
在庫・価格 : 2024年09月20日 17時13分 現在

商品名 商品コード メーカー 包装 価格 在庫 リスト
Anti-H60, Mouse, Rat-Mono(205326), PE
FAB1155P RSDアールアンドディー システムス
R&D Systems, Inc.
100 tests ¥81,000

在庫・価格 : 2024年09月20日 17時13分 現在

Anti-H60, Mouse, Rat-Mono(205326), PE

  • 商品コード:FAB1155P
  • メーカー:RSD
  • 包装:100tests
  • 価格: ¥81,000
  • 在庫:無(未発注)
No. 文献情報 備考 参照
1 Walsh KB et al. NKG2D receptor signaling enhances cytolytic activity by virus-specific CD8+ T cells: evidence for a protective role in virus-induced encephalitis. J. Virol. 2008 Mar;82(6):3031-44
Walsh KB et al
Species: Mouse, Application: Flow Cytometry, Whole Cells PubMed
2 Lee CH et al. Tumor-localized ligation of CD3 and CD28 with systemic regulatory T-cell depletion induces potent innate and adaptive antitumor responses. Clin. Cancer Res. 2009 Apr;15(8):2756-66
Lee CH et al
Application: Flow Cytometry, Sample Type: Whole Cells PubMed
3 Li Z et al. Small intestinal intraepithelial lymphocytes expressing CD8 and T cell receptor γδ are involved in bacterial clearance during Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium infection. Infect. Immun. 2012 Feb;80(2):565-74
Li Z et al
Application: Flow Cytometry, Sample Type: Whole Cells PubMed
4 Tkach M et al. Targeting Stat3 induces senescence in tumor cells and elicits prophylactic and therapeutic immune responses against breast cancer growth mediated by NK cells and CD4+ T cells. J. Immunol. 2012 Aug;189(3):1162-72
Tkach M et al
Application: Flow Cytometry, Sample Type: Whole Cells PubMed
5 Nakata J et al. In vivo eradication of MLL/ENL leukemia cells by NK cells in the absence of adaptive immunity. Leukemia 2014 Jun;28(6):1316-25
Nakata J et al
Application: Flow Cytometry, Sample Type: Whole Cells PubMed
6 Liu Q et al. Neural stem cells sustain natural killer cells that dictate recovery from brain inflammation. Nat. Neurosci. 2016 Feb;19(2):243-52
Liu Q et al
Application: Flow Cytometry, Sample Type: Whole Cells PubMed
7 Ma L et al. Immunotherapy of Dual-Function Vector with Both Immunostimulatory and B-Cell Lymphoma 2 (Bcl-2)-Silencing Effects on Gastric Carcinoma. Med. Sci. Monit. 2017 Apr;23:1980-1991
Ma L et al
Application: Flow Cytometry, Sample Type: Whole Cells PubMed
  • No.: 1
  • 文献情報:
    Walsh KB et al. NKG2D receptor signaling enhances cytolytic activity by virus-specific CD8+ T cells: evidence for a protective role in virus-induced encephalitis. J. Virol. 2008 Mar;82(6):3031-44
    Walsh KB et al
  • 備考:
    Species: Mouse, Application: Flow Cytometry, Whole Cells
  • 参照:
  • No.: 2
  • 文献情報:
    Lee CH et al. Tumor-localized ligation of CD3 and CD28 with systemic regulatory T-cell depletion induces potent innate and adaptive antitumor responses. Clin. Cancer Res. 2009 Apr;15(8):2756-66
    Lee CH et al
  • 備考:
    Application: Flow Cytometry, Sample Type: Whole Cells
  • 参照:
  • No.: 3
  • 文献情報:
    Li Z et al. Small intestinal intraepithelial lymphocytes expressing CD8 and T cell receptor γδ are involved in bacterial clearance during Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium infection. Infect. Immun. 2012 Feb;80(2):565-74
    Li Z et al
  • 備考:
    Application: Flow Cytometry, Sample Type: Whole Cells
  • 参照:
  • No.: 4
  • 文献情報:
    Tkach M et al. Targeting Stat3 induces senescence in tumor cells and elicits prophylactic and therapeutic immune responses against breast cancer growth mediated by NK cells and CD4+ T cells. J. Immunol. 2012 Aug;189(3):1162-72
    Tkach M et al
  • 備考:
    Application: Flow Cytometry, Sample Type: Whole Cells
  • 参照:
  • No.: 5
  • 文献情報:
    Nakata J et al. In vivo eradication of MLL/ENL leukemia cells by NK cells in the absence of adaptive immunity. Leukemia 2014 Jun;28(6):1316-25
    Nakata J et al
  • 備考:
    Application: Flow Cytometry, Sample Type: Whole Cells
  • 参照:
  • No.: 6
  • 文献情報:
    Liu Q et al. Neural stem cells sustain natural killer cells that dictate recovery from brain inflammation. Nat. Neurosci. 2016 Feb;19(2):243-52
    Liu Q et al
  • 備考:
    Application: Flow Cytometry, Sample Type: Whole Cells
  • 参照:
  • No.: 7
  • 文献情報:
    Ma L et al. Immunotherapy of Dual-Function Vector with Both Immunostimulatory and B-Cell Lymphoma 2 (Bcl-2)-Silencing Effects on Gastric Carcinoma. Med. Sci. Monit. 2017 Apr;23:1980-1991
    Ma L et al
  • 備考:
    Application: Flow Cytometry, Sample Type: Whole Cells
  • 参照: