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DMSO-free Cell Freezing (Cryopreserving) Medium StemCell Keep & Cryoscarless DMSO-Free

Date:June 12 2020Web Page No:46011

Let’s preserve your cells without DMSO and serum

StemCell Keep-Appearance CryoScarless-Appearance Zeno Free

For cryopreservation of stem cells = StemCell Keep (#VPL-A1)
For cryopreservation of various cells = Cryoscarless DMSO-Free (#CPL-A1)


Existent problem of preservation media contains DMSO
DMSO, which is commonly added to freezing medium as a cryoprotectant, it is known to be harmful to human and is particularly highly absorbed through the skin. DMSO is not only cytotoxic, but also has been shown to affect cell differentiation, as reported below. Therefore, in order to obtain more accurate experimental results, DMSO-free condition is recommended.

  • Human myeloid leukemia cell line HL-60 differentiates into granulocytes by DMSO.
    Jiang, G., et al., Int. Immunopharmacol., 6 (7), 1204~1213 (2006)
  • Mouse bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells differentiate into cardiomyocytes by DMSO.
    Young, D. A., et al., Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun., 322 (3), 759~765 (2004)
  • Cryopreservation of human ES cells in DMSO solution decreases the expression of Oct-4, an undifferentiated marker.
    Katkov, I. I., et al., Cyobiology, 53 (2), 194~205 (2006)
The existing vitrified cryopreservation solution, DAP213, contains acetamide which has been pointed out as carcinogenic, and high concentration of DMSO. Due to the high solute concentration, it has been shown to cause osmotic toxicity too.
The survival rate of DAP213 after thawing decreases significantly if it is not frozen within 10-30 seconds. However, StemCell Keep is easy to operate because it should be stored within 1 minute. No skill is required.

What is vitrification?
Vitrification is a method in which cells are frozen in an amorphous glassy state by rapidly immersing them directly in liquid nitrogen to prevent water from crystallizing. Since there is no volume expansion of water, there is little damage to the cells. The survival rate of primate ES/iPS cells after thawing is very low with conventional freezing methods, so vitrification is recommended. However, because vitrification requires a high solute concentration, there is a problem that cell toxicity due to solutes tends to be high. Therefore, the appearance of cryopreservation solutions with low toxicity has been awaited. As a better vitrification solution, StemCell Keep has been developed.

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StemCell Keep Features

For cryopreservation of stem cells

  • Does not contain DMSO or animal proteins, which are said to affect differentiation
  • Can be cryopreserved while maintaining colonies by vitrification
  • Can be cryopreserved while maintaining pluripotency (undifferentiated state) of stem cells
  • A new, highly safe cryoprotectant (patent pending) can be used to cryopreserve colonies of ES/iPS cells more efficiently because of its enhanced cytoprotection and vitrification.
  • Sufficient for 100 vials, when used according to the protocol
  • Free of bacteria, fungi and mycoplasma contamination are confirmed by sterility tests.
  • Can be stored stably at 4°C for a long time (shelf life: 2 years after manufactured)
  • Free trial sample is available. (Please contact your local distributor)
StemCell Keep and Cryoscarless DMSO-Free : StemCell Keep

Cryopreservation of human iPS cells

Human iPS cells were frozen and stored in a existing vitrification solution (DAP213) and StemCell Keep for 1 week. The colony formation rate on the day after thawing and the cell number (recovery rate) after 4 days are shown as a percentage (%) compared with a non-frozen group. The frozen cells with StemCell Keep clearly showed a higher protective effect.

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Cryoscarless Features

For cryopreservation of various cells

  • Since it contains no serum or proteins, it is not affected by proteins such as albumin and globulin.
  • Since there is no DMSO-toxicity and protein effect, it is possible to cryopreserve cells safely and with high survival rate.
  • Most cells have >90% survival rate after freezing and thawing.
  • The cryopreservation effect has been shown in various cells such as human/mouse normal cells, tumor cell lines, and stem cells.
  • Stem cells can also be cryopreserved while maintaining their differentiation potential.
  • Suitable for serum-free culture
  • Free of bacteria, fungi and mycoplasma contamination are confirmed by sterility tests.
  • Can be stored stably at 4°C for a long time (shelf life: 2 years after manufactured)
  • Free trial sample is available. (Please contact your local distributor)
Cryopreserving medium without DMSO and Serum : Cryoscarless DMSO-Free

Differentiation of rat mesenchymal stem cells

Rat mesenchymal stem cells were frozen with Cryoscarless. After thawing, the differentiation ability was compared with non-frozen group and 10%DMSO. The differentiation ability of the cells frozen with Cryoscarless was well maintained.

