
在庫・価格 : 2024年09月19日 04時39分 現在

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Corticosterone, ELISA Kit(5×96well)
K014-H5 ARBアーバーアッセイズ
Arbor Assays LLC
1 kit ¥382,000

在庫・価格 : 2024年09月19日 04時39分 現在

Corticosterone, ELISA Kit(5×96well)

  • 商品コード:K014-H5
  • メーカー:ARB
  • 包装:1kit
  • 価格: ¥382,000
  • 在庫:無(未発注)
No. 文献情報 備考 参照
1 07 May 2014 - Enkephalin knockout male mice are resistant to chronic mild stress

2 24 April 2014 - Limited Brain Metabolism Changes Differentiate between the Progression and Clearance of Rabies Virus

3 24 March 2014 - Three Weeks of Murine Hindlimb Unloading Induces Shifts from B to T and from Th to Tc Splenic Lymphocytes in Absence of Stress and Differentially Reduces Cell-Specific Mitogenic Responses

4 19 March 2014 - Extended Wakefulness: Compromised Metabolics in and Degeneration of Locus Ceruleus Neurons

5 24 February 2014 - Metabolic crosstalk between the heart and liver impacts familial hypertrophic cardiomyopathy

6 31 January 2014 - Genotype-related effect of crowding stress on blood pressure and vascular function in young female rats

7 24 January 2014 - Identification of hypothalamic sites that control puberty onset and sexual maturation

8 17 December 2013 - In contrast to its anti-inflammatory and anti-apoptotic peripheral effect, levosimendan failed to induce a long-term neuroprotective effect in a rat model of mild septic encephalopathy: A pilot study

9 01 December 2013 - Age-specific locomotor response to nicotine in yellow and mottled yellow Avy/a mice

10 30 October 2013 - Effects of Probiotic Therapy on Metabolic and Inflammatory Parameters of Rats With Ligature-Induced Periodontitis Associated With Restraint Stress

11 19 October 2013 - Stress hormone concentration in Rocky Mountain populations of the American pika (Ochotona princeps)

12 14 October 2013 - Intestinal gluconeogenesis is crucial to maintain a physiological fasting glycemia in the absence of hepatic glucose production in mice

13 09 October 2013 - Inflammation and Oxidative Stress Are Elevated in the Brain, Blood, and Adrenal Glands during the Progression of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder in a Predator Exposure Animal Model

14 Bergquist M et al. Expression of the glucocorticoid receptor is decreased in experimental Staphylococcus aureus sepsis. J. Infect. 2013 Dec;67(6):574-83
Bergquist M et al
15 26 June 2013 - Mapping acute systemic effects of inhaled particulate matter and ozone: multi-organ gene expression and glucocorticoid activity

16 21 June 2013 - The intersection of early life experiences and serotonergic gene expression on behavior and physiology

17 22 April 2013 - Leptin action through hypothalamic nitric oxide synthase-1窶兎xpressing neurons controls energy balance

18 01 April 2013 - Effect of Breed, Cage Type, and Reproductive Phase on Fecal Corticosterone Levels in Doe Rabbits

19 25 March 2013 - Natural variation in circulating testosterone does not predict nestling provisioning rates in the northern cardinal, Cardinalis cardinalis

20 22 February 2013 - Modulation in Wistar Rats of Blood Corticosterone Compartmentation by Sex and a Cafeteria Diet

21 31 December 2012 - Alcohol intoxications during adolescence increase motivation for alcohol in adult rats and induce neuroadaptations in the nucleus accumbens

22 Own LS et al. Maternal behavior and offspring resiliency to maternal separation in C57Bl/6 mice. Horm Behav 2013 Mar;63(3):411-7
Own LS et al
23 14 November 2012 - The lipocalin-type prostaglandin D2 synthase knock-out (L-PGDS KO) mouse model of insulin resistance and obesity demonstrates early hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis hyperactivity

24 Tomabechi Y et al. Extra-adrenal glucocorticoids contribute to the postprandial increase of circulating leptin in mice. J Cell Commun Signal 2017 Jul;
Tomabechi Y et al
25 Thakare VN et al. Silymarin ameliorates experimentally induced depressive like behavior in rats: Involvement of hippocampal BDNF signaling, inflammatory cytokines and oxidative stress response. Physiol. Behav. 2017 Jul;179:401-410
Thakare VN et al
26 Hiramatsu L et al. Maternal exposure to Western diet affects adult body composition and voluntary wheel running in a genotype-specific manner in mice. Physiol. Behav. 2017 Jun;
Hiramatsu L et al
27 Somkuwar SS et al. Abstinence from prolonged ethanol exposure affects plasma corticosterone, glucocorticoid receptor signaling and stress-related behaviors. Psychoneuroendocrinology 2017 Jun;84:17-31
Somkuwar SS et al
28 Giles DA et al. Thermoneutral housing exacerbates nonalcoholic fatty liver disease in mice and allows for sex-independent disease modeling. Nat. Med. 2017 Jun;
Giles DA et al
29 Bali A et al. Anti-stress effects of a GSK-3β inhibitor, AR-A014418, in immobilization stress of variable duration in mice. J Basic Clin Physiol Pharmacol 2017 Jun;
Bali A et al
30 Lee HY et al. The ethanol extract of Aquilariae Lignum ameliorates hippocampal oxidative stress in a repeated restraint stress mouse model. BMC Complement Altern Med 2017 Aug;17(1):397
Lee HY et al
31 Margatho RO et al. Beta-Adrenergic Blockade Decreases the Neuroimmune Changes in Mice Induced by Cohabitation with an Ehrlich Tumor-Bearing Cage Mate. Neuroimmunomodulation 2017;24(1):40-53
Margatho RO et al
32 V叩zquez-Le坦n P et al. Isolation stress and chronic mild stress induced immobility in the defensive burying behavior and a transient increased ethanol intake in Wistar rats. Alcohol 2017 Sep;63:43-51
V叩zquez-Le坦n P et al
33 Singleton JM et al. Influence of corticosterone on growth, home-cage activity, wheel running, and aerobic capacity in house mice selectively bred for high voluntary wheel-running behavior. Physiol. Behav. 2018 Oct;198:27-41
Singleton JM et al
Species: Mice PubMed
34 Whirledge SD et al. Neonatal Genistein Exposure and Glucocorticoid Signaling in the Adult Mouse Uterus. Environ. Health Perspect. 2018 Apr;126(4):047002
Whirledge SD et al
Species: Mouse PubMed
35 Schmidt KT et al. Stress-Induced Alterations of Norepinephrine Release in the Bed Nucleus of the Stria Terminalis of Mice. ACS Chem Neurosci 2018 Sep;
Schmidt KT et al
Species: Mice PubMed
36 Stanelle-Bertram S et al. Male offspring born to mildly ZIKV-infected mice are at risk of developing neurocognitive disorders in adulthood. Nat Microbiol 2018 Oct;3(10):1161-1174
Stanelle-Bertram S et al
Species: Mice PubMed
37 Thomas J et al. Stress axis variability is associated with differential ozone-induced lung inflammatory signaling and injury biomarker response. Environ. Res. 2018 Nov;167:751-758
Thomas J et al
Species: Rats PubMed
38 Jennifer Yang, et al., Stress rapidly suppresses in vivo LH pulses and increases activation of RFRP-3 neurons in male mice

