抗Syndecan-3抗体(Anti-Syndecan-3, Goat-Poly, APC antibody)

掲載日情報:2018/11/26 現在Webページ番号:195508

Syndecan-3に対する抗体(Anti-Syndecan-3, Goat-Poly, APC )です。


[在庫・価格 :2024年06月04日 00時00分現在]

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Anti-Syndecan-3, Goat-Poly, APC
10日程度 ※ 表示されている納期は弊社に在庫がなく、取り寄せた場合の目安納期となります。 4
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Genbank No: 9672
Protein Accession No: O75056
保存条件 4℃,暗所保存,凍結禁止 法規備考
抗原種 Human 免疫動物 Goat クラス IgG 標識 APC
交差性 Human 適用 FCM
クロナリティ Polyclonal フォーマット 性状 Antigen Affinity Purified 吸収処理

製品記事 Anti-human Phospho-STAT3 (S727) Polyclonal Antibody

[在庫・価格 :2024年06月04日 00時00分現在]

※ 表示されている納期は弊社に在庫が無く、取り寄せた場合の納期目安となります。

Anti-Syndecan-3, Goat-Poly, APC

文献数: 4

説明文 別名:KIAA0468
Genbank No: 9672
Protein Accession No: O75056
保存条件 4℃,暗所保存,凍結禁止 法規備考
抗原種 Human 免疫動物 Goat
交差性 Human 適用 FCM
標識 APC 性状 Antigen Affinity Purified
吸収処理 クラス IgG
クロナリティ Polyclonal フォーマット

製品記事 Anti-human Phospho-STAT3 (S727) Polyclonal Antibody


Product Details

Species ReactivityHuman
ImmunogenMouse myeloma cell line NS0-derived recombinant human Syndecan-3Gln48-Lys383Accession # O75056
SourcePolyclonal Goat IgG
PurificationAntigen Affinity-purified
SpecificityDetects human Syndecan-3 in direct ELISAs and Western blots. In direct ELISAs, approximately 40% cross-reactivity with recombinant mouse Syndecan-3 is observed and less than 1% cross-reactivity with recombinant mouse Syndecan-4 and recombinant human Syndecan-2 is observed.


Applications and Data

Flow Cytometry10 µL/106 cellsSee below

Flow Cytometry
Detection of Syndecan‑3 in A172 Human Cell Line by Flow Cytometry.
A172 human glioblastoma cell line was stained with Goat Anti-Human Syndecan‑3 APC‑conjugated Antigen Affinity-purified Polyclonal Antibody (Catalog # FAB3539A, filled histogram) or isotype control antibody (Catalog # IC108A, open histogram). View our protocol for Staining Membrane-associated Proteins. 


Related Product & Information

Syndecan-3, also called N-syndecan, is one of four vertebrate syndecans that are principal carriers of heparan sulfate and chondroitin sulfate glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) (1‑3). These type 1 transmembrane proteins show conserved cytoplasmic domains and divergent extracellular domains (1‑3). Human Syndecan-3 is synthesized as a 442 amino acid (aa) core protein with a 44 aa signal sequence, a 343 aa extracellular domain (ECD), a 21 aa transmembrane (TM) region and a 34 aa cytoplasmic tail with a binding site for PDZ domains (1). The ECD of human Syndecan-3 shares 83%, 83%, 92%, 91% and 91% aa identity with of mouse, rat, equine, bovine and canine Syndecan-3, respectively. Splice isoforms of 384 aa and 346 aa, containing either a 28 aa substitution for aa 1‑86 or deletion of aa 1‑96, have been reported (4). Syndecan-3 contains four conserved closely-spaced GAG attachment sites near the N-terminus and unique threonine-rich and mucin-like sequences near the membrane (4). Addition of glycan side chains results in an apparent size of 120‑150 kDa. Non-covalent homodimerization of Syndecan-3 or, potentially, heterodimerization with Syndecan-2 or -4, is dependent on the transmembrane domain (5). A cleavage site near the TM domain allows shedding of soluble ECD; the remainder of the molecule undergoes regulated intramembrane proteolysis (6). Syndecan-3 is expressed in the nervous system and at limb buds during development (1, 2). It is expressed on neuronal axons and Schwann cell perinodal processes, promoting nerve cell migration and synapse formation (7, 8). Roles in memory and body weight regulation have been described (2, 9, 10). Through localization of growth factors such as FGF2, HGF and TGF-beta, it regulates expression of molecules important for differentiation of muscle and bone, such as myogenin, BMP-2 and hedgehog family members (1, 2, 11‑13). In adults, it is upregulated during regeneration, such as following myocardial infarction (14).



R&D Systems personnel manually curate a database that contains references using R&D Systems products. The data collected includes not only links to publications in PubMed, but also provides information about sample types, species, and experimental conditions.
  1. Molecular mechanisms linking high dose medroxyprogesterone with HIV-1 risk.
    Authors: Irvin S, Herold B
    PLoS ONE, 2015;10(3):e0121135.
    Species: Human
    Sample Type: Whole Cells
    Application: Flow



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