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Q-1. Is Certificate of Analysis available?

A-1. Yes.

Q-2. Are the products GMP grade?

A-2. No. However, products are manufactured in GMP-compliant facility.

Q-3. Are the products animal-free?

A-3. Yes. Both CryoScarless DMSO-Free and StemCell Keep are animal-free, xeno-free and chemically defined.

Q-4. Is phenol red contained in the product?

A-4. Both CryoScarless DMSO-free and StemCell Keep do not contain phenol red.

CryoScarless DMSO-Free

Q-1. What is the composition of CryoScarless DMSO-free?

A-1. Composition is not disclosed. However, as an effective ingredient, carboxylated poly-L-lysine (cPLL) is contained. CryoScarless DMSO-free is also protein-free and animal free.

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Product Information

StemCell Keep

StemCell Keep flyer Flyer PDF download

[Date : January 15 2025 00:07]

Detail Product Name Product Code Supplier Size Price
StemCell Keep
DatasheetThis may not be the latest data sheet.
VPL-A1 BVDBMG Inc. 20 ml $150

Description StemCell Keep is a highly efficient cryopreserving solution (cell freezing medium) by vitrification for primate ES and iPS cells. Features 1. Animal-derived Protein-free and DMSO-free formulation. No risk of differentiation effect by DMSO. 2. Maintain ES and iPS cells with colony formation by vitrification. 3. Maintain stem cell pluripotency after thawing. 4. High cytoprotection effect and vitrification technology by new original cryoprotectant material is allowed to cryopreserve ES and iPS cell colonies.
Storage 4°C CAS

[Date : January 15 2025 00:07]

StemCell Keep

  • Product Code: VPL-A1
  • Supplier: BVD
  • Size: 20ml
  • Price: $150

Description StemCell Keep is a highly efficient cryopreserving solution (cell freezing medium) by vitrification for primate ES and iPS cells. Features 1. Animal-derived Protein-free and DMSO-free formulation. No risk of differentiation effect by DMSO. 2. Maintain ES and iPS cells with colony formation by vitrification. 3. Maintain stem cell pluripotency after thawing. 4. High cytoprotection effect and vitrification technology by new original cryoprotectant material is allowed to cryopreserve ES and iPS cell colonies.
Storage 4°C CAS

CryoScarless DMSO-free

CryoScarless, DMSO-free flyer Flyer PDF download

[Date : January 15 2025 00:07]

Detail Product Name Product Code Supplier Size Price
CryoScarless DMSO-Free
DatasheetThis may not be the latest data sheet.
CPL-A1 BVDBMG Inc. 100 ml $93

Description Citation : Stem Cell Research & Therapy20189:25 https://stemcellres.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s13287-017-0761-5 CryoScarless DMSO-Free is a serum-free and dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO)-free cell freezing medium for long-term storage at -80℃ or in liquid nitrogen. Features 1. Serum-free and DMSO-free formulation. 2. High cell viability, and no risk of both cytotoxicity of DMSO and contamination by serum-derived proteins. 3. Consistent and high cell viability after thawing (> 90% for most of the cell lines).
Storage 4°C CAS

[Date : January 15 2025 00:07]

CryoScarless DMSO-Free

  • Product Code: CPL-A1
  • Supplier: BVD
  • Size: 100ml
  • Price: $93

Description Citation : Stem Cell Research & Therapy20189:25 https://stemcellres.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s13287-017-0761-5 CryoScarless DMSO-Free is a serum-free and dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO)-free cell freezing medium for long-term storage at -80℃ or in liquid nitrogen. Features 1. Serum-free and DMSO-free formulation. 2. High cell viability, and no risk of both cytotoxicity of DMSO and contamination by serum-derived proteins. 3. Consistent and high cell viability after thawing (> 90% for most of the cell lines).
Storage 4°C CAS

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  • Please note that Product Information or Price may change without notice.