Species: Mice PubMed
39 Andreas R Henriquez, et al., Beta-2 adrenergic and glucocorticoid receptor agonists modulate ozone-induced pulmonary protein leakage and inflammation in healthy and adrenalectomized rats

Species: Rats PubMed
40 Viola TW et al. Postnatal impoverished housing impairs adolescent risk-assessment and increases risk-taking: A sex-specific effect associated with histone epigenetic regulation of Crfr1 in the medial prefrontal cortex. Psychoneuroendocrinology 2018 Aug;99
Viola TW et al
Species: Mice PubMed
41 Sobolewski M et al. Developmental exposures to ultrafine particle air pollution reduces early testosterone levels and adult male social novelty preference: Risk for children's sex-biased neurobehavioral disorders. Neurotoxicology 2018 Sep;68:203-211
Sobolewski M et al
Species: Human PubMed
42 Dingess PM et al. High-Salt Exposure During Perinatal Development Enhances Stress Sensitivity. Dev Neurobiol 2018 Aug;
Dingess PM et al
Species: Rats PubMed
43 Fern叩ndez Aj坦 AA et al. Lifetime glucocorticoid profiles in baleen of right whale calves: potential relationships to chronic stress of repeated wounding by Kelp Gulls. Conserv Physiol 2018;6(1):coy045
Fern叩ndez Aj坦 AA et al
Species: Whale PubMed
44 Sandra Ceccatelli, et al., Methods and Compositions for Biomarkers of Depression and Pharmacoresponse

Species: Mice PubMed
45 Fonte C et al. Socioenvironmental stressors encountered during spaceflight partially affect the murine TCR-β repertoire and increase its self-reactivity. FASEB J. 2018 Jul;:fj201800969R
Fonte C et al
Species: Mice PubMed
46 Allison S. Injaian, et al., Effects of experimental chronic traffic noise exposure on adult and nestling T corticosterone levels, and nestling body condition in a free-living bird

Species: Bird PubMed
47 Mueller FS et al. Mouse models of maternal immune activation: Mind your caging system! Brain Behav. Immun. 2018 Oct;73:643-660
Mueller FS et al
Species: Mouse PubMed
48 Vitousek MN et al. The lingering impact of stress: brief acute glucocorticoid exposure has sustained, dose-dependent effects on reproduction. Proc. Biol. Sci. 2018 Jul;285(1882)
Vitousek MN et al
Species: tree swallow (Tachycineta bicolor) PubMed
49 Zuckerman A et al. Role of Endogenous and Exogenous Corticosterone on Behavioral and Cognitive Responses to Low-Pressure Blast Wave Exposure. J. Neurotrauma 2018 Sep;
Zuckerman A et al
50 Martin BL et al. Acute peat smoke inhalation sensitizes rats to the postprandial cardiometabolic effects of a high fat oral load. Sci. Total Environ. 2018 Dec;643:378-391
Martin BL et al
Species: Rats PubMed
51 Michelle Gaffney, et al., The Effects of Dietary Prebiotics and Chronic Circadian Disruption on Sleep, Cognition, and Adrenal Sensitivity

Species: Rats PubMed
52 Rachel Roller, et al., An Investigation of Cannabidiol-rich Hemp Extract and the Stress Response in Male and Female Rats

Species: Rats PubMed
53 Asimes A et al. Binge Drinking and Intergenerational Implications: Parental Preconception Alcohol Impacts Offspring Development in Rats. J Endocr Soc 2018 Jul;2(7):672-686
Asimes A et al
Species: Rats PubMed
54 Zena LA et al. Seasonal changes in plasma concentrations of the thyroid, glucocorticoid and reproductive hormones in the tegu lizard Salvator merianae. Gen. Comp. Endocrinol. 2018 Jun;
Zena LA et al
Species: Tegu lizard PubMed
55 Weimer SL et al. An evaluation of methods for measuring stress in broiler chickens. Poult. Sci. 2018 Oct;97(10):3381-3389
Weimer SL et al
Species: Chicken PubMed
56 Choudhary P et al. The locus coeruleus neurotoxin, DSP4, and/or a high sugar diet induce behavioral and biochemical alterations in wild-type mice consistent with Alzheimers related pathology. Metab Brain Dis 2018 Oct;33(5):1563-1571
Choudhary P et al
Species: Mice PubMed
57 Cignarella F et al. Intermittent Fasting Confers Protection in CNS Autoimmunity by Altering the Gut Microbiota. Cell Metab. 2018 Jun;27(6):1222-1235.e6
Cignarella F et al
Species: Human PubMed
58 Ballegeer M et al. Glucocorticoid receptor dimers control intestinal STAT1 and TNF-induced inflammation in mice. J. Clin. Invest. 2018 Aug;128(8):3265-3279
Ballegeer M et al
Species: Mouse PubMed
59 Katharine Louise McCallie, et al., A Comparative Study of Stress Physiology in the Common Watersnake (Nerodia sipedon), the Diamondback Watersnake Nerodia rhombifer), and the Queen Snake (Refina septemvittata)

Species: Snake PubMed
60 Ashley L Russell, et al., Differential response of the HPA axis to mild blast traumatic brain injury in male and female mice

Species: Mouse PubMed
61 Benjamin M. Duckworth, et al., Corticosterone Profiles in Northern Cardinals (Cardinalis cardinalis): Do Levels Vary Through Life History Stages?

