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Enzymes work at high temperature with high reactivity Thermostable Enzymes

Date:March 01 2015Web Page No:80387

Thermostable Enzyme Laboratory Co., Ltd.

Generally, enzymes in the living body are denatured and lose activities at the temperature over 50 - 60°C. However, thermostable enzymes obtained from special microorganisms (hyper-thermophilic microorganisms) alive at high temperature (over 70°C) have unique characteristics.
Using regular enzymes as a catalyst in chemical reactions are not cost effective due to its low stability and needs of additional enzyme.
By using these thermostable enzymes, we can expect not only cost saving but also other advantages - especially in the field of fine chemicals.


  • Highly stable and durable for long term use
  • High reactivity at high temperature (70 - 100°C)
  • Resistance to organic solvent is expected
  • Special instruments to inhibit bacterial growth are not required
  • Reaction speficity is much higher compared with chemical reaction
  • Speed of reaction can be accelerated

[Date : September 19 2024 00:08]

Detail Product Name Product Code Supplier Size Price
Alcohol Dehydrogenase YK1, Thermostable
DatasheetThis may not be the latest data sheet.
ADH-27-01 TELThermostable Enzyme Laboratory Co., Ltd. 1 ml $471

Description EC No.: Substrate: enanthaldehyde (acetaldehyde) Reaction product: 1-heptanol (alcohol) Reaction temperature : ~85℃ Reaction pH : 4.5~7.0
Storage -20°C CAS

Alcohol Dehydrogenase HI1, Thermostable
DatasheetThis may not be the latest data sheet.
ADH-73-01 TELThermostable Enzyme Laboratory Co., Ltd. 1 ml $330

Description EC No.: Substrate: propionaldehyde (aldehyde) Reaction product: 1-propanol (alcohol) Reaction temperature : ~65℃ Reaction pH : 4.5~7.0
Storage -20°C CAS

Alcohol dehydrogenase HI2, Thermostable
DatasheetThis may not be the latest data sheet.
ADH-73-02 TELThermostable Enzyme Laboratory Co., Ltd. 0.5 ml $198

Description EC No.: Substrate: butylaldehyde (aldehyde) Reaction product: 1-butanol (alcohol) Reaction temperature : - Reaction pH : 4.5~6.5
Storage -20°C CAS

Amyloglucosidase, Thermostable
DatasheetThis may not be the latest data sheet.
AGL-39-01 TELThermostable Enzyme Laboratory Co., Ltd. 5 ml $306

Description EC No.: Substrate:α-1,4-glucan Reaction product :glucose Reaction temperature : ~80℃ Reaction pH : 4.0~5.0
Storage -20°C CAS

Cellobiohydrolase HT1, Thermostable
DatasheetThis may not be the latest data sheet.
CBH-54-01 TELThermostable Enzyme Laboratory Co., Ltd. 5 ml $306

Description EC No.: Substrate: β-1,4-glucan (cellulose) Reaction product : cellobiose Reaction temperature : ~80℃ Reaction pH : 5.0~7.0
Storage -20°C CAS

Chitinase, Thermostable
DatasheetThis may not be the latest data sheet.
CTN-50-01 TELThermostable Enzyme Laboratory Co., Ltd. 1 ml $283

Description EC No.: Substrate: chitin Reaction product :chitobiose Reaction temperature : - Reaction pH : 3.0~8.0
Storage -20°C CAS

Cellulase Cel.5, Thermostable
EGL-50-02 TELThermostable Enzyme Laboratory Co., Ltd. 2 ml $236

Description Volume : 50ml、25ml EC No. : Substrate : β-1,4-glucan (cellulose) Reaction product : cellobiose Reaction pH : 4.5~7.0
Storage -20°C CAS

Cellulase HT1, Thermostable
DatasheetThis may not be the latest data sheet.
EGL-54-01 TELThermostable Enzyme Laboratory Co., Ltd. 5 ml $306

Description EC No.: Substrate: β-1,4-glucan (cellulose) Reaction product : cellobiose Reaction temperature : ~75℃ Reaction pH : 4.5~8.5
Storage -20°C CAS

