抗Mouse MMR/CD206 Alexa Fluor 488抗体(Anti-Mouse MMR/CD206 Alexa Fluor 488 antibody)

掲載日情報:2018/11/26 現在Webページ番号:195428

Mouse MMR/CD206 Alexa Fluor 488に対する抗体(Anti-Mouse MMR/CD206 Alexa Fluor 488 )です。


[在庫・価格 :2024年06月11日 00時00分現在]

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Anti-Mouse MMR/CD206 Alexa Fluor 488 Affinity Purified PAb
10日程度 ※ 表示されている納期は弊社に在庫がなく、取り寄せた場合の目安納期となります。 1
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Genbank No: 4360
Protein Accession No: Q2HZ94
保存条件 4℃,暗所保存 法規備考
抗原種 免疫動物 Goat クラス IgG 標識 Alexa Fluor 488
交差性 Mouse 適用 FCM
クロナリティ Polyclonal フォーマット 性状 Antigen Affinity Purified 吸収処理

製品記事 M1/M2 Macrophage Activation Marker

[在庫・価格 :2024年06月11日 00時00分現在]

※ 表示されている納期は弊社に在庫が無く、取り寄せた場合の納期目安となります。

Anti-Mouse MMR/CD206 Alexa Fluor 488 Affinity Purified PAb

文献数: 1

説明文 別名:CD206
Genbank No: 4360
Protein Accession No: Q2HZ94
保存条件 4℃,暗所保存 法規備考
抗原種 免疫動物 Goat
交差性 Mouse 適用 FCM
標識 Alexa Fluor 488 性状 Antigen Affinity Purified
吸収処理 クラス IgG
クロナリティ Polyclonal フォーマット

製品記事 M1/M2 Macrophage Activation Marker


Product Details

Species ReactivityMouse
LabelAlexa Fluor 488
ImmunogenMouse myeloma cell line NS0-derived recombinant mouse MMR/CD206Leu19-Ala1388Accession # Q2HZ94
SourcePolyclonal Goat IgG
PurificationAntigen Affinity-purified
SpecificityDetects mouse MMR/CD206 in direct ELISAs and Western blots. In direct ELISAs and Western blots, approximately 45% cross-reactivity with recombinant human MMR is observed.


Applications and Data

Flow Cytometry5 µL/106 cellsSee below

Flow Cytometry
Detection of MMR/CD206 in J774A.1 Mouse Cell Line by Flow Cytometry.
J774A.1 mouse reticulum cell sarcoma macrophage cell line was stained with Goat Anti-Mouse MMR/CD206 Alexa Fluor® 488‑conjugated Antigen Affinity-purified Polyclonal Antibody (Catalog # FAB2535G, filled histogram) or isotype control antibody (Catalog # IC108G, open histogram). View our protocol for Staining Membrane-associated Proteins.


Related Product & Information

The mouse Macrophage Mannose Receptor (MMR), also known as CD206 and MRC1 (mannose receptor C, type 1), is a 175 kDa scavenger receptor that is expressed on tissue macrophages, myeloid dendritic cells, and liver and lymphatic endothelial cells (1). It belongs to a family of receptors sharing similar protein structure that also includes DEC205, phospholipase A2 receptor, and Endo180 (2, 3). The mouse MMR protein is synthesized as a 1456 amino acid (aa) precursor that contains a 19 aa signal sequence, a 1369 aa extracellular region, a 21 aa transmembrane segment and a 47 aa cytoplasmic domain (4). Its extracellular region is composed of an N-terminal cysteine-rich domain, followed by a single fibronectin type II repeat, and eight C-type lectin carbohydrate recognition domains (CRD) (3‑5). Mouse to human, the extracellular region is 82% aa identical. The cysteine-rich domain mediates recognition of sulfated N-acetylgalactosamine, which occurs on some extracellular matrix proteins and is the terminal sugar of the unusual oligosaccharides present on pituitary hormones such as lutropin and thyrotropin (6). Several of the CRDs participate in the Ca2+-dependent recognition of carbohydrates showing a preference for branched sugars with terminal mannose, fucose or N‑acetylglucosamine (7). The cytoplasmic domain of MMR includes a tyrosine-based motif for internalization in clathrin-coated vesicles. Once internalized, ligands are released following acidification of phagosomes or endosomes, and the receptor recycles to the cell surface (3, 8). MMR mediates phagocytosis upon binding to target structures that occur on a variety of pathogenic microorganisms including Gram-negative and Gram-positive bacteria, yeasts, parasites, and mycobacteria. MMR also functions to maintain homeostasis through the endocytosis of potentially harmful glycoproteins associated with inflammation (2, 3).



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  1. Correction: A chitin-like component on sclerotic cells of fonsecaea pedrosoi inhibits dectin-1-mediated murine Th17 development by masking beta-glucans.
    PLoS ONE, 2015;10(3):e0119244.
    Species: Mouse
    Sample Type: Whole Cells
    Application: Neut



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