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Live imaging fluorescent dye for lipid droplets (LDs) LipiDye II

Date:January 23 2018Web Page No:80682

Funakoshi Co.,Ltd.

LipiDye II is a highly sensitive lipid droplets staining reagent for long-term live cell imaging. In addition to its high lipid droplets specificity, LipiDye II shows low toxicity and extremely high photostability, making it useful for long-term observation over several days, live cell imaging of lipid droplet fusion and degradation processes, and visualization of small LDs using STED super resolution microscopy.

Staining image of adipocytes with LipiDye<sup>™</sup> II

Staining image of adipocytes with LipiDye II

Staining image of non-adipocytes with LipiDye<sup>™</sup> II

Staining image of non-adipocytes with LipiDye II


What is lipid droplet?

Lipid droplets (LDs) are organelles that are historically found in adipocytes and have a unique phospholipid monolayer and store neutral lipids such as triglycerides and sterol esters (Below figure left). LDs are thought to act as intracellular neutral lipid storage organs, and are often reported to be associated with obesity and diseases. In recent years, it has been reported that LDs are found not only in adipocytes but also in various other cell types, including hepatocytes, smooth muscle cells, and glial cells, and have various functions, such as metabolic control and regulation of gene expression, as well as their role as storage organs for neutral lipids, as classically known. LDs have been observed in a variety of cells, and it is known that LDs in non-adipocytes are less than 1 μm in diameter and much smaller than those in adipocytes (10-100 μm). The imaging reagent for the observation of small LDs in non-adipocyte has been expected, since existing reagents such as Nile Red stain other than LDs (low signal-to-noise ratio) and are unsuitable for live cell imaging and the observation method of small LDs has been limited to electron microscopy.

LipiDye II

Funakoshi provides a green fluorescent dye LipiDye (catalog no. #FDV-0010), which shows high sensitivity and selectivity for LDs and can detect approximately 1 μm sizes of LDs. Although LipiDye is a powerful tool to monitor small LDs in non-adipocytes, it isn’t suitable for long-term live cell imaging due to its photostability. LipiDye II is a novel lipid droplet detection reagent developed to overcome these issues. LipiDye II exhibits extremely high photostability and enables stable live cell imaging for a long time with low toxicity.

Schematic diagram of lipid droplet

Schematic diagram of lipid droplet

Lipid droplets of Adipocyte

Lipid droplets of Adipocyte

Lipid droplet of Adipocyte

Lipid droplet of Adipocyte

Lipid droplet of non-adipocytes

Lipid droplet of non-adipocytes

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  • In addition to the selective enrichment to LDs, the fluorescent dye emits light in response to a hydrophobic environment, thus suppressing emission in the cytoplasm, etc. and showing a high signal-to-noise ratio for LDs.
  • Capable of detecting small LDs (<1 μm) in non-adipocytes.
  • It exhibits extremely high photostability and is excellent for long-time live cell imaging.
  • Since it does not fade, it can be used for fluorescent observation of the lipid droplet degradation process.
  • At the recommended use concentration (0.1 to 1 μM), it shows almost no cytotoxicity. With the reagent added, the adipocyte differentiation process has been observed for up to 8 days.
  • Can be used for both live cells and fixed cells. Fixation treatment after staining of living cells is also possible.
  • Applicable to STED super resolution microscopy. LD of about 200 nm (FWHM) were observed.
  • Excitation/Fluorescence wavelengths: 400-500 nm / 490-600 nm (See below)

Fluorescence wavelengths (excitation and detection wavelengths)

  • Absorption maxima are 410 to 420 nm, but excitation is also possible with light sources in the 450 to 500 nm region. For details, please refer to ☞ Excitation and Fluorescence Spectrum.
  • Two-photon excitation with an 800 nm laser is available. For details, please refer to ☞ Observation of microglia using two-photon microscopy.
  • Multiple staining is possible, but wavelengths should be selected carefully. A dye with an excitation light of 500 nm or higher is recommended; if a common blue fluorescent dye that excites at 450 nm or lower is used, LipiDye II may be excited at the same time.

