抗Carbonic Anhydrase IX/CA9抗体 | Anti- Carbonic Anhydrase IX/CA9 antibody

掲載日情報:2018/08/30 現在Webページ番号:56387

世界最大級の抗体製品数を取り扱うNovus Biologicals社のCarbonic Anhydrase IX/CA9に対する抗体(anti-Carbonic Anhydrase IX/CA9 | antibody Carbonic Anhydrase IX/CA9)です。Novus Biologicals社の抗体は数多くの学術論文で使用実績があります。


PE, AlexaFluor, FITC, DyLight などの蛍光を含む、さまざまな標識体も取り扱っています。


Immunohistochemistry-Paraffin: Carbonic Anhydrase IX/CA9 Antibody [NB100-417] - IHC analysis of a formain fixed paraffin embedded (FFPE) tissue section of human breast cancer using CAIX antibody at 1:1000 dilution. The primary antibody bound to CAIX antigens in the tissue section was detected using a HRP labeled secondary antibody and DAB reagent. Nuclei of the cells were counterstained with hematoxylin. This CAIX antibody generated an expected cytoplasmic staining of CAIX protein with an intense signal around the cellular membranes in tumor cores. The latter are more likely to be hypoxic in growing tumors which signifies that the observed CAIX staining is specific.
Western Blot: Carbonic Anhydrase IX/CA9 Antibody [NB100-417] - Analysis in 1) HeLa, 2) MDA-MB-231 and 3) A549 whole cell lysates.
Biological Strategies Validation. Immunocytochemistry/Immunofluorescence: Carbonic Anhydrase IX/CA9 Antibody [NB100-417] - Immunofluorescence of human RCC tumor cryosections using NB100-417 (Panel A). Panel B shows staining with normal rabbit serum.
Immunohistochemistry-Frozen: Carbonic Anhydrase IX/CA9 Antibody [NB100-417] - Analysis of human colon carcinoma, xenografted in mice. Image courtesy of an anonymous product review.
Genetic Strategies Validation. Immunocytochemistry/Immunofluorescence: Carbonic Anhydrase IX/CA9 Antibody [NB100-417] - Analysis of HRP conjugate of NB100-417. HEK 293 cells using NB100-417. Panel A shows CAIX-transfected cells (epitope-unmasked with SDS) and panel B shows mock transfected cells.
Immunohistochemistry: Carbonic Anhydrase IX/CA9 Antibody [NB100-417] - Analysis using the Biotin conjugate. Staining of Renal carcinoma tissue.
Simple Western: Carbonic Anhydrase IX/CA9 Antibody [NB100-417] - Simple Western lane view shows a specific band for CAIX in 0.1 mg/ml of HeLa lysate. This experiment was performed under reducing conditions using the 12-230 kDa separation system.
Genetic Strategies Validation. Western Blot: Carbonic Anhydrase IX/CA9 Antibody [NB100-417] - Analysis using the HRP conjugate. Analysis in transfected HEK cell lysate. Rabbit IgG was used as a negative control.
Immunocytochemistry/Immunofluorescence: Carbonic Anhydrase IX/CA9 Antibody [NB100-417] - A431 cells were fixed for 10 minutes using 10% formalin and then permeabilized for 5 minutes using 1X PBS + 0.05% Triton-X100. The cells were incubated with anti-CAIX at 2 ug/ml overnight at 4C and detected with an anti-rabbit Dylight 488 (Green) at a 1:500 dilution. Nuclei were counterstained with DAPI (Blue). Cells were imaged using a 40X objective.