Cellulase HT2, Thermostable
DatasheetThis may not be the latest data sheet.
EGL-54-02 TELThermostable Enzyme Laboratory Co., Ltd. 5 ml $306

Description EC No.: Substrate: β-1,4-glucan (cellulose) Reaction product : cellobiose Reaction temperature : ~80℃ Reaction pH : 5.0~7.0
Storage -20°C CAS

Cellulase HT3, Thermostable
DatasheetThis may not be the latest data sheet.
EGL-54-03 TELThermostable Enzyme Laboratory Co., Ltd. 5 ml $306

Description EC No.: Substrate: β-1,4-glucan (cellulose) Reaction product : cellobiose Reaction temperature : ~75℃ Reaction pH : 5.5~7.0
Storage -20°C CAS

Cellulase HT4, Thermostable
DatasheetThis may not be the latest data sheet.
EGL-54-04 TELThermostable Enzyme Laboratory Co., Ltd. 5 ml $306

Description EC No.: Substrate: β-1,4-glucan (cellulose) Reaction product: cellobiose Reaction temperature : ~80℃ Reaction pH : 4.0~6.0
Storage -20°C CAS

Expansin, Thermostable
DatasheetThis may not be the latest data sheet.
EXP-63-01 TELThermostable Enzyme Laboratory Co., Ltd. 2 ml $188

Storage -20°C CAS

beta-1,3-Glucanase A
DatasheetThis may not be the latest data sheet.
TGL-74-01 TELThermostable Enzyme Laboratory Co., Ltd. 1 ml $207

Description EC No.: Substrate: β-1,3-glucan Reaction product : β-1,3-glucan oligomer Reaction temperature : ~85℃ Reaction pH : 4.0~6.5
Storage -20°C CAS

β-1,3-Glucanase B, Thermostable
DatasheetThis may not be the latest data sheet.
TGL-75-01 TELThermostable Enzyme Laboratory Co., Ltd. 1 ml $207

Description EC No.: Substrate: β-1,3-glucan Reaction product : β-1,3-glucan oligomer Reaction temperature : ~90℃ Reaction pH : 4.0~8.0
Storage -20°C CAS

β-1,3-Glucanase C, Thermostable
DatasheetThis may not be the latest data sheet.
TGL-54-01 TELThermostable Enzyme Laboratory Co., Ltd. 1 ml $207

Description EC No.: Substrate: β-1,3-glucan Reaction product : β-1,3-glucan oligomer Reaction temperature : ~50℃ Reaction pH : 4.5~7.5
Storage -20°C CAS

Glucokinase, Thermostable
DatasheetThis may not be the latest data sheet.
GLK-97-01 TELThermostable Enzyme Laboratory Co., Ltd. 1 ml $188

Description EC No. : Substrate : glucose Reaction product : glucose-6-phosphate Reaction temperature : -80℃ Reaction pH : 7.5-11.0
Storage -20°C CAS

Glucose 1-Dehydrogenase, Thermostable
DatasheetThis may not be the latest data sheet.
GCD-41-01 TELThermostable Enzyme Laboratory Co., Ltd. 500 units $221

Description EC No.: Substrate: glucose Reaction product: gluconolactone Reaction temperature : ~70℃ Reaction pH : 5.0~8.0
Storage -20°C CAS

Glucose-6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase, Thermostable
DatasheetThis may not be the latest data sheet.
GLD-75-01 TELThermostable Enzyme Laboratory Co., Ltd. 1 ml $236

Description EC No.: Substrate: glucose-6-phosphate Reaction product: 6-phosphogluconate Reaction temperature : ~70℃ Reaction pH : 6.5~8.0
Storage -20°C CAS

β-Glucosidase HT1, Thermostable
DatasheetThis may not be the latest data sheet.
BGL-54-01 TELThermostable Enzyme Laboratory Co., Ltd. 1 ml $236

Description EC No.: Substrate: β-1,4-glucan (cellulose) Reaction product : glucose Reaction temperature : ~65℃ Reaction pH : 4.0~6.5
Storage -20°C CAS

Glyceraldehyde-3-Phosphate Dehydrogenase YK1, Thermostable
DatasheetThis may not be the latest data sheet.
GAP-97-01 TELThermostable Enzyme Laboratory Co., Ltd. 1 ml $283