Species: Bird (Cardinal) PubMed
62 Maren N. Vitousek, et al., Hormones and Fitness: Evidence for Trade-Offs in Glucocorticoid Regulation Across Context

Species: Tree Swallows PubMed
63 Sarah Kim, et al., Comparison of blood sampling methods for plasma corticosterone measurements in mice associated with minimal stress-related artefacts

Species: Mouse PubMed
64 Mana Ogawa, et al., Short-term mastication after weaning upregulates GABAergic signalling and reduces dendritic spine in thalamus

Species: Rat PubMed
65 Alexis Roman, et al., The Inappropriate Occurrence of REM Sleep in Narcolepsy is not due to a Defect in Homeostatic Regulation of REM Sleep

Species: Mouse PubMed
66 Matthew A. Quinn, et al., Estrogen Deficiency Promotes Hepatic Steatosis via a Glucocorticoid Receptor-Dependent Mechanism in Mice

Species: Mouse PubMed
67 Janko Sattler, et al., The role of 11硫-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 1 in the regulation of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis in immune-mediated arthritis

Species: Mouse PubMed
68 Marissa Sobolewski, et al., Developmental Lead Exposure and Prenatal Stress Result in Sex-Specific Reprograming of Adult Stress Physiology and Epigenetic Profiles in Brain

Species: Mouse PubMed
69 Ana P. Davel, et al., Sex‐Specific Mechanisms of Resistance Vessel Endothelial Dysfunction Induced by Cardiometabolic Risk Factors

Species: Mouse PubMed
70 Megan R. LaFollette, et al., A happier rat pack: The impacts of tickling pet store rats on human-animal interactions and rat welfare

Species: Rat PubMed
71 Karen F. Mancera, et al., The effects of mining machinery noise of different amplitudes on the behaviour, faecal corticosterone and tissue morphology of wild mice (Mus musculus)

Species: Mouse PubMed
72 Alexander T. Baugh, et al., Validation of water-borne steroid hormones in a tropical frog (Physalaemus pustulosus)

Species: Frog PubMed
73 Errol M. Thomson, et al., Ozone modifies the metabolic and endocrine response to glucose: Reproduction of effects with the stress hormone corticosterone

Species: Rat PubMed
74 Janko Sattler, et al., Role of 11硫-HSD type 1 in abnormal HPA axis activity during immune-mediated arthritis

Species: Mouse PubMed
75 Joana F. Sacramento, et al., Bioelectronic modulation of carotid sinus nerve activity in the rat: a potential therapeutic approach for type 2 diabetes

Species: Rat PubMed
76 Carlo Cinque, et al., Faecal corticosterone metabolite assessment in socially housed male and female Wistar rats

Species: Rat PubMed
77 Colette N. Miller, et al., Uterine Artery Flow and Offspring Growth in Long-Evans Rats following Maternal Exposure to Ozone during Implantation

Species: Rat PubMed
78 Nishioka R et al. Treadmill exercise ameliorates ischemia-induced brain edema while suppressing Na⁺/H⁺ exchanger 1 expression. Exp. Neurol. 2016 Mar;277:150-161
Nishioka R et al
Species: Rat PubMed
79 Sara Jamil, et al., Early life stress induces persistent alteration in endocannabinoid system and leads to dysfunc-tional modulation of emotional memory retrieval

Species: Rat PubMed
80 Yu Li, et al., Repetitive restraint stress changes spleen immune cell subsets through glucocorticoid receptor or 硫-adrenergic receptor in a stage dependent manner

Species: Mouse PubMed
81 Katarzyna Zalewska, et al., Sustained administration of corticosterone at stress-like levels after stroke suppressed glial reactivity at sites of thalamic secondary neurodegeneration

Species: Rat PubMed
82 Bruno Sauce, et al., A broader phenotype of persistence emerges from individual differences in response to extinction

Species: Mouse PubMed
83 Shinjini Pilon, et al., Metabolic, stress, and inflammatory biomarker responses to glucose administration in Fischer-344 rats: intraperitoneal vs. oral delivery

Species: Rat PubMed
84 Kevin Fletcher, et al., Causes and consequences of life- history variation

Species: Bird (Collared Flycatcher) PubMed
85 Angela Medina-Garcia, et al., Cognition, personality, and stress in budgerigars, Melopsittacus undulatus

Species: Bird (budgerigars) PubMed
86 Jacqueline M. Ho, et al., Acute sleep disruption- and high-fat diet-induced hypothalamic inflammation are not related to glucose tolerance in mice

Species: mouse PubMed
87 Anne T.M. Konkle, et al., Chronic noise exposure in the spontaneously hypertensive rat

Species: rat PubMed
88 Kathleen Hunt, et al., Multi-year longitudinal profiles of cortisol and corticosterone recovered from baleen of North Atlantic right whales (Eubalaena glacialis)

Species: Whale (Eubalaena glacialis) PubMed
89 Leaj J. E. Pryor & Joseph M. Casto, et al., Ectoparasites as developmental stressors: Effects on somatic and physiological development

Species: Bird (european starlings) PubMed
90 Lynnette R. Montgomery, et al., Altered vasopressin and natriuretic peptide levels in a rat model of spinal cord injury – Implications for the development of polyuria

Species: rat PubMed
91 Hyun-Yong Lee, et al., The ethanol extract of Aquilariae Lignum ameliorates hippocampal oxidative stress in a repeated restraint stress mouse model

Species: mouse PubMed
92 Margatho R.O., et al., Beta-Adrenergic Blockade Decreases the Neuroimmune Changes in Mice Induced by Cohabitation with an Ehrlich Tumor-Bearing Cage Mate

Species: Mouse PubMed
93 Jennifer A. Yang, et al., Acute Psychosocial Stress Inhibits LH Pulsatility and Kiss1 Neuronal Activation in Female Mice

Species: Mouse PubMed
94 Priscila Vazquez-Leon, et al., Isolation stress and chronic mild stress induced immobility in the defensive burying behavior and a transient increased ethanol intake in Wistar rats

Species: Rat PubMed
95 Yuka Tomabechi, et al., Extra-adrenal glucocorticoids contribute to the postprandial increase of circulating leptin in mice

Species: Mouse and Human PubMed
96 Vishnu N. Thakare, et al., Silymarin ameliorates experimentally induced deptessive like behavior in rats: Involvment of hippocampal BDNF signaling, inflammatory cytokines and oxidative stress response

Species: Rat PubMed
97 Layla Hiramatsu, et al., Maternal exposure to Western diet affects adult body composition and voluntary wheel running in a genotype-specific manner in mice

Species: Mouse PubMed
98 Sucharita S Somkuwar, et al., Abstinence from prolonged ethanol exposure affects plasma corticosterone, glucocorticoid receptor signaling and stress-related behaviors