Flow Cytometry: Carbonic Anhydrase IX/CA9 Antibody [NB100-417] - An intracellular stain was performed on U-87 MG Cells with NB100-417 and a matched isotype control. Cells were fixed with 4% PFA and then permeablized with 0.1% saponin. Cells were incubated in an antibody dilution of 2.5 ug/mL for 30 minutes at room temperature, followed by Rabbit IgG APC-conjugated Secondary Antibody, (R&D Systems, F0111).
Western Blot: Carbonic Anhydrase IX/CA9 Antibody [NB100-417] - Anaysis in transfected HEK cell lysate using NB 100-417. Rabbit IgG was used as a negative control.
Western Blot: Carbonic Anhydrase IX/CA9 Antibody [NB100-417] - Analysis on rat renal cortex.
Western Blot: Carbonic Anhydrase IX/CA9 Antibody [NB100-417] - Analysis on various human cell lysates. Image from verified customer review.
Immunocytochemistry/Immunofluorescence: Carbonic Anhydrase IX/CA9 Antibody [NB100-417] - Analysis using the DyLight 488 conjugate of NB100-417. Staining of Carbonic Anhydrase IX (red) in human glioma U87 cells. DAPI counterstains nuclei (blue). Image provided via product review by verified customer.
Immunoblotting: Carbonic Anhydrase IX/CA9 Antibody [NB100-417] - Immunoblotting was used to determine CAIX/Carbonic Anhydrase IX/CA9 and other antibodies protein levels in total extracts. Cells were transfected using the specified siRNA for 6 days or treated with desferrioxamine (DFO) for 16 hours. Citation: Ferecatu I, Canal F, Fabbri L, Mazure NM, Bouton C, Golinelli-Cohen M-P (2018) Dysfunction in the mitochondrial Fe-S assembly machinery leads to formation of the chemoresistant truncated VDAC1 isoform without HIF-1 alpha activation. PLoS ONE 13(3): e0194782.
Immunoblotting: Carbonic Anhydrase IX/CA9 Antibody [NB100-417] - Iron depletion and nitric oxide stress and Iron depletion induce the truncated VDAC1 form accumulation. (D) Total protein extracts were analyzed by immunoblotting using VDACs poly antibody and anti-HIF-1 alpha and -CAIX antibodies. (E) Immunoblotting was used to analyze total protein extracts using antibodies against the three VDAC isoforms. (F) HeLa cells were grown in hypoxia (Hx, 1% O2) conditions and transfected with iscu- or NC-siRNA for 3 days, or grown in normoxia (Nx, 21% O2), some treated with DFO for 16 h. Western Blots analyzed total proteins using VDACs poly antibody and anti-HIF-1 alpha, -CAIX, -ISCU antibodies. Citation: Ferecatu I, Canal F, Fabbri L, Mazure NM, Bouton C, Golinelli-Cohen M-P (2018) Dysfunction in the mitochondrial Fe-S assembly machinery leads to formation of the chemoresistant truncated VDAC1 isoform without HIF-1 alpha activation. PLoS ONE 13(3): e0194782.
Immunoblotting: Carbonic Anhydrase IX/CA9 Antibody [NB100-417] - Hypoxias impact on proteins of the mitochondrial ISC assembly machinery. (A) Immunoblotting analyzed the total protein extracts from HeLa cells grown in normoxia (Nx, 21% O2) or hypoxia (Hx, 1% O2) conditions using VDACs poly antibody and anti-CAIX, -ISCU, -FXN, -NFS1, -HSC20 antibodies. Beta-Actin was used as loading control. Citation: Ferecatu I, Canal F, Fabbri L, Mazure NM, Bouton C, Golinelli-Cohen M-P (2018) Dysfunction in the mitochondrial Fe-S assembly machinery leads to formation of the chemoresistant truncated VDAC1 isoform without HIF-1 alpha activation. PLoS ONE 13(3): e0194782.