Description EC No.: Substrate: glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate Reaction product : 1,3-bisphosphoglyceric acid Reaction temperature : ~70℃ Reaction pH : 8.0~11.0
Storage -20°C CAS

Glycerol Dehydrogenase HI1, Thermostable
DatasheetThis may not be the latest data sheet.
GDH-75-01 TELThermostable Enzyme Laboratory Co., Ltd. 15 units $221

Description EC No.: Substrate: 1,2-propandiol(or glycerol) Reaction product: hydroxiacetone (or dihydroxyacetone) Reaction temperature : ~100℃ Reaction pH : 7.0~10.0
Storage -20°C,Dark Strage CAS

Laccase YK1, Thermostable
DatasheetThis may not be the latest data sheet.
LAC-27-01 TELThermostable Enzyme Laboratory Co., Ltd. 1 ml $283

Description EC No.: Substrate: benzenndiol Reaction product: benzosemiquinone Reaction temperature : ~95℃ Reaction pH : 3.0~5.0
Storage -20°C CAS

Laccase YK1,Thermostable
DatasheetThis may not be the latest data sheet.
LAC-27-01 TELThermostable Enzyme Laboratory Co., Ltd. 2 ml $565

Storage -20°C CAS

Lactate Dehydrogenase 2, Thermostable
DatasheetThis may not be the latest data sheet.
LDH-97-01 TELThermostable Enzyme Laboratory Co., Ltd. 100 units $283

Description EC No.: Substrate: Reaction product: Reaction temperature : ~70℃ Reaction pH : 6.0~8.5
Storage -20°C CAS

β-1,4-Mannanase TT1, Thermostable
DatasheetThis may not be the latest data sheet.
MNN-75-01 TELThermostable Enzyme Laboratory Co., Ltd. 10 ml $236

Description EC No.: Substrate: mannan Reaction product: mannno-origosaccaharides、mannose Reaction temperature : ~100℃ Reaction pH : 4.5~7.0
Storage -20°C CAS

6-Phosphogluconate Dehydrogenase, Thermostable
DatasheetThis may not be the latest data sheet.
PGD-75-01 TELThermostable Enzyme Laboratory Co., Ltd. 1 ml $188

Description EC No.: Substrate: 6-phosphogluconate Reaction product: ribulose 5-phosphate + CO2 Reaction temperature : ~70℃ Reaction pH : 6.0~9.0
Storage -20°C CAS

Pullulanase KS1, Thermostable
DatasheetThis may not be the latest data sheet.
PLN-97-01 TELThermostable Enzyme Laboratory Co., Ltd. 5 ml $306

Description EC No.: Substrate: pullulan Reaction product : maltotriose Reaction temperature : ~90℃ Reaction pH : 4.5~7.0
Storage -20°C CAS

Pyruvate Kinase HI1, Thermostable
DatasheetThis may not be the latest data sheet.
PYK-75-01 TELThermostable Enzyme Laboratory Co., Ltd. 1 ml $188

Description EC No.: Substrate: phosphoenolpyruvic acid Reaction product : pyruvic acid Reaction temperature : ~75℃ Reaction pH : 5.0~8.0
Storage -20°C CAS

Pyruvate Kinase KS1, Thermostable
DatasheetThis may not be the latest data sheet.
PYK-88-01 TELThermostable Enzyme Laboratory Co., Ltd. 100 units $188

Description EC No.: Substrate: phosphoenolpyruvic acid Reaction product : pyruvic acid Reaction temperature : ~85℃ Reaction pH : 5.0~8.0
Storage -20°C CAS

Secondary alcohol dehydrogenase A, Thermostable
DatasheetThis may not be the latest data sheet.
SAD-75-01 TELThermostable Enzyme Laboratory Co., Ltd. 0.5 ml $306

Description EC No.: Substrate: 1,2-propanediol(secondary alcohol) Reaction product: hydroxyacetone(ketone) Reaction temperature : ~70℃ Reaction pH : 8.5~10.5
Storage -20°C CAS

Secondary alcohol dehydrogenase B, Thermostable
DatasheetThis may not be the latest data sheet.
SAD-75-02 TELThermostable Enzyme Laboratory Co., Ltd. 2.5 ml $306

Description EC No.: Substrate: 1,2-propanediol(secondary alcohol) Reaction product: hydroxyacetone(ketone) Reaction temperature : ~85℃ Reaction pH : 8.0~10.0
Storage -20°C CAS

Xylose isomerase A (Glucose isomerase A), Thermostable
DatasheetThis may not be the latest data sheet.
XYI-75-01 TELThermostable Enzyme Laboratory Co., Ltd. 5 ml $306

Description EC No.: Substrate: xylose Reaction product : xylulose Reaction temperature : - Reaction pH : 6.0~8.0
Storage -20°C CAS

β-Xylosidase YK1, Thermostable
DatasheetThis may not be the latest data sheet.
XYS-75-01 TELThermostable Enzyme Laboratory Co., Ltd. 1 ml $236

Description EC No.: Substrate: xylo-oligosaccharides Reaction product: xylose Reaction temperature : ~100℃ Reaction pH : 4.0~8.0
Storage -20°C CAS

[Date : September 19 2024 00:08]

Alcohol Dehydrogenase YK1, Thermostable

  • Product Code: ADH-27-01
  • Supplier: TEL
  • Size: 1ml
  • Price: $471

Description EC No.: Substrate: enanthaldehyde (acetaldehyde) Reaction product: 1-heptanol (alcohol) Reaction temperature : ~85℃ Reaction pH : 4.5~7.0
Storage -20°C CAS

Alcohol Dehydrogenase HI1, Thermostable

  • Product Code: ADH-73-01
  • Supplier: TEL
  • Size: 1ml
  • Price: $330

Description EC No.: Substrate: propionaldehyde (aldehyde) Reaction product: 1-propanol (alcohol) Reaction temperature : ~65℃ Reaction pH : 4.5~7.0
Storage -20°C CAS

Alcohol dehydrogenase HI2, Thermostable

  • Product Code: ADH-73-02
  • Supplier: TEL
  • Size: 0.5ml
  • Price: $198

Description EC No.: Substrate: butylaldehyde (aldehyde) Reaction product: 1-butanol (alcohol) Reaction temperature : - Reaction pH : 4.5~6.5
Storage -20°C CAS

Amyloglucosidase, Thermostable

  • Product Code: AGL-39-01
  • Supplier: TEL
  • Size: 5ml
  • Price: $306

Description EC No.: Substrate:α-1,4-glucan Reaction product :glucose Reaction temperature : ~80℃ Reaction pH : 4.0~5.0
Storage -20°C CAS

Cellobiohydrolase HT1, Thermostable

  • Product Code: CBH-54-01
  • Supplier: TEL
  • Size: 5ml
  • Price: $306

Description EC No.: Substrate: β-1,4-glucan (cellulose) Reaction product : cellobiose Reaction temperature : ~80℃ Reaction pH : 5.0~7.0
Storage -20°C CAS

Chitinase, Thermostable

  • Product Code: CTN-50-01
  • Supplier: TEL
  • Size: 1ml
  • Price: $283

Description EC No.: Substrate: chitin Reaction product :chitobiose Reaction temperature : - Reaction pH : 3.0~8.0
Storage -20°C CAS

Cellulase Cel.5, Thermostable

  • Product Code: EGL-50-02
  • Supplier: TEL
  • Size: 2ml
  • Price: $236

Description Volume : 50ml、25ml EC No. : Substrate : β-1,4-glucan (cellulose) Reaction product : cellobiose Reaction pH : 4.5~7.0
Storage -20°C CAS

Cellulase HT1, Thermostable

  • Product Code: EGL-54-01
  • Supplier: TEL
  • Size: 5ml
  • Price: $306

Description EC No.: Substrate: β-1,4-glucan (cellulose) Reaction product : cellobiose Reaction temperature : ~75℃ Reaction pH : 4.5~8.5
Storage -20°C CAS

Cellulase HT2, Thermostable

  • Product Code: EGL-54-02
  • Supplier: TEL
  • Size: 5ml
  • Price: $306

Description EC No.: Substrate: β-1,4-glucan (cellulose) Reaction product : cellobiose Reaction temperature : ~80℃ Reaction pH : 5.0~7.0
Storage -20°C CAS

