Human Slit2組換え体(リコンビナント)タンパク質 | Recombinant Human Slit2

掲載日情報:2015/10/14 現在Webページ番号:177649

R&D Systems社製の高品質なHuman Slit2の組換え体タンパク質(Recombinant Human Slit2)です。



[在庫・価格 :2024年09月19日 16時15分現在]

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Recombinant Human Slit2, CF
10日程度 ※ 表示されている納期は弊社に在庫がなく、取り寄せた場合の目安納期となります。 1
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純度:>90%, by SDS-PAGE visualized with Silver Staining and quantitative densitometry by Coomassie® Blue Staining.,由来動物:Human,M.W.:123 kDa,Genbank:9353,エンドトキシンレベル:<0.10 EU per 1 µg of the protein by the LAL method.,産生:HEK293
Genbank No: 9353
Protein Accession No: O94813
保存条件 -20℃ 法規備考

関連記事 SlitおよびROBO組換えタンパク質

[在庫・価格 :2024年09月19日 16時15分現在]

※ 表示されている納期は弊社に在庫が無く、取り寄せた場合の納期目安となります。

Recombinant Human Slit2, CF

文献数: 1

説明文 純度:>90%, by SDS-PAGE visualized with Silver Staining and quantitative densitometry by Coomassie® Blue Staining.,由来動物:Human,M.W.:123 kDa,Genbank:9353,エンドトキシンレベル:<0.10 EU per 1 µg of the protein by the LAL method.,産生:HEK293
Genbank No: 9353
Protein Accession No: O94813
保存条件 -20℃ 法規備考

関連記事 SlitおよびROBO組換えタンパク質

[在庫・価格 :2024年09月19日 16時15分現在]

※ 表示されている納期は弊社に在庫が無く、取り寄せた場合の納期目安となります。
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[在庫・価格 :2024年09月19日 16時15分現在]

※ 表示されている納期は弊社に在庫が無く、取り寄せた場合の納期目安となります。






R&D Systems社組換え体タンパク質製品では通常ウシ血清アルブミン(BSA)をキャリアタンパク質として加えています。キャリアタンパク質を加えることで組換え体タンパク質の安定性が高まり、使用期限が長くなります。また、より濃度の低い溶液での保管も可能となります。CF製品はBSAが含まれない製品となります。一般的に細胞培養や、ELISAのスタンダードにはBSA含有製品を推奨しています。CF製品はBSAが影響してしまうアプリケーションに推奨されます。



Slit Homolog 2 (Slit2) is a member of the Slit family of secreted extracellular matrix glycoproteins that are best known for their role in axon guidance (1). It is widely expressed in the developing and adult brain and spinal cord, as well as in fetal lung and kidney, and the adult adrenal gland, thyroid gland, and trachea (1-3). Slit2 is composed of multiple domains including seven EGF-like domains, 20 Leucine-rich repeats (LRRs), one Laminin G-like domain, one C-terminal cysteine knot-like (CTCK) domain, and 4 N-terminal and 4 C-terminal LRR domains (1, 3). Slit2 has a molecular weight of approximately 200 kDa (4). However, proteolytic cleavage between the fifth and sixth EGF-like domains produces a membrane-bound 140 kDa N-terminal protein, termed Slit2-N, and a 55-60 kDa C-terminal fragment, termed Slit2-C (4, 5). Mature human Slit2 shares 96% amino acid sequence identity with the mouse and rat orthologs.

Slit2 has been shown to bind to multiple receptors including ROBO-1, -2, -3, and -4, Laminin-1, DAN, Gremlin, and Glypican-1 (1, 6-8). Depending upon the target, Slit2 can promote a number of diverse effects. Slit2 regulates axon guidance by binding to ROBO receptors and initiating axon repulsion (1, 5, 9-12). Slit2 has also been shown to induce growth cone collapse, inhibit oligodendrocyte precursor cell migration, and promote axon elongation, branch formation, and fasciculation (5, 13-16). Additionally, Slit2-N and Slit2-C have been shown to have distinct activities. Slit2-N binds to ROBO-1 and repels motor axon migration, while Slit2-C binds to Glypican-1 and promotes motor axon migration (5). Outside the nervous system, Slit2 plays a role in a wide range of biological processes including cell adhesion and migration, tumor progression and metastasis, angiogenesis, lymphangiogenesis, HIV-1 replication, platelet function and thrombus formation, and stem cell senescence (1, 8, 17-30).


Product Details

Purity >90%, by SDS-PAGE with silver staining.
Activity Measured by its ability to enhance neurite outgrowth of E16-E18 rat embryonic cortical neurons. Recombinant Mouse Slit2 immobilized at 2.5 μg/mL is able to significantly induce neurite outgrowth.
Source Human embryonic kidney cell, HEK293-derived Gln26-Val1118, with a C-terminal 6-His tag
Accession # Q9R1B9 O94813
N-terminal Sequence Analysis No results obtained. Gln26 inferred from enzymatic pyroglutamate treatment revealing Ala27
Predicted Molecular Mass 123 kDa
SDS-PAGE 120-144 kDa, reducing conditions



(テクニカルサポート 試薬担当)