Carbonic anhydrase IX (CAIX) is a member of the Carbonic anhydrase family which are enzymes that assists rapid interconversion of carbon dioxide and water into carbonic acid, protons, and bicarbonate ions. They are abundant in all mammalian tissues and because of their functionality, they have become an important diagnostic marker for various cancers, most notably renal cell carcinoma (RCC). Carbonic Anhydrase IX (CA IX) is one of the most hypoxically inducible genes because of its stability and the location of the expressed protein within the membrane. Carbonic anhydrases have a widespread role in regulating pH in normal tissues, by regulating hydrogen ion (H+) flux. The pH is important in cell death under hypoxia, thus a blockade of CA IX (CA9) results in increased cell death under hypoxia. Therefore, CA IX has become a reliable histochemical marker of hypoxia.



[在庫・価格 :2024年06月08日 16時35分現在]

※ 表示されている納期は弊社に在庫が無く、取り寄せた場合の納期目安となります。
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納期 文献数
Anti-Carbonic Anhydrase IX, Rabbit-Poly
3~4週間 ※ 表示されている納期は弊社に在庫がなく、取り寄せた場合の目安納期となります。 196
レビューあり。Simple Western対応抗体。抗原:ヒトCAIX C-terminalの配列を持つ合成ペプチド,Keywords:CA-IX|CAIXcarbonic anhydrase 9|Carbonate dehydratase IX|carbonic anhydrase IXpMW1|carbonic dehydratase|EC|G250|Membrane antigen MN|MNRCC-associated antigen G250|P54/58N|RCC-associated protein G250|Renal cell carcinoma-associated antigen G250
Genbank No: 768
Protein Accession No: Q16790
別包装品 別包装品あり
保存条件 -20℃ 法規備考
抗原種 Human 免疫動物 Rabbit クラス IgG 標識 Unlabeled
交差性 Human/Mouse/Plant/Rat 適用 ChIP,ELISA,EMSA,FCM,IC,IF,IHC,IP,Immunoblotting,Proximity Ligation Assay,Simple Western,Western Blot
クロナリティ Polyclonal フォーマット 性状 Antigen Affinity Purified 吸収処理

製品記事 お勧め低酸素応答因子抗体
抗Carbonic Anhydrase IX/CA9抗体 | Anti-Carbonic Anhydrase IX/CA9 Antibody
Anti-Carbonic Anhydrase IX (CA IX), Rabbit-Poly
3~4週間 ※ 表示されている納期は弊社に在庫がなく、取り寄せた場合の目安納期となります。 80
  • 使用文献
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Simple Western対応抗体。Keywords:CA-IX|CAIXcarbonic anhydrase 9|Carbonate dehydratase IX|carbonic anhydrase IXpMW1|carbonic dehydratase|EC|G250|Membrane antigen MN|MNRCC-associated antigen G250|P54/58N|RCC-associated protein G250|Renal cell carcinoma-associated antigen G250
Genbank No: 768
Protein Accession No: Q16790
別包装品 別包装品あり
保存条件 -20℃ 法規備考
抗原種 免疫動物 Rabbit クラス IgG 標識 Unlabeled
交差性 Human/Mouse/Plant/Rat 適用 ChIP,ELISA,EMSA,FCM,IC,IF,IHC,IP,Immunoblotting,Proximity Ligation Assay,Simple Western,Western Blot
クロナリティ Polyclonal フォーマット 性状 Antigen Affinity Purified 吸収処理

製品記事 お勧め低酸素応答因子抗体
抗Carbonic Anhydrase IX/CA9抗体 | Anti-Carbonic Anhydrase IX/CA9 Antibody

[在庫・価格 :2024年06月08日 16時35分現在]

※ 表示されている納期は弊社に在庫が無く、取り寄せた場合の納期目安となります。

Anti-Carbonic Anhydrase IX, Rabbit-Poly

文献数: 196

説明文 レビューあり。Simple Western対応抗体。抗原:ヒトCAIX C-terminalの配列を持つ合成ペプチド,Keywords:CA-IX|CAIXcarbonic anhydrase 9|Carbonate dehydratase IX|carbonic anhydrase IXpMW1|carbonic dehydratase|EC|G250|Membrane antigen MN|MNRCC-associated antigen G250|P54/58N|RCC-associated protein G250|Renal cell carcinoma-associated antigen G250
Genbank No: 768
Protein Accession No: Q16790
別包装品 別包装品あり
保存条件 -20℃ 法規備考
抗原種 Human 免疫動物 Rabbit
交差性 Human/Mouse/Plant/Rat 適用 ChIP,ELISA,EMSA,FCM,IC,IF,IHC,IP,Immunoblotting,Proximity Ligation Assay,Simple Western,Western Blot
標識 Unlabeled 性状 Antigen Affinity Purified
吸収処理 クラス IgG
クロナリティ Polyclonal フォーマット

製品記事 お勧め低酸素応答因子抗体
抗Carbonic Anhydrase IX/CA9抗体 | Anti-Carbonic Anhydrase IX/CA9 Antibody

