抗53BP1抗体 | Anti-53BP1 Antibody

掲載日情報:2018/07/09 現在Webページ番号:46842

世界最大級の抗体製品数を取り扱うNovus Biologicals社の53BP1に対する抗体(anti-53BP1 | antibody 53BP1)です。Novus Biologicals社の抗体は数多くの学術論文で使用実績があります。




[在庫・価格 :2024年06月15日 17時55分現在]

※ 表示されている納期は弊社に在庫が無く、取り寄せた場合の納期目安となります。
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納期 文献数
Anti-53BP1, Rabbit-Poly <Anti-p53 Binding Protein 1>
3~4週間 ※ 表示されている納期は弊社に在庫がなく、取り寄せた場合の目安納期となります。 41
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Keywords:53BP1|MGC138366|p202|p53-binding protein 1|p53BP1|53BP1FLJ41424|tumor protein 53-binding protein|1|tumor protein p53 binding protein 1|tumor protein p53-binding protein|tumor suppressor p53-binding protein 1
Genbank No: 7158
Protein Accession No: Q12888
別包装品 別包装品あり
保存条件 -20℃ 法規備考
抗原種 Human 免疫動物 Rabbit クラス IgG 標識 Unlabeled
交差性 Bat/Bovine/Canine/Human/Mouse/Naked mole-rat/Rat 適用 ChIP,FCM,IC,IF,IHC,Western Blot
クロナリティ Polyclonal フォーマット 性状 Affinity Purified 吸収処理

製品記事 抗53BP1抗体 | Anti- 53BP1 antibody

[在庫・価格 :2024年06月15日 17時55分現在]

※ 表示されている納期は弊社に在庫が無く、取り寄せた場合の納期目安となります。

Anti-53BP1, Rabbit-Poly <Anti-p53 Binding Protein 1>

文献数: 41

説明文 Keywords:53BP1|MGC138366|p202|p53-binding protein 1|p53BP1|53BP1FLJ41424|tumor protein 53-binding protein|1|tumor protein p53 binding protein 1|tumor protein p53-binding protein|tumor suppressor p53-binding protein 1
Genbank No: 7158
Protein Accession No: Q12888
別包装品 別包装品あり
保存条件 -20℃ 法規備考
抗原種 Human 免疫動物 Rabbit
交差性 Bat/Bovine/Canine/Human/Mouse/Naked mole-rat/Rat 適用 ChIP,FCM,IC,IF,IHC,Western Blot
標識 Unlabeled 性状 Affinity Purified
吸収処理 クラス IgG
クロナリティ Polyclonal フォーマット

製品記事 抗53BP1抗体 | Anti- 53BP1 antibody



Immunocytochemistry/Immunofluorescence: 53BP1 Antibody [NB100-305] - HeLa cells were fixed for 10 minutes using 10% formalin and then permeabilized for 5 minutes using 1X TBS + 0.5% Triton-X100. The cells were incubated at a 1:200 dilution overnight at 4C and detected with and anti-rabbit Dylight 488 (Green) at a 1:500 dilution. Alpha tubulin was used as a co-stain at a 1:1000 dilution and detected with and anti-mouse Dylight 550 (Red) at a 1:500 dilution. Nuclei were counterstained with DAPI (Blue). Cells were imaged using a 40X objective.
Western Blot: 53BP1 Antibody [NB100-305] - Sample: Whole cell lysate (20 ug/lane) from U2Os cells resolved on a 3 to 8 percent trisacetate gel.
Immunocytochemistry/Immunofluorescence: 53BP1 Antibody [NB100-305] - Analysis in HeLa cells with Dylight 488 (green). Nuclei and alpha-tubulin were counterstained with DAPI (blue) and Dylight 550 (red).
Immunohistochemistry: 53BP1 Antibody [NB100-305] - Placenta, Villi 40X



53BP1 (p53 binding protein 1) plays a key role in response to DNA damage, checkpoint signaling during mitosis and enhancing TP53-mediated transcriptional activation. Originally identified as p53's transcriptional enhancing partner, 53BP1 now has been established as a substrate for ATM (ataxia telangiectasia mutated) signaling and that it relocalizes to discrete foci overlapping with gamma H2AX (phosphorylated histone H2AX); demarcating DNA double strand breaks (DSBs) sites following exposure to radiation. 53BP1 functions downstream of gamma H2AX-dependent hierarchy of proteins that collectively establish IRIF (ionizing radiation induced foci) at DSBs; this hierarchy includes Mre11/Rad50/NBS1 (MRN complex), ATM, MDC1, RNF8, RNF168 and HERC2. With the exception of ATM, whose function to generate gamma H2AX may be partially compensated by the activity of DNA-PK (DNA-dependent kinase), all of these proteins are physically and functionally required to recruit 53BP1 to the DSB site. Briefly, this process involves DSB recognition by MRN, ATM activation, gamma H2AX-formation, MDC1-recruitment, MRN-retention (leading to further ATM-activation and gamma H2AX spreading) and RNF8/RNF168/HERC2-mediated histone H2A and H2AX mono and poly-ubiquitination.



(テクニカルサポート 試薬担当)

