
在庫・価格 : 2024年09月19日 07時47分 現在

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Triglyceride Assay Kit, EnzyChrom (200tests)
ETGA-200 BASバイオアッセイシステムス
BioAssay Systems
1 kit ¥106,000 2個 追加

在庫・価格 : 2024年09月19日 07時47分 現在

Triglyceride Assay Kit, EnzyChrom (200tests)

  • 商品コード:ETGA-200
  • メーカー:BAS
  • 包装:1kit
  • 価格: ¥106,000
  • 在庫:2個
No. 文献情報 備考 参照
1 Lee SM et al. GCG-rich tea catechins are effective in lowering cholesterol and triglyceride concentrations in hyperlipidemic rats. Lipids 2008 May;43(5):419-29
Lee SM et al
Sample: blood, Species: rat PubMed
2 Oh TW et al. Semipurified fractions from the submerged-culture broth of Agaricus blazei Murill reduce blood glucose levels in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats. J. Agric. Food Chem. 2010 Apr;58(7):4113-9
Oh TW et al
Sample: plasma, Species: rat PubMed
3 Tucci S et al. Medium-chain triglycerides impair lipid metabolism and induce hepatic steatosis in very long-chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase (VLCAD)-deficient mice. Mol. Genet. Metab. 2010 Sep;101(1):40-7
Tucci S et al
Sample: blood, Species: mouse PubMed
4 Tam J et al. Peripheral CB1 cannabinoid receptor blockade improves cardiometabolic risk in mouse models of obesity. J. Clin. Invest. 2010 Aug;120(8):2953-66
Tam J et al
Sample: serum, Species: mouse PubMed
5 Kim HS et al. Hepatic-specific disruption of SIRT6 in mice results in fatty liver formation due to enhanced glycolysis and triglyceride synthesis. Cell Metab. 2010 Sep;12(3):224-36
Kim HS et al
Sample: primary hepatocyte, Species: mouse PubMed
6 Guo H et al. Anthocyanin inhibits high glucose-induced hepatic mtGPAT1 activation and prevents fatty acid synthesis through PKC?. J. Lipid Res. 2011 May;52(5):908-22
Guo H et al
Sample: cellular fractions, Species: mouse/human PubMed
7 Bytautiene E et al. Prepregnancy obesity and sFlt1-induced preeclampsia in mice: developmental programming model of metabolic syndrome. Am. J. Obstet. Gynecol. 2011 May;204(5):398.e1-8
Bytautiene E et al
Sample: serum, Species: mouse PubMed
8 Orban T et al. Retinyl ester storage particles (retinosomes) from the retinal pigmented epithelium resemble lipid droplets in other tissues. J. Biol. Chem. 2011 May;286(19):17248-58
Orban T et al
Sample: lipid droplets, Species: cells/bovine PubMed
9 Uddin MJ et al. Detection of quantitative trait loci affecting serum cholesterol, LDL, HDL, and triglyceride in pigs. BMC Genet. 2011;12:62
Uddin MJ et al
Sample: serum, Species: pig PubMed
10 Cylwik B et al. Z Rheumatol Z Rheumatol 2012 Apr;71(3):220-3
Cylwik B et al
Analyte: Triglyceride, Sample: blood, Species: rat PubMed
11 Marques TM et al. Influence of GABA and GABA-producing Lactobacillus brevis DPC 6108 on the development of diabetes in a streptozotocin rat model. Benef Microbes 2016 Jun;7(3):409-20
Marques TM et al
Analyte: Triglyceride , Species: mouse PubMed
12 Zawieja SD et al. Macrophage alterations within the mesenteric lymphatic tissue are associated with impairment of lymphatic pump in metabolic syndrome. Microcirculation 2016 10;23(7):558-570
Zawieja SD et al
Analyte: Triglyceride , Sample: serum, Species: mouse PubMed
13 Choi Y et al. Preventive effects of dietary walnuts on high-fat-induced hepatic fat accumulation, oxidative stress and apoptosis in mice. J. Nutr. Biochem. 2016 12;38:70-80
Choi Y et al
Analyte: Triglyceride , Sample: liver tissue, Species: mouse PubMed
14 Wang RY et al. Development of a Three-Dimensional Adipose Tissue Model for Studying Embryonic Exposures to Obesogenic Chemicals. Ann Biomed Eng 2017 Jul;45(7):1807-1818
Wang RY et al
Analyte: Triglyceride , Sample: embryonic derived stem cells, Species: human PubMed
15 Lee H et al. Traditional medicine, Sobokchukeo‑Tang, modulates the inflammatory response in adipocytes and macrophages. Mol Med Rep 2017 Jan;15(1):117-124
Lee H et al
Analyte: Triglyceride , Sample: cell lysate, Species: RAW264.7 and THP-1 cells PubMed
16 Feng J et al. IL-25 stimulates M2 macrophage polarization and thereby promotes mitochondrial respiratory capacity and lipolysis in adipose tissues against obesity. Cell. Mol. Immunol. 2018 May;15(5):493-505
Feng J et al
Analyte: Triglyceride , Sample: liver and serum, Species: mouse PubMed
17 Hernandez-Vazquez AJ et al. Thiamine Deprivation Produces a Liver ATP Deficit and Metabolic and Genomic Effects in Mice: Findings Are Parallel to Those of Biotin Deficiency and Have Implications for Energy Disorders. J Nutrigenet Nutrigenomics 2016;9(5-6)
Hernandez-Vazquez AJ et al
Analyte: Triglyceride , Sample: liver tissue, Species: mouse PubMed
18 Sadowska J et al. Metabolic risk factors in mice divergently selected for BMR fed high fat and high carb diets. PLoS ONE 2017;12(2):e0172892
Sadowska J et al
Analyte: Triglyceride , Sample: serum, Species: mouse PubMed
19 Sadowska J et al. Selection for high aerobic capacity has no protective effect against obesity in laboratory mice. Physiol. Behav. 2017 06;175:130-136
Sadowska J et al
Analyte: Triglyceride , Sample: blood, Species: mouse PubMed
20 Gallagher AJ et al. Energy metabolism in mobile, wild-sampled sharks inferred by plasma lipids. Conserv Physiol 2017;5(1):cox002
Gallagher AJ et al
Analyte: Triglyceride , Sample: plasma, Species: shark PubMed
21 Kim SH et al. Ezetimibe ameliorates steatohepatitis via AMP activated protein kinase-TFEB-mediated activation of autophagy and NLRP3 inflammasome inhibition. Autophagy 2017 Oct;13(10):1767-1781
Kim SH et al
Analyte: Triglyceride , Sample: Liver tissue, Species: mouse PubMed
22 Buss LA et al. Voluntary exercise slows breast tumor establishment and reduces tumor hypoxia in ApoE<sup>-/-</sup> mice. J. Appl. Physiol. 2018 Apr;124(4):938-949
Buss LA et al
Analyte: Triglyceride , Sample: serum, Species: mouse PubMed
23 Lambert K et al. Combination of nutritional polyphenols supplementation with exercise training counteracts insulin resistance and improves endurance in high-fat diet-induced obese rats. Sci Rep 2018 02;8(1):2885
Lambert K et al
Analyte: Triglyceride , Sample: liver homogenate, Species: rat PubMed
24 Ding Y et al. The Vitamin K Epoxide Reductase Vkorc1l1 Promotes Preadipocyte Differentiation in Mice. Obesity (Silver Spring) 2018 08;26(8):1303-1311
Ding Y et al
Analyte: Triglyceride , Sample: adipocytes, Species: mouse PubMed
25 Zuo L et al. The adipokine metrnl ameliorates chronic colitis in Il-10-/- mice by attenuating mesenteric adipose tissue lesions during spontaneous colitis. J Crohns Colitis 2019 Jan;
Zuo L et al
Analyte: Triglyceride , Sample: mesenteric adipose tissue, Species: mouse & human PubMed
26 Zhang X et al. Gemfibrozil reduces lipid accumulation in SMMC-7721 cells via the involvement of PPAR&#x3B1; and SREBP1. Exp Ther Med 2019 Feb;17(2):1282-1289
Zhang X et al
Analyte: Triglyceride , Sample: hepatoma SMMC-7721 cells, Species: human PubMed
27 Higashi K et al. Probucol Slows the Progression of Cataracts in Streptozotocin-Induced Hyperglycemic Rats. Pharmacology 2019;103(3-4):212-219
Higashi K et al
Analyte: Triglyceride , Sample: plasma, Species: rat PubMed
28 Blackwood EA et al. Pharmacologic ATF6 activation confers global protection in widespread disease models by reprograming cellular proteostasis. Nat Commun 2019 01;10(1):187
Blackwood EA et al
29 Cai M et al. FAM134B promotes adipogenesis by increasing vesicular activity in porcine and 3T3-L1 adipocytes. Biol. Chem. 2019 03;400(4):523-532
Cai M et al
30 Cheng X et al. Pacer Is a Mediator of mTORC1 and GSK3-TIP60 Signaling in Regulation of Autophagosome Maturation and Lipid Metabolism. Mol. Cell 2019 02;73(4):788-802.e7
Cheng X et al
31 Li C et al. The contrary intracellular and extracellular functions of PEDF in HCC development. Cell Death Dis 2019 Oct;10(10):742
Li C et al
32 Ouchi R et al. Modeling Steatohepatitis in Humans with Pluripotent Stem Cell-Derived Organoids. Cell Metab. 2019 Aug;30(2):374-384.e6
Ouchi R et al
33 Sudirman S et al. A dietary polysaccharide from Eucheuma cottonii downregulates proinflammatory cytokines and ameliorates osteoarthritis-associated cartilage degradation in obese rats. Food Funct 2019 Sep;10(9):5697-5706
Sudirman S et al
34 Wang H et al. Maternal obesity impairs fetal mitochondriogenesis and brown adipose tissue development partially via upregulation of miR-204-5p. Biochim Biophys Acta Mol Basis Dis 2019 Oct;1865(10):2706-2715
Wang H et al
35 Zagury, Y., Chen, S., Edelman, R., Karnieli, E., & Livney, Y. D. (2019). beta-Lactoglobulin delivery system for enhancing EGCG biological efficacy in HFD obesity mice model. Journal of Functional Foods, 59, 362-370.