Light Source Example

  • Blue excitation lasers (405, 445, 458, 473 and 488 nm lasers)
  • Two-photon excitation with an 800 nm laser is available. For details, please refer to ☞ Observation of microglia using two-photon microscopy.
  • Multiple staining is possible, but wavelengths should be selected carefully. A dye with an excitation light of 500 nm or higher is recommended; if a common blue fluorescent dye that excites at 450 nm or lower is used, LipiDye II may be excited at the same time.
488 nm laser can excite LipiDye II but shows weak fluorescence compared with 473 nm excitation. If using 488 nm laser, please empirically optimize imaging conditions such as dye concentration etc. for your experiments.

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Superiority of LipiDye

NameColorExcitation lightStaining for
fixed cells
Staining for
live cells
Multicolor imagingS / N ratioPhoto-stabilityTime-lapse imaging
LipiDye IIGreen fluorecence400~500 nmHighExtremely High
LipiDyeGreen fluorecence400~470 nmHighHigh
Fluorecent dye BGreen fluorecence~480 nmMiddleLow
Nile RedRed fluorecence~510 nmLowLow
LDs staining dye ARedGreen fluorecence-High-
Oil Red ORed fluorecence--Low-

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Reference data

Excitation/Fluorescence Spectrum

Excitation spectra of LipiDye<sup>™</sup> II

Excitation spectra of LipiDye II
LipiDye II is a solvatochromic dye and shows a different spectrum in each solvent. The absorption spectrum is almost insensitive to the solvent, with absorption in the 380-500 nm range.

  • Recommended excitation light:405 nm, 445 nm, 458 nm, 473 nm laser
  • Available excitation light:488 nm laser(Due to the weak fluorescence intensity, optimization of condition including concentration is recommended in each experiment.)

Emission spectrum in various solvents

Emission spectrum in various solvents
LipiDye II is a solvatochromic dye and shows a different spectrum in each solvent. Under low polaric solvents like toluene and dichloromethane, LipiDye II emits from blue to green fluorescence with high quantum yield. On the other hand, under high polaric solvents like acetonitrile, DMSO and water LipiDye II exhibits a weak fluorescence intensity with a red shift fluorescence. This property allows the observation of hydrophobic environment-specific green fluorescence in fat droplets.

Fluorescence of the LDs

The spectrum of LDs in the cells stained with LipiDye II were scanned with a microscope to evaluate the fluorescence of the LDs, and a fluorescence spectrum with a maximum around 500 nm was observed.

Photostability of LipiDye II in the cell

Photostability of LipiDye<sup>™</sup> II in the cell

3T3-L1 adipocytes pre-fixed in 4% formaldehyde were stained with LipiDye II, prototype LipiDye and conventional LD dye (B). The free dyes were removed by washing and z-stack images (z=10 with a 2 um step) of the adipocytes in the same area were repeatedly acquired by confocal microscopy (Ex 473 nm/Em 490- 540 nm). The total fluorescence was measured, and normalized intensity was calculated. The fluorescent intensities from conventional dye B dramatically reduced by repeated light irradiation, including LipiDye gradually decreased. LipiDye II maintained its fluorescence at least 50 z-stack images (total 500 images). This reveals that LipiDye II exhibits extremely high photostability and is useful for long-term time-lapse imaging (including Z-stack imaging).

Cytotoxicity of LipiDye II

Cytotoxicity of LipiDye<sup>™</sup> II

3T3-L1 adipocytes were treated with various concentrations of LipiDye II for 24 hours. After incubation, cell viability was evaluated by MTT assay. The recommended concentration of LipiDye II for LD-staining is 0.1-1 uM. At least 5 uM showed little cytotoxicity on adipocytes and cytotoxicity was observed above 10 uM.

Comparison of the fluorescence intensity under live cell and after PFA fixation

Comparison of the fluorescence intensity under live cell and after PFA fixation

3T3-L1 adipocytes stained with LipiDye II and were observed under live cell conditions (left). After recording the live cell image, the cells were subsequently fixed with 4% PFA and observed by confocal microscopy. Fixation has little effect on the fluorescent intensity of LipiDye II. LipiDye II is compatible with any immunocytochemical experiments after the live cell imaging experiments.

