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High Sensitivity, Short time Protein CBB staining QuickBlue Staining Solution

Date:February 03 2016Web Page No:46148

QuickBlue Staining Solution
saves your time and gives best band in CBB staining!

QuickBlue Staining Solution stains proteins in polyacrylamide gel after SDS gel electrophoresis (detection limit >=8 ng of protein) with *Coomassie(R)-G250. All processes including washing and destaining processes can be performed within 90 min.
After staining of gel (20 min), proteins can be seen before destaining.
Overnight staining and overnight destaining is allowable.

*This product has been featured in Nature Market Place.


  • Detection Limit : 8 ng (BSA) High Sensitivity!
  • Gel staining time : only 20 minutes. Very fast!
    - Protein bands of gel in QuickBlue Staining Solution can be observable after several minutes of staining.

  • All process can be finished within 90 minutes.
  • Acetic Acid and Ethanol are not required. Only deionized water is required for washing and destaining.
  • 500 mL of QuickBlue Staining Solution can stain about 20 mini-gels.
QuickBlue Staining Solution : High Sensitivity, Short time Protein CBB staining

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  1. Put acrylamide gel after SDS-PAGE into a tray containing 100-200 ml of deionized distilled water and wash the gel for 5 minutes, three times with gentle agitation.
  2. Discard water in the tray and add 25 ml of QuickBlue Staining Solution to one piece of mini gel (8 x 10 cm, 1 mm thick). Stain the gel for 20 min with gentle agitation.
  3. After QuickBlue Staining Solution in the tray is discarded, rinse the gel with deionized water and add fresh 100-200 ml of deionized water in the tray. Destain the gel over 1 hr with gentle agitation.
    Change deionized water to fresh one when the water in the tray turn to be blue. Incubation time required for destaining depends on staining time. Repeat destaining, if background is high.

[Date : July 27 2024 00:10]

Detail Product Name Product Code Supplier Size Price
Quick Blue Staining Solution
DatasheetThis may not be the latest data sheet.
DS500 BDLBioDynamics Laboratory Inc 500 ml $110

Description QuickBlue Staining Solution stains proteins in polyacrylamide gel after SDS gel electrophoresis (detection limit >= 8 ng of protein) with *CoomassieR-G250. All processes including washing and destaining processes can be performed in 1.5 hr. After staining of gel (20 min), proteins can be seen before destaining. Overnight staining and overnight destaining is allowable.
Storage 4°C CAS

Molecular Biology Product List

[Date : July 27 2024 00:10]

Quick Blue Staining Solution

  • Product Code: DS500
  • Supplier: BDL
  • Size: 500ml
  • Price: $110

Description QuickBlue Staining Solution stains proteins in polyacrylamide gel after SDS gel electrophoresis (detection limit >= 8 ng of protein) with *CoomassieR-G250. All processes including washing and destaining processes can be performed in 1.5 hr. After staining of gel (20 min), proteins can be seen before destaining. Overnight staining and overnight destaining is allowable.
Storage 4°C CAS

Molecular Biology Product List

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  • Please note that Product Information or Price may change without notice.