36 Liss, S. A., Lamer, J. T., Sass, G. G., & Suski, C. D. (2016). Physiological consequences of hybridization: early generation backcrossing decreases performance in invasive bigheaded carps. Journal of Freshwater Ecology, 31(4), 543-554.

37 Patterson, T. G., Freeman, T., & Flook, J. A. (2016). Colorimetric determination of the total oil content of a plant tissue sample using alkaline saponification. U.S. Patent No. 9,395,377.

38 Uddin MJ et al (2011). Detection of quantitative trait loci affecting serum cholesterol, LDL, HDL, and triglyceride in pigs. BMC Genet.12:62. PubMed PMID: 21752294.

39 Hu, M. et al. (2010). Effect of prolonged starvation on body weight and blood-chemistry in two horseshoe crab species: Tachypleus tridentatus and Carcinoscorpius rotundicauda (Chelicerata: Xiphosura). J. Exp. Marine Biol. Ecology 395(1-2):112-119.

40 Jiang, S. et al (2021). Associations of Circulating Irisin with FNDC5 Expression in Fat and Muscle in Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetic Mice. Biomolecules, 11(2), 322.

sample: plasma, Species: mouse PubMed
41 Lee, J. et al (2020). Pharmaceutical Efficacy of Gypenoside LXXV on Non-Alcoholic Steatohepatitis (NASH). Biomolecules, 10(10), E1426.

sample: liver tissue, Species: mouse PubMed
42 Andres-Hernando, A. et al (2020). Deletion of Fructokinase in the Liver or in the Intestine Reveals Differential Effects on Sugar-Induced Metabolic Dysfunction. Cell metabolism, 32(1), 117-127.

sample: liver tissue, Species: mouse PubMed
43 Jhun, J. et al (2021). GRIM19 Impedes Obesity by Regulating Inflammatory White Fat Browning and Promoting Th17/Treg Balance. Cells, 10(1), E162.

sample: liver tissue, Species: mouse PubMed
44 Moorhead, S. G.et al. Variation of body condition and plasma energy substrates with life stage, sex, and season in wild-sampled nurse sharks Ginglymostoma cirratum. Journal of fish biology.

sample: plasma, Species: nurse shark PubMed
45 Zhao, J. Y. et al (2020). Atherogenic Diet Accelerates Ectopic Mineralization in a Mouse Model of Pseudoxanthoma Elasticum. International journal of dermatology and venereology, 3(2), 91-96.

sample: serum, Species: mouse PubMed
46 Andres-Hernando, A. et al. Vasopressin mediates fructose-induced metabolic syndrome by activating the V1b receptor. JCI insight, 140848.

sample: liver tissue, Species: mouse PubMed
47 Chi, Y. et al (2020). PHTF2 Regulates Lipids Metabolism in Gastric Cancer. Aging, 12(8), 6600-6610.

sample: gastric cells, Species: human PubMed
48 Shin, M. K., Yang, S. M., & Han, I. S. (2020). Capsaicin suppresses liver fat accumulation in high-fat diet-induced NAFLD mice. Animal cells and systems, 24(4), 214-219.

sample: plasma, Species: mouse PubMed
49 Ghazali, R. et al (2020). High omega arachidonic acid/docosahexaenoic acid ratio induces mitochondrial dysfunction and altered lipid metabolism in human hepatoma cells. World journal of hepatology, 12(3), 84.

sample: hepatoma, Species: human PubMed
50 Shi, Y., & Leung, S. W. S. Long-term Nitric Oxide Synthase Inhibition Prevents 17硫-estradiol-induced Suppression of Cyclooxygenase-Dependent Contractions and Enhancement of Endothelium-Dependent Hyperpolarization-Like Relaxation in Mesenteric Arteries of

sample: plasma, Species: rat PubMed
51 Han, Y. H., Kim, H. J., & Lee, M. O. ROR留 regulates hepatic lipolysis by inducing transcriptional expression of PNPLA3 in mice. Molecular and cellular endocrinology, 111122.

sample: hepatocytes, Species: mouse PubMed
52 Hirsova, P. et al (2020). Hepatocyte Apoptosis Is Tumor Promoting in Murine Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis. Cell death & disease, 11(2), 80.

sample: liver homogenate, Species: mouse PubMed
53 Nguyen, H. T. L., Kasapis, S., & Mantri, N. (2021). Physicochemical Properties and Effects of Honeys on Key Biomarkers of Oxidative Stress and Cholesterol Homeostasis in HepG2 Cells. Nutrients, 13(1), 151.

sample: liver cells, Species: human PubMed
54 Bergmans, R. S. et al (2020). Comparison of Cricket Diet With Peanut-Based and Milk-Based Diets in the Recovery From Protein Malnutrition in Mice and the Impact on Growth, Metabolism and Immune Function. PloS one, 15(6), e0234559.

sample: serum, Species: mouse PubMed
55 Seo, B. et al (2020). Roseburia spp. Abundance Associates with Alcohol Consumption in Humans and Its Administration Ameliorates Alcoholic Fatty Liver in Mice. Cell host & microbe, 27(1), 25.

sample: liver, Species: mouse PubMed
56 Lambert, K. et al (2020). Biocompatible Modified Water as a Non-Pharmaceutical Approach to Prevent Metabolic Syndrome Features in Obesogenic Diet-Fed Mice. Food and chemical toxicology: an international journal published for the British Industrial Biologi

sample: liver, Species: mouse PubMed
57 Maciak, S. et al (2020). Low basal metabolic rate as a risk factor for development of insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes. BMJ open diabetes research & care, 8(1), e001381.

sample: plasma, Species: mouse PubMed
58 Ju, U. I. et al (2020). Neddylation of Sterol Regulatory Element-Binding Protein 1c Is a Potential Therapeutic Target for Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Treatment. Cell death & disease, 11(4), 283.

sample: serum and liver, Species: human PubMed
59 Madhavan, A. et al (2020). Pharmacologic IRE1/XBP1s Activation Promotes Systemic Adaptive Remodeling in Obesity. bioRxiv.

sample: plasma, Species: mouse PubMed
60 Colijn, S. et al (2020). Cell-specific and Athero-Protective Roles for RIPK3 in a Murine Model of Atherosclerosis. Disease models & mechanisms, 13(1), dmm041962.

sample: plasma, Species: mouse PubMed
61 Azar, S. et al. &quot;Reversal of diet-induced hepatic steatosis by peripheral CB1 receptor blockade in mice is p53/miRNA-22/SIRT1/PPAR留 dependent.&quot; Molecular metabolism 42: 101087.