Species: Rat PubMed
99 Danial A Giles, et al., Thermoneutral housing exacerbates nonalcoholic fatty liver disease in mice and allows for sex-independent disease modeling

Species: Mouse PubMed
100 Anjana Bali, et al., Anti-stress effects of GSK-3B inhibitor , AR-A014418, in immobilization stress of variable duration in mice

Species: Mouse PubMed
101 Bonnie Ann Baird, et al., Ambassador Animal Welfare: Using Behavioral and Physiological Indicators to Assess the Well-being of Animals Used for Education Programs in Zoos

Species: Armadillo, Hedgehog PubMed
102 Lynn B. Martin, et al., Corticosterone regulation in house sparrows invading Senegal

Species: Birds (House Sparrow) PubMed
103 Guido Di Martino, et al., The effect of crate height on the behavior of female turkeys during commercial pre-slaughter transportation

Species: Birds (Turkey) PubMed
104 Reka Natarajan, et al., Chronic-Stress-Induced Behavioral Changes Associated with Subregion-Selective Serotonin Cell Death in the Dorsal Raphe

Species: Rat PubMed
105 Elizabeth R. Wagenmaker, et al., Exposure to acute psychosocial stress disrupts the luteinizing hormone surge independent of estrous cycle alterations in female mice

Species: Mouse PubMed
106 Carine Parent, et al., Maternal care modulates the febrile response to lipopolysaccharide through differences in glucocorticoid receptor sensitivity in the rat

Species: Rat PubMed
107 Meghan Hibicke, et al., Development and Evaluation of an Adolescent Chronic Restraint Stress (ACRS) Protocol to Model Adult Depression in Female Rats

Species: Rat PubMed
108 Matthew D. Waterhouse, et al., Individual-based analysis of hair corticosterone reveals factors influencing chronic stress in the American pika

Species: Pika PubMed
109 Fabiane Martins Barbosa, et al., Depressive behavior induced by unpredictable chronic mild stress increases dentin hypersensitivity in rats

Species: Rat PubMed
110 Marcelo Pires Nogueira de Carvalho, et al., Functional characterization of neotropical snakes peripheral blood leukocytes subsets: Linking flow cytometry cell features, microscopy images and serum corticosterone levels

Species: snake PubMed
111 Laura R. Hinds, et al., Dynamic glucocorticoid-dependent regulation of Sgk1 expression in oligodendrocytes of male rat brain by acute stress and time of day

Species: Rat PubMed
112 Enrica Marmonti, et al., A Rat Immobilization Model Based on Cage Volume Reduction: A Physiological Model for Bed Rest?

Species: Rat PubMed
113 Katarzyna Zalewska, et al., Oral Administration of corticosterone at stress-like levels drives microglial but not vascular disturbances post-stroke

114 Guillaum Harle, et al., Repeated corticosterone injections in adult mice alter stress hormonal receptor expression in the cerebellum and motor coordination without affecting spatial learning

Species: Mouse PubMed
115 Pardeep Sharma, et al., Correlating bacterial shedding with fecal corticosterone levels and serological responses from layer hens experimentally infected with Salmonella Typhimurium

Species: Chicken PubMed
116 Angelo Contarino, et al., CRF1 receptor-deficiency increases cocaine reward

Species: Mouse PubMed
117 Todd Robeck, et al., Characterization and longitudinal monitoring of serum androgens and glucocorticoids during normal pregnancy in the killer whale (Orcinus orca)

Species: Killer Whale PubMed
118 Rebekah Taylor, et al., Stress Levels in Captured River Otters (Lontra Canadensis) Decreased After Transportation to Reintroduction Sites

Species: River Otters PubMed
119 Ana Paula Bueno, et al., Corticosterone administration after a single-trial contextual fear conditioning does not influence the strength and specificity of recent and remote memory in rats

Species: Rat PubMed
120 Alice Pulga, et al., Changes in C57BL6 Mouse Hippocampal Transcriptome Induced by Hypergravity Mimic Acute Corticosterone-Induced Stress

Species: Mouse PubMed
121 Bong Hyo Lee, et al., Altered Acoustic Startle Reflex, Prepulse Inhibition, and Peripheral Brain-Derived Neirotrophic Factor in Morphne Self-Administered Rats

Species: Rat PubMed
122 Thalita R.M. Machado, et al., Cohabitation with an Ehrlich tumor-bearing cagemate induces immune but not behavioral changes in male mice

Species: Mouse PubMed
123 Agnieszka Mika, et al., Early life diets with prebiotics and bioactive milk fractions attenuate the impact of stress on learned helplessness behaviors and alter gene expression within neural circuits important for stress resistance

Species: Rat PubMed
124 Sylvia J. Gasparini, et al., Continuous corticosterone delivery via drinking water of pellet implantation: A comparative study in mice

Species: Mouse PubMed
125 Vishnu N. Thakare, et al., Attenuation of acute restraint stress-induced depressive like behavior and hippocampal alterations with protocatechuic acid treatment in mice

Species: Mouse PubMed
126 Sandip K. Bose, et al., Hepatic glucocorticoid receptor plays a greater role than adipose GR in metabolic syndrome despite renal compensation

Species: Mouse PubMed
127 L.S. Resende, et al., Social stress in adolescents induces depression and brain-region-specific modulation of the transcription factor MAX

Species: Mouse PubMed
128 K.N. Santhosh, et al., Impact of scorpion venom as an acute stressor on the neuroendocrine-immunological network

Species: Scorpion Venom PubMed
129 J.K. O'Brian, et al., Androgen and glucocorticoid production in the male killer whale (Orcinus orca): influence of age, maturity, and environmental factors

Species: Killer Whale PubMed
130 A.P.N. di Lima, et al., Long-lasting monoaminergic and behavioral dysfunctions in a mice model of socio-environmental stress during adolescence

Species: Mouse PubMed
131 Pierluca Costa, et al., An association between feather damaging behavior and corticosterone metabolite excretion in captive African grey parrots (Psittacus erithacus)

Species: (Bird) African Grey Parrot PubMed
132 Kristen M. Covino, et al., Overlapping life-history stages in migrating songbirds: variation in circulating testosterone and testosterone production capacity

Species: (Bird) Songbird PubMed
133 Lars H. Nelson, et al., Microglia depletion in early life programs persistent changes in social, mood-related, and locomotor behavior in male and female rats

