite outgrowth
Cortical neurons (rat)VitroGel COLNeuronal viability and neurite outgrowth
Dorsal root ganglion (rat)VitroGel COLNeurite outgrowth
Red Blood CellsRed Blood cellsVitroGel Hydrogel Matrix, VitroGel 3DEnhance spheroids and cluster formation and promote cell viability.
PancreasB-cells MIN6VitroGel Hydrogel Matrix, VitroGel IKVAVReduced apoptosis and increased insulin release
Stem cellsMesenchymal stem cells (human)VitroGel RGDCell viability
VitroGel RGDCell Proliferation and differentiation
VitroGel COLCell proliferation
VitroGel IKVAVNeuronal differentiation
VitroGel MMPNeuronal differentiation and neurite outgrowth
VitroGel COLCell attachment, spreading, viability, and osteoblast differentiation
Mesenchymal stem cells (mouse)VitroGel RGDCell spreading and migration
VitroGel MMPCell spreading and migration
Mesenchymal stem cells (rat)VitroGel RGDCell adhesion and spreading
Embryonic stem cells (mouse)VitroGel RGDEndothelial cell differentiation
VitroGel COLNeuronal differentiation and neurite outgrowth
VitroGel YIGSRNeuronal differentiation
Induced pluripotent stem cells (human)VitroGel YIGSRCell viability
VitroGel IKVAVCell viability
VitroGel LDP1Cell viability
Human IpscVitroGel RGDCell proliferation, and cell matrix interactions
Human stem cells from apical papilla SCAPVitroGel 3DCell viability
Adipose derived stem cells (human)VitroGel IKVAVCell attachment
Vascular/cardiacUmbilical vein endothelial cells (human)VitroGel RGDCell attachment, proliferation, migration, and angiogenesis
VitroGel YIGSRUpregulation in gene expression
VitroGel IKVAVMigratory cell infiltration
VitroGel MMPCell attachment, migration, and survival
VitroGel COLCell attachment, spreading, and VEGF dependent migration
Neonatal cardiac (rat)VitroGel RGDCell attachment and tissue regeneration
VitroGel YIGSRCell attachment similar to laminin
Aortic smooth muscle cells (human)VitroGel RGDCell attachment
Endothelial (human)VitroGel YIGSRCell differentiation
EndotheliocytesVitroGel YIGSRCell migration
Microvascular endothelial cells (human)VitroGel YIGSRCell mobility
Aortic endothelial cells (bovine)VitroGel COLForce dependent cell spreading
Capillary endothelial cells (bovine)VitroGel COLCapillary like network formation



☞ FAQはこちらをご覧下さい



下の画像をクリックすると、VitroGel Hydrogel製品カタログ 「VITROGEL IS A XENO-FREE FUNCTIONAL HYDROGEL SYSTEMpdf)」(英語)をご覧いただけます。

VitroGel Hydrogel製品カタログ

VitroGel Hydrogel製品カタログ


  • VitroGel Xeno-Free Hydrogel Overview, Benefits and Conparison
  • How Gelation Works in VitroGel
  • Multiple Cell Culture Methods with VitroGel Hydrogels




TheWell Bioscience 社は三次元・二次元細胞培養および実験動物などに使用できるハイドロゲルの開発・販売を行う会社で、2015 年にアメリカに設立されました。同社の創業者(現CEO)であるDr. John Huang に、同社の理念や製品の特長について伺いました。





(テクニカルサポート 試薬担当)