Cellulase HT3, Thermostable

  • Product Code: EGL-54-03
  • Supplier: TEL
  • Size: 5ml
  • Price: $306

Description EC No.: Substrate: β-1,4-glucan (cellulose) Reaction product : cellobiose Reaction temperature : ~75℃ Reaction pH : 5.5~7.0
Storage -20°C CAS

Cellulase HT4, Thermostable

  • Product Code: EGL-54-04
  • Supplier: TEL
  • Size: 5ml
  • Price: $306

Description EC No.: Substrate: β-1,4-glucan (cellulose) Reaction product: cellobiose Reaction temperature : ~80℃ Reaction pH : 4.0~6.0
Storage -20°C CAS

Expansin, Thermostable

  • Product Code: EXP-63-01
  • Supplier: TEL
  • Size: 2ml
  • Price: $188

Storage -20°C CAS

beta-1,3-Glucanase A

  • Product Code: TGL-74-01
  • Supplier: TEL
  • Size: 1ml
  • Price: $207

Description EC No.: Substrate: β-1,3-glucan Reaction product : β-1,3-glucan oligomer Reaction temperature : ~85℃ Reaction pH : 4.0~6.5
Storage -20°C CAS

β-1,3-Glucanase B, Thermostable

  • Product Code: TGL-75-01
  • Supplier: TEL
  • Size: 1ml
  • Price: $207

Description EC No.: Substrate: β-1,3-glucan Reaction product : β-1,3-glucan oligomer Reaction temperature : ~90℃ Reaction pH : 4.0~8.0
Storage -20°C CAS

β-1,3-Glucanase C, Thermostable

  • Product Code: TGL-54-01
  • Supplier: TEL
  • Size: 1ml
  • Price: $207

Description EC No.: Substrate: β-1,3-glucan Reaction product : β-1,3-glucan oligomer Reaction temperature : ~50℃ Reaction pH : 4.5~7.5
Storage -20°C CAS

Glucokinase, Thermostable

  • Product Code: GLK-97-01
  • Supplier: TEL
  • Size: 1ml
  • Price: $188

Description EC No. : Substrate : glucose Reaction product : glucose-6-phosphate Reaction temperature : -80℃ Reaction pH : 7.5-11.0
Storage -20°C CAS

Glucose 1-Dehydrogenase, Thermostable

  • Product Code: GCD-41-01
  • Supplier: TEL
  • Size: 500units
  • Price: $221

Description EC No.: Substrate: glucose Reaction product: gluconolactone Reaction temperature : ~70℃ Reaction pH : 5.0~8.0
Storage -20°C CAS

Glucose-6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase, Thermostable

  • Product Code: GLD-75-01
  • Supplier: TEL
  • Size: 1ml
  • Price: $236

Description EC No.: Substrate: glucose-6-phosphate Reaction product: 6-phosphogluconate Reaction temperature : ~70℃ Reaction pH : 6.5~8.0
Storage -20°C CAS

β-Glucosidase HT1, Thermostable

  • Product Code: BGL-54-01
  • Supplier: TEL
  • Size: 1ml
  • Price: $236

Description EC No.: Substrate: β-1,4-glucan (cellulose) Reaction product : glucose Reaction temperature : ~65℃ Reaction pH : 4.0~6.5
Storage -20°C CAS

Glyceraldehyde-3-Phosphate Dehydrogenase YK1, Thermostable

  • Product Code: GAP-97-01
  • Supplier: TEL
  • Size: 1ml
  • Price: $283

Description EC No.: Substrate: glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate Reaction product : 1,3-bisphosphoglyceric acid Reaction temperature : ~70℃ Reaction pH : 8.0~11.0
Storage -20°C CAS

Glycerol Dehydrogenase HI1, Thermostable

  • Product Code: GDH-75-01
  • Supplier: TEL
  • Size: 15units
  • Price: $221

Description EC No.: Substrate: 1,2-propandiol(or glycerol) Reaction product: hydroxiacetone (or dihydroxyacetone) Reaction temperature : ~100℃ Reaction pH : 7.0~10.0
Storage -20°C,Dark Strage CAS

