
在庫・価格 : 2024年09月21日 10時04分 現在

商品名 商品コード メーカー 包装 価格 在庫 リスト
Cortisone Enzyme Immunoassay Kit
K017-H1 ARBアーバーアッセイズ
Arbor Assays LLC
1 kit ¥112,000

在庫・価格 : 2024年09月21日 10時04分 現在

Cortisone Enzyme Immunoassay Kit

  • 商品コード:K017-H1
  • メーカー:ARB
  • 包装:1kit
  • 価格: ¥112,000
  • 在庫:無(未発注)
No. 文献情報 備考 参照
1 Freeman HD et al. Seasonal dynamics of agonistic behavior and hormones in an ex situ all-male colony of large flying foxes. Zoo Biol. 2018 Jul;
Freeman HD et al
Species: Large Flying Foxes PubMed
2 Beth A. Rice, et al., Characterizing the Role o Glucocorticoids in the Sign Tracking Behavior of Male Japanese Quail (Coturnix Japonica)

Species: Japanese Male (Coturnix Japonica) PubMed
3 T. Nakanishi et al., Cortisol induces follicle regression, while FSH prevents cortisol-induced follicle regression in pigs., Molecular Human Reproduction., 2021., 27

4 H. Jeon, et al., Cortisol/glucocorticoid receptor: a critical mediator of the ovulatory process and luteinization in human periovulatory follicles., Hum Reprod., 2023

5 H. D. Freeman, et al., Seasonal dynamics of agonistic behavior and hormones in an ex situ all-male colony of large flying foxes., Zoo Biology., 2018

6 T. Anderson, et al., The association between the cortisol and cortisone awakening responses., Psychoneuroendocrinology., 2023

7 S. K. Panigrahi, et al., Diurnal Patterns for Cortisol, Cortisone and Agouti-Related Protein in Human Cerebrospinal Fluid and Blood., Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism., 2020

8 T. Nakanishi, et al., Cortisol induces follicle regression, while FSH prevents cortisol-induced follicle regression in pigs., Molecular Human Reproduction., 2021

9 E. K. C. Kennedy, et al., First Look into the Use of Fish Scales as a Medium for Multi-Hormone Stress Analyses., Fishes., 2022

  • No.: 1
  • 文献情報:
    Freeman HD et al. Seasonal dynamics of agonistic behavior and hormones in an ex situ all-male colony of large flying foxes. Zoo Biol. 2018 Jul;
    Freeman HD et al
  • 備考:
    Species: Large Flying Foxes
  • 参照:
  • No.: 2
  • 文献情報:
    Beth A. Rice, et al., Characterizing the Role o Glucocorticoids in the Sign Tracking Behavior of Male Japanese Quail (Coturnix Japonica)

  • 備考:
    Species: Japanese Male (Coturnix Japonica)
  • 参照:
  • No.: 3
  • 文献情報:
    T. Nakanishi et al., Cortisol induces follicle regression, while FSH prevents cortisol-induced follicle regression in pigs., Molecular Human Reproduction., 2021., 27

  • 備考:
  • 参照:
  • No.: 4
  • 文献情報:
    H. Jeon, et al., Cortisol/glucocorticoid receptor: a critical mediator of the ovulatory process and luteinization in human periovulatory follicles., Hum Reprod., 2023

  • 備考:
  • 参照:
  • No.: 5
  • 文献情報:
    H. D. Freeman, et al., Seasonal dynamics of agonistic behavior and hormones in an ex situ all-male colony of large flying foxes., Zoo Biology., 2018

  • 備考:
  • 参照:
  • No.: 6
  • 文献情報:
    T. Anderson, et al., The association between the cortisol and cortisone awakening responses., Psychoneuroendocrinology., 2023

  • 備考:
  • 参照:
  • No.: 7
  • 文献情報:
    S. K. Panigrahi, et al., Diurnal Patterns for Cortisol, Cortisone and Agouti-Related Protein in Human Cerebrospinal Fluid and Blood., Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism., 2020

  • 備考:
  • 参照:
  • No.: 8
  • 文献情報:
    T. Nakanishi, et al., Cortisol induces follicle regression, while FSH prevents cortisol-induced follicle regression in pigs., Molecular Human Reproduction., 2021

  • 備考:
  • 参照:
  • No.: 9
  • 文献情報:
    E. K. C. Kennedy, et al., First Look into the Use of Fish Scales as a Medium for Multi-Hormone Stress Analyses., Fishes., 2022

  • 備考:
  • 参照: