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Ready to use laminin-511 fragment : Easy iMatrix-511 series

Date:September 05 2018Web Page No:81116

No more laborious calculation for dilution of coating matrix!
Easy iMatrix-511 / Easy iMatrix-511 silk

iMatrix-511, is the recombinant human Laminin-511 E8 fragment, produced by CHO-S cells or Transgenic silkworm cocoon.
They can reduce the risk of the xeno-components contamination in the culture.

Compared to regular iMatrix-511, Easy iMatrix-511 and Easy iMatrix-511 silk are ready to use format then do not require dilution step and laborious calculation of concentration.

Background of Laminin and Laminin fragment

Laminin is one of the extra cellular matrix (ECM)s located in the basement membrane of animals, and play an important role for cell adhesion and proliferation.Laminin is composed of three parts ; alpha, beta, and gamma - chain and 15 types of laminin is already known. Among them, Laminin composed by Alpha5-chain, Beta1-chain, and Gamma1-chain, is called "Laminin-511".

Laminin-511 is recognized by alpha6beta1 integrin. Cell adhision, extension and proliferation is caused by many cell signalings through intergrin.Laminin-511 E8 is the fragment of Laminin-511 obtained by enzyme digestion. Although this is fragment, it has binding ability to alpha6beta1 integrin.

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  • Ready to use
  • Works in various cells - especially good for iPS / ES cells
  • Reduce the risk of contamination by xeno-components in your culture system.
  • High cell viability and proliferation rate.

Note: This product contains recombinant human serum albumin for stabilization and improvement of activity.

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Advantage of using Laminin-511E8 fragment in ES/iPS cell culture

With conventional culture methods, cells die if ES/iPS cells are dispersed into single cells. Therefore, maintaining cell colony is necessary to a certain extent when passaging.

Using Laminin-511 E8 fragment as cell culture substrate enables to maintain and culture even a single ES/iPS.
- The period of time required for learning cell culture methods is reduced.
- The extension efficiency of cell culture is drastically enhanced.

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In the case of 6 well culture plate ... (9.6 cm2/well)
(1) Add 1.5 mL / well of Easy iMatrix-511 to the plate.
(2) Incubate the plate at 37℃ for a hour at RT or 4℃ for overnight.
(3) After (2), discard solution and start culture shortly. (DO NOT DRY!)

Caution : For iPS cells, recommended cell density is 2 - 3 x 10^3 cells/cm2.
However, culture condition must be optimized.

Click here for the extended culture protocol for hES/hiPS cells using iMatrix-511. (External site.)
Click here for the video for the passage procedure for hES/hiPS cells using iMatrix-511. (External site.)

See the product information of regular iMatrix-511 from here.

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Product Information

[Date : October 24 2024 00:07]

Detail Product Name Product Code Supplier Size Price
Easy iMatrix-511
DatasheetThis may not be the latest data sheet.
892018 MAX 100 ml $368

Storage 4°C,Dark Strage CAS

Easy iMatrix-511 silk
DatasheetThis may not be the latest data sheet.
892024 MAX 100 ml $317

Storage 4°C,Dark Strage CAS

[Date : October 24 2024 00:07]

Easy iMatrix-511

  • Product Code: 892018
  • Supplier: MAX
  • Size: 100ml
  • Price: $368

Storage 4°C,Dark Strage CAS

Easy iMatrix-511 silk

  • Product Code: 892024
  • Supplier: MAX
  • Size: 100ml
  • Price: $317

Storage 4°C,Dark Strage CAS

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  • Prices on our website are for your reference only. Please inquire your distributor for your prices.
  • Please note that Product Information or Price may change without notice.