Species: Rat PubMed
134 M.J. Duncan, et al., Restricting feeding to the active phase in middle-aged mice attenuates adverse metabolic effects of a high-fat diet

Species: Mouse PubMed

Species: Mouse PubMed
136 Almut Vollmer, et al., Serum amyloid A (SAA) is an early biomarker of influenza virus disease in BALB/c, C57BL/2, Swiss-Webster, and DBA.2 mice

Species: Mouse PubMed
137 Shilpa Ravinder, et al., Excessive Sensory Stimulation during Development Alters Neural Plasticity and Vulnerability to Cocaine in Mice

Species: Mouse PubMed
138 Caela Long, et al., Hormonal and molecular effects of restraint stress on formalin-induced pain-like behavior in male and female mice

Species: Mouse PubMed
139 Lauren Gillespie, et al., Effects of human Disturbance on Physiology, Behavior, and Ornamentation in the Eastern Bluebird

Species: (Bird) Bluebird PubMed
140 S. K. Makkar, et al., Nutritional Supplement of Hatchery Eggshell Membrane Improves Poultry Performance and Provides Resistance against Endotoxin Stress

Species: Chicken PubMed
141 Vishnu Thakare, et al., Potential antidepressant-like activity of silymarin in the acute restraint stress in mice: Modulation of corticosterone and oxidative stress response in cerebral cortex and hippocampus

Species: Mouse PubMed
142 James Rivers, et al., Success despite the stress: violet-gree swallows increase glucocorticoids and maintain reproductive output despite experimental increases in flight costs

Species: Bird (Violet Green Swallow) PubMed
143 Christopher Boyson, et al., Maladaptive choices by defeated rats: link between rapid approach to social threat and escalated cocain self-administration

Species: Rat PubMed
144 Desinia Miller, et al., Systemic metabolic derangement, pulmonary effects, and insulin insufficiency following subchronic ozone exposure in rats

Species: Rat PubMed
145 Jose Gulfo, et al., Altered lipid partitioning and glucocorticoid availability in CBG-deficient male mice with diet-induced obesity

Species: Mouse PubMed
146 Jennifer Wilkening, et al., Characterizing predictors of survival in the American pika (Ochotona princeps)

Species: American Pika PubMed
147 Tamas Fuzesi, et al., Hypothalamic CRH neurons orchestrate complex behaviors after stress

Species: Mouse PubMed
148 Sarah Wright, et al., Sources of variation in plasma corticosterone and dehydroepiandrosterone in the male northern cardinal (Cardinalis cardinalis): II. Effects of urbanization, food supplementation and social stress

Species: (Bird) Cardinal PubMed
149 Sunny Zhihong, et al., Activation of the HPA axis and depression of feeding behavior induced by restraint stress are separately regulated by PACAPergic neurotransmission in the mouse

Species: Mouse PubMed
150 Diana Cruz-Topete, et al., Corticosteroids Are Essential for Maintaining Cardiovascular Function in Male Mice

Species: Mouse PubMed
151 Kristen Covino, et al., Transition between phases of the annual cycle: Spring migration to breeding Neartic-Neotropical songbirds

Species: Bird (songbird) PubMed
152 Shuei Sugama, et al., Loss of dopaminergic neurons occurs in the ventral tegmental area and hypothalamus of rats following chronic stress: Possible pathogenetic loci for depression involved in Parkinson's disease

Species: Rat PubMed
153 Pierluca Costa, et al., Fecal corticosterone excretion in captive healthy and feather picking African grey parrots (Psittacus erithacus)

Species: Bird (Grey Parrot) PubMed
154 A. L. Dinel, et al., Dairy fat blend improves brain DHA and neuroplasticity and regulates corticosterone in mice

Species: Mouse PubMed
155 Konstanze Plaschke, et al., Neuroinflammation: effect of surgical stress compared to anaesthesia and effect of physostigmine

Species: Rat PubMed
156 Irene Melo, et al., Sleep supports cued fear extinction memory consolidation independent of circadian phase

Species: Mouse PubMed
157 Christin Huske, et al., Towards optimized anesthesia protocols for stereotactic surgery in rats: Analgesic, stress and general health effects of injectable anesthetics. A comparison of a recommended complete reversal anesthesia with traditional chloral hy

Species: Rat PubMed
158 Ellen Rhodes, et al., Chronic Stress and RCAN1 Expression

Species: Mouse PubMed
159 M. Alm, et al., Welfare indicators in laying hens in relation to nest exclusion

Species: Bird (Hens) PubMed
160 Erin Harris, et al., Calbindin Knockout Alters Sex-Specific Regulation of Behavior and Gene Expression in Amygdala and Prefrontal Cortex - See more at: http://press.endocrine.org/doi/10.1210/en.2016-1055#sthash.deW60vZK.dpuf

Species: Mouse PubMed
161 J.W.M. Arts, et al., Transportation in Laboratory Rats - Effects of a Black Box

Species: Rat PubMed
162 Julieta Ochoa-Amaya, et al., Attenuated allergic inflammatory response in the lungs during lactation

Species: Rat PubMed
163 Duozhuang Tang, et al., Dietary restriction improves repopulation but impairs lymphoid differentiation capacity of hematopoietic stem cells in early aging

Species: Mouse PubMed
164 Landsay Silva, et al., Sex and age specific effects of delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol during the periadolescent period in the rat: The unique susceptibility of the prepubescent animal

Species: Rat PubMed
165 Tracey Shors, et al., Sexual Conspecific Aggressive Response (SCAR): A Model of Sexual Trauma that Disrupts Maternal Learning and Plasticity in the Female Brain

Species: Rodent PubMed
166 Bonnie Baird, et al., Program animal welfare: Using behavioral and physiological measures to assess the well-being of animals used for education programs in zoos

Species: Armadillos, Hedgehogs, red-tailed hawk PubMed
167 Jennifer Wilkening, et al., When can we measure stress noninvasively? Postdeposition effects on a fecal stress metric confound a multiregional assessment

Species: American Pika PubMed
168 Anjana Bali, et al., Investigations on GSK-3硫/NF-kB signaling in stress and stress adaptive behavior in electric foot shock subjected mice

Species: Mouse PubMed
169 Vera Voznessenskaya, et al., Responses to Domestic Cat Chemical Signals in the House Mouse Are Modulated by Early Olfactory Experience

