抗Mouse DLL4抗体(Anti-Mouse DLL4 antibody)

掲載日情報:2021/01/28 現在Webページ番号:195979

Mouse DLL4に対する抗体(Anti-Mouse DLL4 )です。


[在庫・価格 :2024年06月04日 17時55分現在]

※ 表示されている納期は弊社に在庫が無く、取り寄せた場合の納期目安となります。
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納期 文献数
Anti-Mouse DLL4 MAb (Clone 207811) (500 UG)
10日程度 ※ 表示されている納期は弊社に在庫がなく、取り寄せた場合の目安納期となります。 0
  • メーカーサイト
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マッチドペア:Mouse DLL4 サンドイッチELISAの補足用抗体として利用可能,検出用抗体として#BAM13892,スタンダードとして#1389-D4-050を用いる。
別名:delta 4
Genbank No: 54567
Protein Accession No: NP_062327
別包装品 別包装品あり
保存条件 -20℃ 法規備考
抗原種 Mouse 免疫動物 Rat クラス IgG 標識 Unlabeled
交差性 Mouse 適用 ELISA
クロナリティ Monoclonal フォーマット 性状 Protein A/G Affinity Purified 吸収処理

製品記事 R&D Systems社 NotchリガンドDLL4の関連製品
関連記事 R&D Systems(R&Dシステムズ)社 ELISA用ペア抗体を使用したELISA 構築ガイド
Anti-Mouse DLL4 MAb (Clone 207811)
2~3週間 ※ 表示されている納期は弊社に在庫がなく、取り寄せた場合の目安納期となります。 0
  • メーカーサイト
  • お問い合わせ
別名:delta 4
Genbank No: 54567
Protein Accession No: NP_062327
別包装品 別包装品あり
保存条件 -20℃ 法規備考
抗原種 免疫動物 Rat クラス IgG 標識 Unlabeled
交差性 Mouse 適用 ELISA
クロナリティ Monoclonal フォーマット 性状 Protein A/G Affinity Purified 吸収処理

関連記事 R&D Systems(R&Dシステムズ)社 ELISA用ペア抗体を使用したELISA 構築ガイド

[在庫・価格 :2024年06月04日 17時55分現在]

※ 表示されている納期は弊社に在庫が無く、取り寄せた場合の納期目安となります。

Anti-Mouse DLL4 MAb (Clone 207811) (500 UG)

文献数: 0

説明文 マッチドペア:Mouse DLL4 サンドイッチELISAの補足用抗体として利用可能,検出用抗体として#BAM13892,スタンダードとして#1389-D4-050を用いる。
別名:delta 4
Genbank No: 54567
Protein Accession No: NP_062327
別包装品 別包装品あり
保存条件 -20℃ 法規備考
抗原種 Mouse 免疫動物 Rat
交差性 Mouse 適用 ELISA
標識 Unlabeled 性状 Protein A/G Affinity Purified
吸収処理 クラス IgG
クロナリティ Monoclonal フォーマット

製品記事 R&D Systems社 NotchリガンドDLL4の関連製品
関連記事 R&D Systems(R&Dシステムズ)社 ELISA用ペア抗体を使用したELISA 構築ガイド

Anti-Mouse DLL4 MAb (Clone 207811)

文献数: 0

説明文 ※受注発注品。形状:溶液または凍結乾燥
別名:delta 4
Genbank No: 54567
Protein Accession No: NP_062327
別包装品 別包装品あり
保存条件 -20℃ 法規備考
抗原種 免疫動物 Rat
交差性 Mouse 適用 ELISA
標識 Unlabeled 性状 Protein A/G Affinity Purified
吸収処理 クラス IgG
クロナリティ Monoclonal フォーマット

関連記事 R&D Systems(R&Dシステムズ)社 ELISA用ペア抗体を使用したELISA 構築ガイド


Product Details

Species ReactivityMouse
ImmunogenMouse myeloma cell line NS0-derived recombinant mouse DLL4Ser28-Pro525Accession # NP_062327
SourceMonoclonal Rat IgG2A Clone # 207811
PurificationProtein A or G purified from hybridoma culture supernatant
SpecificityDetects mouse DLL4 in ELISAs. In sandwich immunoassays, no cross-reactivity or interference with recombinant human DLL4, recombinant mouse (rm) DLL1, rmNotch-1, rmNotch-2, or rmNotch-3 is observed.


Applications and Data

Mouse DLL4 Sandwich ImmunoassayReagent
ELISA Capture (Matched Antibody Pair)2-8 µg/mL Mouse DLL4 Antibody (Catalog #MAB13891 )
ELISA Detection (Matched Antibody Pair)0.5-2.0 µg/mL Mouse DLL4 Biotinylated Antibody (Catalog #BAM13892 )
ELISA Standard  Recombinant Mouse DLL4 Protein (Catalog #1389-D4 )
Please Note: Optimal dilutions should be determined by each laboratory for each application.General Protocolsare available in the Technical Information section on our website.Preparation and Storage
ReconstitutionReconstitute at 0.5 mg/mL in sterile PBS.Reconstitution Buffer Available
ShippingThe product is shipped at ambient temperature. Upon receipt, store it immediately at the temperature recommended below. *Small pack size (SP) is shipped with polar packs. Upon receipt, store it immediately at -20 to -70 °C
Stability & StorageUse a manual defrost freezer and avoid repeated freeze-thaw cycles. 12 months from date of receipt, -20 to -70 °C as supplied.
1 month, 2 to 8 °C under sterile conditions after reconstitution.
6 months, -20 to -70 °C under sterile conditions after reconstitution.
Background: DLL4

Delta-like protein 4 (DLL4) is a type I membrane protein belonging to the Delta/Serrate/Lag2 (DSL) family of Notch ligands (1). Notch signaling is an evolutionarily conserved pathway that controls cell fate and is required in multiple developmental processes including vascular development, hematopoiesis, somatogenesis, myogenesis, and neurogenesis (2‑4). Dysregulation in the Notch pathway is associated with various human diseases. In mammals, four Notch homologs (Notch 1 to 4) and five ligands (DLL 1, 3 and 4, Jagged 1 and 2) have been identified. Notch ligands are transmembrane proteins with a DSL motif necessary for Notch binding, tandem EGF repeats, a transmembrane region and a short intracellular domain (ICD). Notch ligands are categorized into two subfamilies based on the presence of an extracellular cysteine-rich domain and insertions that interrupt some EGF repeats in the Jagged but not the Delta ligand family. Interactions of Notch receptors with their ligands results in reciprocal regulated intramembrane proteolysis (RIP) (4). RIP is a mechanism for transmembrane signal transduction that involves the sequential processing by a disintegrin metalloprotease (ADAM) and then by presenilin/ gamma secretase, resulting in shedding of the extracellular domains and the generation of the soluble ICD signaling fragments, respectively. The Notch ICD translocates to the nucleus and interacts with transcriptional coactivators, resulting in the transcription of target genes. The ICDs of the Notch ligands have also been shown to translocate to the nucleus where they may have a signaling function (5, 6). DLL4 is expressed highly and selectively within the arterial endothelium and has been shown to function as a ligand for Notch 1 and Notch 4. Human and mouse DLL4 share 86% amino acid sequence identity (1).



Shutter, J.R. et al. (2000) Genes Dev. 14:1313.
Iso, Tatsuya et al. (2002) Arterioscler. Thromb. Vasc. Biol. 23:543.
Walker, L. et al. (2001) Stem Cells 19:543.
Baron, M. (2002) Semin. Cell Dev. Biol. 14:113.
Ikeuchi, T. and S.S. Sisodia (2003) J. Biol. Chem. 278:7751.
Bland, C.E. et al. (2003) J. Biol. Chem. 278:13607.
Long Name:Delta-like 4
Entrez Gene IDs:54567 (Human); 54485 (Mouse)
Alternate Names:Delta 4 precursor; delta 4; delta ligand 4; delta4; delta-like 4 (Drosophila); delta-like 4 homolog (Drosophila); delta-like 4 homolog; delta-like 4 protein; delta-like protein 4; DLL4; Drosophila Delta homolog 4; hdelta2; MGC126344; notch ligand delta-2; notch ligand DLL4


Related Research Areas

Cancer Stem Cell Markers
Notch Family
Notch Pathway


Related Product & Information

Delta-like protein 4 (DLL4) is a type I membrane protein belonging to the Delta/Serrate/Lag2 (DSL) family of Notch ligands (1). Notch signaling is an evolutionarily conserved pathway that controls cell fate and is required in multiple developmental processes including vascular development, hematopoiesis, somatogenesis, myogenesis, and neurogenesis (2‑4). Dysregulation in the Notch pathway is associated with various human diseases. In mammals, four Notch homologs (Notch 1 to 4) and five ligands (DLL 1, 3 and 4, Jagged 1 and 2) have been identified. Notch ligands are transmembrane proteins with a DSL motif necessary for Notch binding, tandem EGF repeats, a transmembrane region and a short intracellular domain (ICD). Notch ligands are categorized into two subfamilies based on the presence of an extracellular cysteine-rich domain and insertions that interrupt some EGF repeats in the Jagged but not the Delta ligand family. Interactions of Notch receptors with their ligands results in reciprocal regulated intramembrane proteolysis (RIP) (4). RIP is a mechanism for transmembrane signal transduction that involves the sequential processing by a disintegrin metalloprotease (ADAM) and then by presenilin/ gamma secretase, resulting in shedding of the extracellular domains and the generation of the soluble ICD signaling fragments, respectively. The Notch ICD translocates to the nucleus and interacts with transcriptional coactivators, resulting in the transcription of target genes. The ICDs of the Notch ligands have also been shown to translocate to the nucleus where they may have a signaling function (5, 6). DLL4 is expressed highly and selectively within the arterial endothelium and has been shown to function as a ligand for Notch 1 and Notch 4. Human and mouse DLL4 share 86% amino acid sequence identity (1).



(テクニカルサポート 試薬担当)