Laccase YK1, Thermostable

  • Product Code: LAC-27-01
  • Supplier: TEL
  • Size: 1ml
  • Price: $283

Description EC No.: Substrate: benzenndiol Reaction product: benzosemiquinone Reaction temperature : ~95℃ Reaction pH : 3.0~5.0
Storage -20°C CAS

Laccase YK1,Thermostable

  • Product Code: LAC-27-01
  • Supplier: TEL
  • Size: 2ml
  • Price: $565

Storage -20°C CAS

Lactate Dehydrogenase 2, Thermostable

  • Product Code: LDH-97-01
  • Supplier: TEL
  • Size: 100units
  • Price: $283

Description EC No.: Substrate: Reaction product: Reaction temperature : ~70℃ Reaction pH : 6.0~8.5
Storage -20°C CAS

β-1,4-Mannanase TT1, Thermostable

  • Product Code: MNN-75-01
  • Supplier: TEL
  • Size: 10ml
  • Price: $236

Description EC No.: Substrate: mannan Reaction product: mannno-origosaccaharides、mannose Reaction temperature : ~100℃ Reaction pH : 4.5~7.0
Storage -20°C CAS

6-Phosphogluconate Dehydrogenase, Thermostable

  • Product Code: PGD-75-01
  • Supplier: TEL
  • Size: 1ml
  • Price: $188

Description EC No.: Substrate: 6-phosphogluconate Reaction product: ribulose 5-phosphate + CO2 Reaction temperature : ~70℃ Reaction pH : 6.0~9.0
Storage -20°C CAS

Pullulanase KS1, Thermostable

  • Product Code: PLN-97-01
  • Supplier: TEL
  • Size: 5ml
  • Price: $306

Description EC No.: Substrate: pullulan Reaction product : maltotriose Reaction temperature : ~90℃ Reaction pH : 4.5~7.0
Storage -20°C CAS

Pyruvate Kinase HI1, Thermostable

  • Product Code: PYK-75-01
  • Supplier: TEL
  • Size: 1ml
  • Price: $188

Description EC No.: Substrate: phosphoenolpyruvic acid Reaction product : pyruvic acid Reaction temperature : ~75℃ Reaction pH : 5.0~8.0
Storage -20°C CAS

Pyruvate Kinase KS1, Thermostable

  • Product Code: PYK-88-01
  • Supplier: TEL
  • Size: 100units
  • Price: $188

Description EC No.: Substrate: phosphoenolpyruvic acid Reaction product : pyruvic acid Reaction temperature : ~85℃ Reaction pH : 5.0~8.0
Storage -20°C CAS

Secondary alcohol dehydrogenase A, Thermostable

  • Product Code: SAD-75-01
  • Supplier: TEL
  • Size: 0.5ml
  • Price: $306

Description EC No.: Substrate: 1,2-propanediol(secondary alcohol) Reaction product: hydroxyacetone(ketone) Reaction temperature : ~70℃ Reaction pH : 8.5~10.5
Storage -20°C CAS

Secondary alcohol dehydrogenase B, Thermostable

  • Product Code: SAD-75-02
  • Supplier: TEL
  • Size: 2.5ml
  • Price: $306

Description EC No.: Substrate: 1,2-propanediol(secondary alcohol) Reaction product: hydroxyacetone(ketone) Reaction temperature : ~85℃ Reaction pH : 8.0~10.0
Storage -20°C CAS

Xylose isomerase A (Glucose isomerase A), Thermostable

  • Product Code: XYI-75-01
  • Supplier: TEL
  • Size: 5ml
  • Price: $306

Description EC No.: Substrate: xylose Reaction product : xylulose Reaction temperature : - Reaction pH : 6.0~8.0
Storage -20°C CAS

β-Xylosidase YK1, Thermostable

  • Product Code: XYS-75-01
  • Supplier: TEL
  • Size: 1ml
  • Price: $236

Description EC No.: Substrate: xylo-oligosaccharides Reaction product: xylose Reaction temperature : ~100℃ Reaction pH : 4.0~8.0
Storage -20°C CAS

Other Thermostable enzymes are also available, visit our website and search by keyword "Thermostable".

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