Species: Mouse PubMed
170 Elana Luo, et al., Corticosterone Blocks Ovarian Cyclicity and the LH Surge via Decreased Kisspeptin Neuron Activation in Female Mice - See more at: http://press.endocrine.org/doi/10.1210/en.2015-1711#sthash.pDI6sqrG.dpuf

Species: Mouse PubMed
171 Ryutaro Nishioka, et al., Treadmill exercise ameliorates ischemia-induced brain edema while suppressing Na+/H+ exchanger 1 expression

Species: Rat PubMed
172 Carolyn Bauer, et al., Hypothalamic窶菟ituitary窶殿drenal axis activity is not elevated in a songbird (Junco hyemalis) preparing for migration

Species: Bird (Songbird) PubMed
173 Grace Pardo, et al., Effects of sleep restriction during pregnancy on the mother and fetuses in rats

Species: Rat PubMed
174 Yanxia Lu, et al., An association between neuropeptide Y levels and leukocyte subsets in stress-exacerbated asthmatic mice

Species: Mouse PubMed
175 Matthew Quinn, et al., Endogenous hepatic glucocorticoid receptor signaling coordinates sex-biased inflammatory gene expression

Species: Human PubMed
176 M.R. Jarcho, et al., Behavioral and physiological response to onset and termination of social instability in female mice

Species: Mouse PubMed
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185 Jennifer Wilkening, et al., Parks, pikas and physiological stress: Implications for long-term monitoring of an NPS climate-sensitive sentinel species

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186 Kristen Covino, et al., Patterns of testosterone in three Nearctic窶哲eotropical migratory songbirds during spring passage

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196 Leah Pryor, et al., Blood-feeding ectoparasites as developmental stressors: Does corticosterone mediate effects of mite infestation on nestling growth, immunity and energy availability?

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205 Jennifer Wilkening, et al., Relating Sub-Surface Ice Features to Physiological Stress in a Climate Sensitive Mammal, the American Pika (Ochotona princeps)

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  • No.: 1
  • 文献情報:
    07 May 2014 - Enkephalin knockout male mice are resistant to chronic mild stress

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  • No.: 2
  • 文献情報:
    24 April 2014 - Limited Brain Metabolism Changes Differentiate between the Progression and Clearance of Rabies Virus

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  • No.: 3
  • 文献情報:
    24 March 2014 - Three Weeks of Murine Hindlimb Unloading Induces Shifts from B to T and from Th to Tc Splenic Lymphocytes in Absence of Stress and Differentially Reduces Cell-Specific Mitogenic Responses

  • 備考:
  • 参照:
  • No.: 4
  • 文献情報:
    19 March 2014 - Extended Wakefulness: Compromised Metabolics in and Degeneration of Locus Ceruleus Neurons

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  • No.: 5
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    24 February 2014 - Metabolic crosstalk between the heart and liver impacts familial hypertrophic cardiomyopathy

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    31 January 2014 - Genotype-related effect of crowding stress on blood pressure and vascular function in young female rats

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    24 January 2014 - Identification of hypothalamic sites that control puberty onset and sexual maturation

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    17 December 2013 - In contrast to its anti-inflammatory and anti-apoptotic peripheral effect, levosimendan failed to induce a long-term neuroprotective effect in a rat model of mild septic encephalopathy: A pilot study

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    01 December 2013 - Age-specific locomotor response to nicotine in yellow and mottled yellow Avy/a mice

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  • 参照:
  • No.: 10
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    30 October 2013 - Effects of Probiotic Therapy on Metabolic and Inflammatory Parameters of Rats With Ligature-Induced Periodontitis Associated With Restraint Stress

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    19 October 2013 - Stress hormone concentration in Rocky Mountain populations of the American pika (Ochotona princeps)

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    14 October 2013 - Intestinal gluconeogenesis is crucial to maintain a physiological fasting glycemia in the absence of hepatic glucose production in mice

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  • No.: 13
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    09 October 2013 - Inflammation and Oxidative Stress Are Elevated in the Brain, Blood, and Adrenal Glands during the Progression of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder in a Predator Exposure Animal Model

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    26 June 2013 - Mapping acute systemic effects of inhaled particulate matter and ozone: multi-organ gene expression and glucocorticoid activity

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    21 June 2013 - The intersection of early life experiences and serotonergic gene expression on behavior and physiology

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    22 April 2013 - Leptin action through hypothalamic nitric oxide synthase-1窶兎xpressing neurons controls energy balance

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    01 April 2013 - Effect of Breed, Cage Type, and Reproductive Phase on Fecal Corticosterone Levels in Doe Rabbits

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    25 March 2013 - Natural variation in circulating testosterone does not predict nestling provisioning rates in the northern cardinal, Cardinalis cardinalis

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    22 February 2013 - Modulation in Wistar Rats of Blood Corticosterone Compartmentation by Sex and a Cafeteria Diet

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    31 December 2012 - Alcohol intoxications during adolescence increase motivation for alcohol in adult rats and induce neuroadaptations in the nucleus accumbens

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  • 備考:
  • 参照:
  • No.: 23
  • 文献情報:
    14 November 2012 - The lipocalin-type prostaglandin D2 synthase knock-out (L-PGDS KO) mouse model of insulin resistance and obesity demonstrates early hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis hyperactivity