Anti-Carbonic Anhydrase IX (CA IX), Rabbit-Poly

文献数: 80

説明文 Simple Western対応抗体。Keywords:CA-IX|CAIXcarbonic anhydrase 9|Carbonate dehydratase IX|carbonic anhydrase IXpMW1|carbonic dehydratase|EC|G250|Membrane antigen MN|MNRCC-associated antigen G250|P54/58N|RCC-associated protein G250|Renal cell carcinoma-associated antigen G250
Genbank No: 768
Protein Accession No: Q16790
別包装品 別包装品あり
保存条件 -20℃ 法規備考
抗原種 免疫動物 Rabbit
交差性 Human/Mouse/Plant/Rat 適用 ChIP,ELISA,EMSA,FCM,IC,IF,IHC,IP,Immunoblotting,Proximity Ligation Assay,Simple Western,Western Blot
標識 Unlabeled 性状 Antigen Affinity Purified
吸収処理 クラス IgG
クロナリティ Polyclonal フォーマット

製品記事 お勧め低酸素応答因子抗体
抗Carbonic Anhydrase IX/CA9抗体 | Anti-Carbonic Anhydrase IX/CA9 Antibody



[在庫・価格 :2024年06月08日 16時35分現在]

※ 表示されている納期は弊社に在庫が無く、取り寄せた場合の納期目安となります。
詳細 商品名
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納期 文献数
Anti-Carbonic Anhydrase IX/CA9, Rabbit-Poly, Alexa Fluor 700
3~4週間 ※ 表示されている納期は弊社に在庫がなく、取り寄せた場合の目安納期となります。 0
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Genbank No: 768
Protein Accession No: Q16790
保存条件 法規備考
抗原種 免疫動物 Rabbit クラス IgG 標識 Alexa Fluor 700
交差性 Human/Mouse/Plant/Rat 適用 ChIP,ELISA,EMSA,FCM,IC,IF,IHC,IP,Immunoblotting,Proximity Ligation Assay,Simple Western,Western Blot
クロナリティ Polyclonal フォーマット 性状 Antigen Affinity Purified 吸収処理

製品記事 抗Carbonic Anhydrase IX/CA9抗体[Alexa Fluor(R)] | Anti-Carbonic Anhydrase IX/CA9 Antibody [Alexa Fluor(R)]
Anti-Carbonic Anhydrase IX/CA9, Rabbit-Poly, Alexa Fluor 647
3~4週間 ※ 表示されている納期は弊社に在庫がなく、取り寄せた場合の目安納期となります。 0
  • メーカーサイト
  • お問い合わせ
Genbank No: 768
Protein Accession No: Q16790
保存条件 法規備考
抗原種 免疫動物 Rabbit クラス IgG 標識 Alexa Fluor 647
交差性 Human/Mouse/Plant/Rat 適用 ChIP,ELISA,EMSA,FCM,IC,IF,IHC,IP,Immunoblotting,Proximity Ligation Assay,Simple Western,Western Blot
クロナリティ Polyclonal フォーマット 性状 Antigen Affinity Purified 吸収処理

製品記事 抗Carbonic Anhydrase IX/CA9抗体[Alexa Fluor(R)] | Anti-Carbonic Anhydrase IX/CA9 Antibody [Alexa Fluor(R)]
Anti-Carbonic Anhydrase IX/CA9, Rabbit-Poly, Alexa Fluor 488
3~4週間 ※ 表示されている納期は弊社に在庫がなく、取り寄せた場合の目安納期となります。 0
  • メーカーサイト
  • お問い合わせ
Genbank No: 768
Protein Accession No: Q16790
保存条件 法規備考
抗原種 免疫動物 Rabbit クラス IgG 標識 Alexa Fluor 488
交差性 Human/Mouse/Plant/Rat 適用 ChIP,ELISA,EMSA,FCM,IC,IF,IHC,IP,Immunoblotting,Proximity Ligation Assay,Simple Western,Western Blot
クロナリティ Polyclonal フォーマット 性状 Antigen Affinity Purified 吸収処理

製品記事 抗Carbonic Anhydrase IX/CA9抗体[Alexa Fluor(R)] | Anti-Carbonic Anhydrase IX/CA9 Antibody [Alexa Fluor(R)]
Anti-Carbonic Anhydrase IX/CA9, Rabbit-Poly, Alexa Fluor 405
3~4週間 ※ 表示されている納期は弊社に在庫がなく、取り寄せた場合の目安納期となります。 0
  • メーカーサイト
  • お問い合わせ
Genbank No: 768
Protein Accession No: Q16790
保存条件 法規備考
抗原種 免疫動物 Rabbit クラス IgG 標識 Alexa Fluor 405
交差性 Human/Mouse/Plant/Rat 適用 ChIP,ELISA,EMSA,FCM,IC,IF,IHC,IP,Immunoblotting,Proximity Ligation Assay,Simple Western,Western Blot
クロナリティ Polyclonal フォーマット 性状 Antigen Affinity Purified 吸収処理

製品記事 抗Carbonic Anhydrase IX/CA9抗体[Alexa Fluor(R)] | Anti-Carbonic Anhydrase IX/CA9 Antibody [Alexa Fluor(R)]

[在庫・価格 :2024年06月08日 16時35分現在]

※ 表示されている納期は弊社に在庫が無く、取り寄せた場合の納期目安となります。

Anti-Carbonic Anhydrase IX/CA9, Rabbit-Poly, Alexa Fluor 700

文献数: 0

説明文 Genbank No: 768
Protein Accession No: Q16790
保存条件 法規備考
抗原種 免疫動物 Rabbit
交差性 Human/Mouse/Plant/Rat 適用 ChIP,ELISA,EMSA,FCM,IC,IF,IHC,IP,Immunoblotting,Proximity Ligation Assay,Simple Western,Western Blot
標識 Alexa Fluor 700 性状 Antigen Affinity Purified
吸収処理 クラス IgG
クロナリティ Polyclonal フォーマット

製品記事 抗Carbonic Anhydrase IX/CA9抗体[Alexa Fluor(R)] | Anti-Carbonic Anhydrase IX/CA9 Antibody [Alexa Fluor(R)]

Anti-Carbonic Anhydrase IX/CA9, Rabbit-Poly, Alexa Fluor 647

文献数: 0

説明文 Genbank No: 768
Protein Accession No: Q16790
保存条件 法規備考
抗原種 免疫動物 Rabbit
交差性 Human/Mouse/Plant/Rat 適用 ChIP,ELISA,EMSA,FCM,IC,IF,IHC,IP,Immunoblotting,Proximity Ligation Assay,Simple Western,Western Blot
標識 Alexa Fluor 647 性状 Antigen Affinity Purified
吸収処理 クラス IgG
クロナリティ Polyclonal フォーマット

製品記事 抗Carbonic Anhydrase IX/CA9抗体[Alexa Fluor(R)] | Anti-Carbonic Anhydrase IX/CA9 Antibody [Alexa Fluor(R)]

Anti-Carbonic Anhydrase IX/CA9, Rabbit-Poly, Alexa Fluor 488

文献数: 0

説明文 レビューあり
Genbank No: 768
Protein Accession No: Q16790
保存条件 法規備考
抗原種 免疫動物 Rabbit
交差性 Human/Mouse/Plant/Rat 適用 ChIP,ELISA,EMSA,FCM,IC,IF,IHC,IP,Immunoblotting,Proximity Ligation Assay,Simple Western,Western Blot
標識 Alexa Fluor 488 性状 Antigen Affinity Purified
吸収処理 クラス IgG
クロナリティ Polyclonal フォーマット

製品記事 抗Carbonic Anhydrase IX/CA9抗体[Alexa Fluor(R)] | Anti-Carbonic Anhydrase IX/CA9 Antibody [Alexa Fluor(R)]

Anti-Carbonic Anhydrase IX/CA9, Rabbit-Poly, Alexa Fluor 405

文献数: 0

説明文 Genbank No: 768
Protein Accession No: Q16790
保存条件 法規備考
抗原種 免疫動物 Rabbit
交差性 Human/Mouse/Plant/Rat 適用 ChIP,ELISA,EMSA,FCM,IC,IF,IHC,IP,Immunoblotting,Proximity Ligation Assay,Simple Western,Western Blot
標識 Alexa Fluor 405 性状 Antigen Affinity Purified
吸収処理 クラス IgG
クロナリティ Polyclonal フォーマット

製品記事 抗Carbonic Anhydrase IX/CA9抗体[Alexa Fluor(R)] | Anti-Carbonic Anhydrase IX/CA9 Antibody [Alexa Fluor(R)]



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