sample: liver, Species: mouse PubMed
62 Pereira, R. O. et al (2021). OPA1 Deletion in Brown Adipose Tissue Improves Thermoregulation and Systemic Metabolism via FGF21. bioRxiv, 2021-01.

sample: liver and serum, Species: mouse PubMed
  • No.: 1
  • 文献情報:
    Lee SM et al. GCG-rich tea catechins are effective in lowering cholesterol and triglyceride concentrations in hyperlipidemic rats. Lipids 2008 May;43(5):419-29
    Lee SM et al
  • 備考:
    Sample: blood, Species: rat
  • 参照:
  • No.: 2
  • 文献情報:
    Oh TW et al. Semipurified fractions from the submerged-culture broth of Agaricus blazei Murill reduce blood glucose levels in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats. J. Agric. Food Chem. 2010 Apr;58(7):4113-9
    Oh TW et al
  • 備考:
    Sample: plasma, Species: rat
  • 参照:
  • No.: 3
  • 文献情報:
    Tucci S et al. Medium-chain triglycerides impair lipid metabolism and induce hepatic steatosis in very long-chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase (VLCAD)-deficient mice. Mol. Genet. Metab. 2010 Sep;101(1):40-7
    Tucci S et al
  • 備考:
    Sample: blood, Species: mouse
  • 参照:
  • No.: 4
  • 文献情報:
    Tam J et al. Peripheral CB1 cannabinoid receptor blockade improves cardiometabolic risk in mouse models of obesity. J. Clin. Invest. 2010 Aug;120(8):2953-66
    Tam J et al
  • 備考:
    Sample: serum, Species: mouse
  • 参照:
  • No.: 5
  • 文献情報:
    Kim HS et al. Hepatic-specific disruption of SIRT6 in mice results in fatty liver formation due to enhanced glycolysis and triglyceride synthesis. Cell Metab. 2010 Sep;12(3):224-36
    Kim HS et al
  • 備考:
    Sample: primary hepatocyte, Species: mouse
  • 参照:
  • No.: 6
  • 文献情報:
    Guo H et al. Anthocyanin inhibits high glucose-induced hepatic mtGPAT1 activation and prevents fatty acid synthesis through PKC?. J. Lipid Res. 2011 May;52(5):908-22
    Guo H et al
  • 備考:
    Sample: cellular fractions, Species: mouse/human
  • 参照:
  • No.: 7
  • 文献情報:
    Bytautiene E et al. Prepregnancy obesity and sFlt1-induced preeclampsia in mice: developmental programming model of metabolic syndrome. Am. J. Obstet. Gynecol. 2011 May;204(5):398.e1-8
    Bytautiene E et al
  • 備考:
    Sample: serum, Species: mouse
  • 参照:
  • No.: 8
  • 文献情報:
    Orban T et al. Retinyl ester storage particles (retinosomes) from the retinal pigmented epithelium resemble lipid droplets in other tissues. J. Biol. Chem. 2011 May;286(19):17248-58
    Orban T et al
  • 備考:
    Sample: lipid droplets, Species: cells/bovine
  • 参照:
  • No.: 9
  • 文献情報:
    Uddin MJ et al. Detection of quantitative trait loci affecting serum cholesterol, LDL, HDL, and triglyceride in pigs. BMC Genet. 2011;12:62
    Uddin MJ et al
  • 備考:
    Sample: serum, Species: pig
  • 参照:
  • No.: 10
  • 文献情報:
    Cylwik B et al. Z Rheumatol Z Rheumatol 2012 Apr;71(3):220-3
    Cylwik B et al
  • 備考:
    Analyte: Triglyceride, Sample: blood, Species: rat
  • 参照:
  • No.: 11
  • 文献情報:
    Marques TM et al. Influence of GABA and GABA-producing Lactobacillus brevis DPC 6108 on the development of diabetes in a streptozotocin rat model. Benef Microbes 2016 Jun;7(3):409-20
    Marques TM et al
  • 備考:
    Analyte: Triglyceride , Species: mouse
  • 参照:
  • No.: 12
  • 文献情報:
    Zawieja SD et al. Macrophage alterations within the mesenteric lymphatic tissue are associated with impairment of lymphatic pump in metabolic syndrome. Microcirculation 2016 10;23(7):558-570
    Zawieja SD et al
  • 備考:
    Analyte: Triglyceride , Sample: serum, Species: mouse
  • 参照:
  • No.: 13
  • 文献情報:
    Choi Y et al. Preventive effects of dietary walnuts on high-fat-induced hepatic fat accumulation, oxidative stress and apoptosis in mice. J. Nutr. Biochem. 2016 12;38:70-80
    Choi Y et al
  • 備考:
    Analyte: Triglyceride , Sample: liver tissue, Species: mouse
  • 参照:
  • No.: 14
  • 文献情報:
    Wang RY et al. Development of a Three-Dimensional Adipose Tissue Model for Studying Embryonic Exposures to Obesogenic Chemicals. Ann Biomed Eng 2017 Jul;45(7):1807-1818
    Wang RY et al
  • 備考:
    Analyte: Triglyceride , Sample: embryonic derived stem cells, Species: human
  • 参照:
  • No.: 15
  • 文献情報:
    Lee H et al. Traditional medicine, Sobokchukeo&#x2011;Tang, modulates the inflammatory response in adipocytes and macrophages. Mol Med Rep 2017 Jan;15(1):117-124
    Lee H et al
  • 備考:
    Analyte: Triglyceride , Sample: cell lysate, Species: RAW264.7 and THP-1 cells
  • 参照:
  • No.: 16
  • 文献情報:
    Feng J et al. IL-25 stimulates M2 macrophage polarization and thereby promotes mitochondrial respiratory capacity and lipolysis in adipose tissues against obesity. Cell. Mol. Immunol. 2018 May;15(5):493-505
    Feng J et al
  • 備考:
    Analyte: Triglyceride , Sample: liver and serum, Species: mouse
  • 参照:
  • No.: 17
  • 文献情報:
    Hernandez-Vazquez AJ et al. Thiamine Deprivation Produces a Liver ATP Deficit and Metabolic and Genomic Effects in Mice: Findings Are Parallel to Those of Biotin Deficiency and Have Implications for Energy Disorders. J Nutrigenet Nutrigenomics 2016;9(5-6)
    Hernandez-Vazquez AJ et al
  • 備考:
    Analyte: Triglyceride , Sample: liver tissue, Species: mouse
  • 参照:
  • No.: 18
  • 文献情報:
    Sadowska J et al. Metabolic risk factors in mice divergently selected for BMR fed high fat and high carb diets. PLoS ONE 2017;12(2):e0172892
    Sadowska J et al
  • 備考:
    Analyte: Triglyceride , Sample: serum, Species: mouse
  • 参照:
  • No.: 19
  • 文献情報:
    Sadowska J et al. Selection for high aerobic capacity has no protective effect against obesity in laboratory mice. Physiol. Behav. 2017 06;175:130-136
    Sadowska J et al
  • 備考:
    Analyte: Triglyceride , Sample: blood, Species: mouse
  • 参照:
  • No.: 20
  • 文献情報:
    Gallagher AJ et al. Energy metabolism in mobile, wild-sampled sharks inferred by plasma lipids. Conserv Physiol 2017;5(1):cox002
    Gallagher AJ et al
  • 備考:
    Analyte: Triglyceride , Sample: plasma, Species: shark
  • 参照:
  • No.: 21
  • 文献情報:
    Kim SH et al. Ezetimibe ameliorates steatohepatitis via AMP activated protein kinase-TFEB-mediated activation of autophagy and NLRP3 inflammasome inhibition. Autophagy 2017 Oct;13(10):1767-1781
    Kim SH et al
  • 備考:
    Analyte: Triglyceride , Sample: Liver tissue, Species: mouse
  • 参照:
  • No.: 22
  • 文献情報:
    Buss LA et al. Voluntary exercise slows breast tumor establishment and reduces tumor hypoxia in ApoE<sup>-/-</sup> mice. J. Appl. Physiol. 2018 Apr;124(4):938-949
    Buss LA et al
  • 備考:
    Analyte: Triglyceride , Sample: serum, Species: mouse
  • 参照:
  • No.: 23
  • 文献情報:
    Lambert K et al. Combination of nutritional polyphenols supplementation with exercise training counteracts insulin resistance and improves endurance in high-fat diet-induced obese rats. Sci Rep 2018 02;8(1):2885
    Lambert K et al
  • 備考:
    Analyte: Triglyceride , Sample: liver homogenate, Species: rat
  • 参照:
  • No.: 24
  • 文献情報:
    Ding Y et al. The Vitamin K Epoxide Reductase Vkorc1l1 Promotes Preadipocyte Differentiation in Mice. Obesity (Silver Spring) 2018 08;26(8):1303-1311
    Ding Y et al
  • 備考:
    Analyte: Triglyceride , Sample: adipocytes, Species: mouse
  • 参照:
  • No.: 25
  • 文献情報:
    Zuo L et al. The adipokine metrnl ameliorates chronic colitis in Il-10-/- mice by attenuating mesenteric adipose tissue lesions during spontaneous colitis. J Crohns Colitis 2019 Jan;
    Zuo L et al
  • 備考:
    Analyte: Triglyceride , Sample: mesenteric adipose tissue, Species: mouse & human
  • 参照:
  • No.: 26
  • 文献情報:
    Zhang X et al. Gemfibrozil reduces lipid accumulation in SMMC-7721 cells via the involvement of PPAR&#x3B1; and SREBP1. Exp Ther Med 2019 Feb;17(2):1282-1289
    Zhang X et al
  • 備考:
    Analyte: Triglyceride , Sample: hepatoma SMMC-7721 cells, Species: human
  • 参照:
  • No.: 27
  • 文献情報:
    Higashi K et al. Probucol Slows the Progression of Cataracts in Streptozotocin-Induced Hyperglycemic Rats. Pharmacology 2019;103(3-4):212-219
    Higashi K et al
  • 備考:
    Analyte: Triglyceride , Sample: plasma, Species: rat
  • 参照:
  • No.: 28
  • 文献情報:
    Blackwood EA et al. Pharmacologic ATF6 activation confers global protection in widespread disease models by reprograming cellular proteostasis. Nat Commun 2019 01;10(1):187
    Blackwood EA et al
  • 備考:
  • 参照:
  • No.: 29
  • 文献情報:
    Cai M et al. FAM134B promotes adipogenesis by increasing vesicular activity in porcine and 3T3-L1 adipocytes. Biol. Chem. 2019 03;400(4):523-532
    Cai M et al
  • 備考:
  • 参照:
  • No.: 30
  • 文献情報:
    Cheng X et al. Pacer Is a Mediator of mTORC1 and GSK3-TIP60 Signaling in Regulation of Autophagosome Maturation and Lipid Metabolism. Mol. Cell 2019 02;73(4):788-802.e7
    Cheng X et al
  • 備考:
  • 参照:
  • No.: 31
  • 文献情報:
    Li C et al. The contrary intracellular and extracellular functions of PEDF in HCC development. Cell Death Dis 2019 Oct;10(10):742
    Li C et al
  • 備考:
  • 参照:
  • No.: 32
  • 文献情報:
    Ouchi R et al. Modeling Steatohepatitis in Humans with Pluripotent Stem Cell-Derived Organoids. Cell Metab. 2019 Aug;30(2):374-384.e6
    Ouchi R et al
  • 備考:
  • 参照:
  • No.: 33
  • 文献情報:
    Sudirman S et al. A dietary polysaccharide from Eucheuma cottonii downregulates proinflammatory cytokines and ameliorates osteoarthritis-associated cartilage degradation in obese rats. Food Funct 2019 Sep;10(9):5697-5706
    Sudirman S et al
  • 備考:
  • 参照:
  • No.: 34
  • 文献情報:
    Wang H et al. Maternal obesity impairs fetal mitochondriogenesis and brown adipose tissue development partially via upregulation of miR-204-5p. Biochim Biophys Acta Mol Basis Dis 2019 Oct;1865(10):2706-2715
    Wang H et al
  • 備考:
  • 参照:
  • No.: 35
  • 文献情報:
    Zagury, Y., Chen, S., Edelman, R., Karnieli, E., & Livney, Y. D. (2019). beta-Lactoglobulin delivery system for enhancing EGCG biological efficacy in HFD obesity mice model. Journal of Functional Foods, 59, 362-370.

  • 備考:
  • 参照:
  • No.: 36
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