  • 備考:
  • 参照:
  • No.: 24
  • 文献情報:
    Tomabechi Y et al. Extra-adrenal glucocorticoids contribute to the postprandial increase of circulating leptin in mice. J Cell Commun Signal 2017 Jul;
    Tomabechi Y et al
  • 備考:
  • 参照:
  • No.: 25
  • 文献情報:
    Thakare VN et al. Silymarin ameliorates experimentally induced depressive like behavior in rats: Involvement of hippocampal BDNF signaling, inflammatory cytokines and oxidative stress response. Physiol. Behav. 2017 Jul;179:401-410
    Thakare VN et al
  • 備考:
  • 参照:
  • No.: 26
  • 文献情報:
    Hiramatsu L et al. Maternal exposure to Western diet affects adult body composition and voluntary wheel running in a genotype-specific manner in mice. Physiol. Behav. 2017 Jun;
    Hiramatsu L et al
  • 備考:
  • 参照:
  • No.: 27
  • 文献情報:
    Somkuwar SS et al. Abstinence from prolonged ethanol exposure affects plasma corticosterone, glucocorticoid receptor signaling and stress-related behaviors. Psychoneuroendocrinology 2017 Jun;84:17-31
    Somkuwar SS et al
  • 備考:
  • 参照:
  • No.: 28
  • 文献情報:
    Giles DA et al. Thermoneutral housing exacerbates nonalcoholic fatty liver disease in mice and allows for sex-independent disease modeling. Nat. Med. 2017 Jun;
    Giles DA et al
  • 備考:
  • 参照:
  • No.: 29
  • 文献情報:
    Bali A et al. Anti-stress effects of a GSK-3β inhibitor, AR-A014418, in immobilization stress of variable duration in mice. J Basic Clin Physiol Pharmacol 2017 Jun;
    Bali A et al
  • 備考:
  • 参照:
  • No.: 30
  • 文献情報:
    Lee HY et al. The ethanol extract of Aquilariae Lignum ameliorates hippocampal oxidative stress in a repeated restraint stress mouse model. BMC Complement Altern Med 2017 Aug;17(1):397
    Lee HY et al
  • 備考:
  • 参照:
  • No.: 31
  • 文献情報:
    Margatho RO et al. Beta-Adrenergic Blockade Decreases the Neuroimmune Changes in Mice Induced by Cohabitation with an Ehrlich Tumor-Bearing Cage Mate. Neuroimmunomodulation 2017;24(1):40-53
    Margatho RO et al
  • 備考:
  • 参照:
  • No.: 32
  • 文献情報:
    V叩zquez-Le坦n P et al. Isolation stress and chronic mild stress induced immobility in the defensive burying behavior and a transient increased ethanol intake in Wistar rats. Alcohol 2017 Sep;63:43-51
    V叩zquez-Le坦n P et al
  • 備考:
  • 参照:
  • No.: 33
  • 文献情報:
    Singleton JM et al. Influence of corticosterone on growth, home-cage activity, wheel running, and aerobic capacity in house mice selectively bred for high voluntary wheel-running behavior. Physiol. Behav. 2018 Oct;198:27-41
    Singleton JM et al
  • 備考:
    Species: Mice
  • 参照:
  • No.: 34
  • 文献情報:
    Whirledge SD et al. Neonatal Genistein Exposure and Glucocorticoid Signaling in the Adult Mouse Uterus. Environ. Health Perspect. 2018 Apr;126(4):047002
    Whirledge SD et al
  • 備考:
    Species: Mouse
  • 参照:
  • No.: 35
  • 文献情報:
    Schmidt KT et al. Stress-Induced Alterations of Norepinephrine Release in the Bed Nucleus of the Stria Terminalis of Mice. ACS Chem Neurosci 2018 Sep;
    Schmidt KT et al
  • 備考:
    Species: Mice
  • 参照:
  • No.: 36
  • 文献情報:
    Stanelle-Bertram S et al. Male offspring born to mildly ZIKV-infected mice are at risk of developing neurocognitive disorders in adulthood. Nat Microbiol 2018 Oct;3(10):1161-1174
    Stanelle-Bertram S et al
  • 備考:
    Species: Mice
  • 参照:
  • No.: 37
  • 文献情報:
    Thomas J et al. Stress axis variability is associated with differential ozone-induced lung inflammatory signaling and injury biomarker response. Environ. Res. 2018 Nov;167:751-758
    Thomas J et al
  • 備考:
    Species: Rats
  • 参照:
  • No.: 38
  • 文献情報:
    Jennifer Yang, et al., Stress rapidly suppresses in vivo LH pulses and increases activation of RFRP-3 neurons in male mice

  • 備考:
    Species: Mice
  • 参照:
  • No.: 39
  • 文献情報:
    Andreas R Henriquez, et al., Beta-2 adrenergic and glucocorticoid receptor agonists modulate ozone-induced pulmonary protein leakage and inflammation in healthy and adrenalectomized rats

  • 備考:
    Species: Rats
  • 参照:
  • No.: 40
  • 文献情報:
    Viola TW et al. Postnatal impoverished housing impairs adolescent risk-assessment and increases risk-taking: A sex-specific effect associated with histone epigenetic regulation of Crfr1 in the medial prefrontal cortex. Psychoneuroendocrinology 2018 Aug;99
    Viola TW et al
  • 備考:
    Species: Mice
  • 参照:
  • No.: 41
  • 文献情報:
    Sobolewski M et al. Developmental exposures to ultrafine particle air pollution reduces early testosterone levels and adult male social novelty preference: Risk for children's sex-biased neurobehavioral disorders. Neurotoxicology 2018 Sep;68:203-211
    Sobolewski M et al
  • 備考:
    Species: Human
  • 参照:
  • No.: 42
  • 文献情報:
    Dingess PM et al. High-Salt Exposure During Perinatal Development Enhances Stress Sensitivity. Dev Neurobiol 2018 Aug;
    Dingess PM et al
  • 備考:
    Species: Rats
  • 参照:
  • No.: 43
  • 文献情報:
    Fern叩ndez Aj坦 AA et al. Lifetime glucocorticoid profiles in baleen of right whale calves: potential relationships to chronic stress of repeated wounding by Kelp Gulls. Conserv Physiol 2018;6(1):coy045
    Fern叩ndez Aj坦 AA et al
  • 備考:
    Species: Whale
  • 参照:
  • No.: 44
  • 文献情報:
    Sandra Ceccatelli, et al., Methods and Compositions for Biomarkers of Depression and Pharmacoresponse

  • 備考:
    Species: Mice
  • 参照:
  • No.: 45
  • 文献情報:
    Fonte C et al. Socioenvironmental stressors encountered during spaceflight partially affect the murine TCR-β repertoire and increase its self-reactivity. FASEB J. 2018 Jul;:fj201800969R
    Fonte C et al
  • 備考:
    Species: Mice
  • 参照:
  • No.: 46
  • 文献情報:
    Allison S. Injaian, et al., Effects of experimental chronic traffic noise exposure on adult and nestling T corticosterone levels, and nestling body condition in a free-living bird