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Application data

Staining of various cells
3T3-L1, HepG2, COS-7 and HeLa cells were stained with LipiDye II (1 µM) and observed by confocal microscopy (Ex. 473 nm/Em 490-540 nm). In the case of HepG2, cells were pretreated with fatty acids for one day before LipiDye II staining. In HeLa cells, small LDs of approximately 1 µM were clearly observed. (Scale bar: 20 µm, HeLa cell enlarged 5 µm). Staining of various cells with LipiDyeⅡ

Multicolor imaging with ER marker
COS7 cells expressing ER-resident red fluorescent protein (ER-mKO1) were stained with LipiDye II (1 uM) and observed by confocal microscopy (LipiDye II; Ex. 473 nm/Em 490-540 nm, ER-mKO1; Ex. 635 nm/Em 660-710 nm). Small LDs less than 1 um were frequently observed in the network structure of ER. (Scale bar: 20 um, 5 um and 1 um). This result correlates well with the fact that LDs are biosynthesized from the ER. Multicolor imaging with ER marker and LipiDyeⅡ

Long-term staining during adipocyte differentiation and maturation
Lipid droplet maturation of 3T3-L1 preadipocytes induced to differentiate into adipocytes was observed by confocal microscopy using LipiDye II (1 uM) for 8 days (excitation 473 nm / fluorescence 490-540 nm). 3T3-L1 cells were cultured in differentiation medium containing LipiDye II (1 uM) for 2 days and then the medium was replaced with maintenance medium containing LipiDye II (1 uM) every 2 days. The adipocyte maturation process could be observed even after long-term treatment with LipiDye II without any cytotoxicity or effect on adipocyte differentiation. Long term staining during adipocyte differentiation and maturation

Dynamic behavior analysis of newly formed LDs by live cell imaging
Newly formed LDs of 3T3-L1 preadipocytes during induction of differentiation into adipocytes were observed by long time-lapse imaging (Z-stack imaging) for about 24 hours (confocal microscopy: excitation 473 nm / fluorescence 490-540 nm, 20 z-images/10 min). Time-lapse imaging was started immediately after the addition of differentiation medium (containing LipiDye II) to 3T3-L1 previously stained with LipiDye II. After ~10 hours differentiation, small LDs were observed (650 min, white arrows) and some LDs were docking with other LDs during adipogenesis (950-1450 min, yellow arrow). (Scale bar; 1 um).
Time-lapse Z-stack imaging of adipogenesis

Time-lapse Z-stack imaging of lipolysis and lipogenesis
After the differentiated 3T3-L1 cells were treated with forskolin (10 μM), an activator of adenylyl cyclases, and IBMX (100 nM), an inhibitor of phosphodiesterases, time-lapse Z-stack imaging (15 z-images/4 min, for 800 min) were performed by confocal microscopy (Ex. 473 nm/Em 490-540 nm) to observe the lipid droplet shrinkage process associated with triacylglycerol degradation. Some large LDs clearly contracted (white arrows) and numerous newly formed small LDs were observed (yellow arrows) in a time-dependent manner. Since the high photostability and high S/N ratio of the LipiDye II allows us to observe even the smallest newly formed LDs, the increase and decrease of LDs can be quantitatively observed. Time-lapse Z-stack imaging of lipolysis and lipogenesis

Semi-quantitative analysis of cellular lipid droplets by fluorescent plate reader
Three cell lines (human renal cancer cell line 786-O, mouse neuroblastoma cell line Neuro2a, and Chinese hamster ovarian cell line CHO) were seeded in 96 well plate at 1 x 104 cell/well and cultured in DMEM containing 10% FBS (10% FBS/DMEM). After 24 hours, cells were treated with 10-200 uM oleic acid in 10% FBS/DMEM for further 24 hours to promote growth of lipid droplets. After washing cells, the cells were stained by 5 uM LipiDye II-containing 2% FBS/DMEM for 2 hours. Just before fluorescent plate leader measurement, cells were washed by PBS twice and fluorescent intensity (Ex 420 ±5 nm/Em 503 ±10 nm) of each well was measured. In all cell lines, oleic acid dose-dependency was observed.

Semi-quantitative analysis of cellular lipid droplets by fluorescent plate reader

Live-cell STED super resolution microscopy imaging of small LDs
HeLa cells were treated with 1 uM LipiDye II and small LDs were imaged by confocal microscopy (Ex 473 nm/ Em 490-540 nm) and STED microscopy (Ex 473 nm/ Em 500-640 nm, depletion laser 660 nm). STED imaging detected ~120 nm (FWHM) small LD, which was not clearly detected by confocal microscopy. Detailed STED imaging condition and analysis methods were described in original paper below.
Live-cell STED super resolution microscopy imaging

Observation of microglia using two-photon microscopy
LipiDye II (1 uM) was added to primary cultured rat microglia, stained overnight, fixed with 4% PFA, and observed with two-photon microscopy (excitation 800 nm / fluorescence 510-560 nm). LipiDye II can also be excited by two-photon excitation method and LDs of various sizes in primary cultured microglia could be detected.

Two-photon Imaging of Microglial LDs
*Data courtesy of Dr. Hyun Beom Choi and Dr. Brian MacVicar, The University of British Columbia.

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Original paper

  • Taki, M., et al., "Fused Thiophene-S,S-dioxide-Based Super-Photostable Fluorescent Marker for Lipid Droplets.", ACS Mater. Lett., 3(1), 42~49 (2021). ( reference

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Product Information

[Date : October 24 2024 00:07]

Detail Product Name Product Code Supplier Size Price
LipiDye II, Lipid Droplet Live Imaging
DatasheetThis may not be the latest data sheet.
FDV-0027 FNAFunakoshi Co.,Ltd. 0.1 mg $350

Storage RT CAS

Lipid Metabolism Detection Tools for Cancer Research

[Date : October 24 2024 00:07]

LipiDye II, Lipid Droplet Live Imaging

  • Product Code: FDV-0027
  • Supplier: FNA
  • Size: 0.1mg
  • Price: $350

Storage RT CAS

Lipid Metabolism Detection Tools for Cancer Research

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Lipid Metabolism

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Previous version: LipiDye

Reference data

Fig. 1 Comparison data between LipiDye and Nile Red

Fig. 1 Comparison data between LipiDye and Nile Red
Lipid droplet in Adipocyte is stained with LipiDye or Nile Red. Nile Red also stains cytoplasm, while LipiDye specifically stains lipid droplet clearly.
* General filter for green fluorescent (e.g. FITC or GFP, etc) is not compatible with LipiDye. Please use an appropriate filter.

Fig.2 Preadipocytes differentiation

Fig.2 Preadipocytes differentiation
Differentiation process of preadipocyte (adipose progenitor cell) : 3T3-L1 is observed with LipiDye. Along with differentiation, lipid droplet also becomes grows in size.

Fig.3 Application of LipiDye in both post-fixed and pre-fixed cells

Fig.3 Application of LipiDye in both post-fixed and pre-fixed cells
LipiDye is applied to cultured adipocytes after (left) or before (right) paraformaldehyde fixation. Regardless of fixation timing, LipiDye detects lipid droplet highly sensitive.

* Methanol fixation is not recommeded as it affect to the structure of lipid droplets. Please use cross-linking fixatives, such as paraformaldehyde.


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Product Information

[Date : October 24 2024 00:07]

Detail Product Name Product Code Supplier Size Price
LipiDye, Lipid Droplet Green
DatasheetThis may not be the latest data sheet.
FDV-0010 FNAFunakoshi Co.,Ltd. 0.1 mg $200

Description LipiDye is a highly sensitive, new fluorescent dye for lipid droplet. Compared to conventional lipid droplet detection dye (Nile Red or boron-dipyrromethene), LipidDye has higher S/N ratio and photo-stability. LipiDye can be used for both live and fixed cell.
Storage RT CAS

LipiDye, Lipid Droplet Green
DatasheetThis may not be the latest data sheet.
FDV-0010B FNAFunakoshi Co.,Ltd. 5x0.1 mg $500

Storage RT CAS

[Date : October 24 2024 00:07]

LipiDye, Lipid Droplet Green

  • Product Code: FDV-0010
  • Supplier: FNA
  • Size: 0.1mg
  • Price: $200

Description LipiDye is a highly sensitive, new fluorescent dye for lipid droplet. Compared to conventional lipid droplet detection dye (Nile Red or boron-dipyrromethene), LipidDye has higher S/N ratio and photo-stability. LipiDye can be used for both live and fixed cell.
Storage RT CAS

LipiDye, Lipid Droplet Green

  • Product Code: FDV-0010B
  • Supplier: FNA
  • Size: 5x0.1mg
  • Price: $500

Storage RT CAS

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