  • 備考:
    Species: Bird
  • 参照:
  • No.: 47
  • 文献情報:
    Mueller FS et al. Mouse models of maternal immune activation: Mind your caging system! Brain Behav. Immun. 2018 Oct;73:643-660
    Mueller FS et al
  • 備考:
    Species: Mouse
  • 参照:
  • No.: 48
  • 文献情報:
    Vitousek MN et al. The lingering impact of stress: brief acute glucocorticoid exposure has sustained, dose-dependent effects on reproduction. Proc. Biol. Sci. 2018 Jul;285(1882)
    Vitousek MN et al
  • 備考:
    Species: tree swallow (Tachycineta bicolor)
  • 参照:
  • No.: 49
  • 文献情報:
    Zuckerman A et al. Role of Endogenous and Exogenous Corticosterone on Behavioral and Cognitive Responses to Low-Pressure Blast Wave Exposure. J. Neurotrauma 2018 Sep;
    Zuckerman A et al
  • 備考:
  • 参照:
  • No.: 50
  • 文献情報:
    Martin BL et al. Acute peat smoke inhalation sensitizes rats to the postprandial cardiometabolic effects of a high fat oral load. Sci. Total Environ. 2018 Dec;643:378-391
    Martin BL et al
  • 備考:
    Species: Rats
  • 参照:
  • No.: 51
  • 文献情報:
    Michelle Gaffney, et al., The Effects of Dietary Prebiotics and Chronic Circadian Disruption on Sleep, Cognition, and Adrenal Sensitivity

  • 備考:
    Species: Rats
  • 参照:
  • No.: 52
  • 文献情報:
    Rachel Roller, et al., An Investigation of Cannabidiol-rich Hemp Extract and the Stress Response in Male and Female Rats

  • 備考:
    Species: Rats
  • 参照:
  • No.: 53
  • 文献情報:
    Asimes A et al. Binge Drinking and Intergenerational Implications: Parental Preconception Alcohol Impacts Offspring Development in Rats. J Endocr Soc 2018 Jul;2(7):672-686
    Asimes A et al
  • 備考:
    Species: Rats
  • 参照:
  • No.: 54
  • 文献情報:
    Zena LA et al. Seasonal changes in plasma concentrations of the thyroid, glucocorticoid and reproductive hormones in the tegu lizard Salvator merianae. Gen. Comp. Endocrinol. 2018 Jun;
    Zena LA et al
  • 備考:
    Species: Tegu lizard
  • 参照:
  • No.: 55
  • 文献情報:
    Weimer SL et al. An evaluation of methods for measuring stress in broiler chickens. Poult. Sci. 2018 Oct;97(10):3381-3389
    Weimer SL et al
  • 備考:
    Species: Chicken
  • 参照:
  • No.: 56
  • 文献情報:
    Choudhary P et al. The locus coeruleus neurotoxin, DSP4, and/or a high sugar diet induce behavioral and biochemical alterations in wild-type mice consistent with Alzheimers related pathology. Metab Brain Dis 2018 Oct;33(5):1563-1571
    Choudhary P et al
  • 備考:
    Species: Mice
  • 参照:
  • No.: 57
  • 文献情報:
    Cignarella F et al. Intermittent Fasting Confers Protection in CNS Autoimmunity by Altering the Gut Microbiota. Cell Metab. 2018 Jun;27(6):1222-1235.e6
    Cignarella F et al
  • 備考:
    Species: Human
  • 参照:
  • No.: 58
  • 文献情報:
    Ballegeer M et al. Glucocorticoid receptor dimers control intestinal STAT1 and TNF-induced inflammation in mice. J. Clin. Invest. 2018 Aug;128(8):3265-3279
    Ballegeer M et al
  • 備考:
    Species: Mouse
  • 参照:
  • No.: 59
  • 文献情報:
    Katharine Louise McCallie, et al., A Comparative Study of Stress Physiology in the Common Watersnake (Nerodia sipedon), the Diamondback Watersnake Nerodia rhombifer), and the Queen Snake (Refina septemvittata)

  • 備考:
    Species: Snake
  • 参照:
  • No.: 60
  • 文献情報:
    Ashley L Russell, et al., Differential response of the HPA axis to mild blast traumatic brain injury in male and female mice

  • 備考:
    Species: Mouse
  • 参照:
  • No.: 61
  • 文献情報:
    Benjamin M. Duckworth, et al., Corticosterone Profiles in Northern Cardinals (Cardinalis cardinalis): Do Levels Vary Through Life History Stages?

  • 備考:
    Species: Bird (Cardinal)
  • 参照:
  • No.: 62
  • 文献情報:
    Maren N. Vitousek, et al., Hormones and Fitness: Evidence for Trade-Offs in Glucocorticoid Regulation Across Context

  • 備考:
    Species: Tree Swallows
  • 参照:
  • No.: 63
  • 文献情報:
    Sarah Kim, et al., Comparison of blood sampling methods for plasma corticosterone measurements in mice associated with minimal stress-related artefacts

  • 備考:
    Species: Mouse
  • 参照:
  • No.: 64
  • 文献情報:
    Mana Ogawa, et al., Short-term mastication after weaning upregulates GABAergic signalling and reduces dendritic spine in thalamus

  • 備考:
    Species: Rat
  • 参照:
  • No.: 65
  • 文献情報:
    Alexis Roman, et al., The Inappropriate Occurrence of REM Sleep in Narcolepsy is not due to a Defect in Homeostatic Regulation of REM Sleep

  • 備考:
    Species: Mouse
  • 参照:
  • No.: 66
  • 文献情報:
    Matthew A. Quinn, et al., Estrogen Deficiency Promotes Hepatic Steatosis via a Glucocorticoid Receptor-Dependent Mechanism in Mice

  • 備考:
    Species: Mouse
  • 参照:
  • No.: 67
  • 文献情報:
    Janko Sattler, et al., The role of 11硫-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 1 in the regulation of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis in immune-mediated arthritis

  • 備考:
    Species: Mouse
  • 参照:
  • No.: 68
  • 文献情報:
    Marissa Sobolewski, et al., Developmental Lead Exposure and Prenatal Stress Result in Sex-Specific Reprograming of Adult Stress Physiology and Epigenetic Profiles in Brain

  • 備考:
    Species: Mouse
  • 参照:
  • No.: 69
  • 文献情報:
    Ana P. Davel, et al., Sex‐Specific Mechanisms of Resistance Vessel Endothelial Dysfunction Induced by Cardiometabolic Risk Factors

  • 備考:
    Species: Mouse
  • 参照:
  • No.: 70
  • 文献情報:
    Megan R. LaFollette, et al., A happier rat pack: The impacts of tickling pet store rats on human-animal interactions and rat welfare

  • 備考:
    Species: Rat
  • 参照:
  • No.: 71
  • 文献情報:
    Karen F. Mancera, et al., The effects of mining machinery noise of different amplitudes on the behaviour, faecal corticosterone and tissue morphology of wild mice (Mus musculus)

  • 備考:
    Species: Mouse
  • 参照:
  • No.: 72
  • 文献情報:
    Alexander T. Baugh, et al., Validation of water-borne steroid hormones in a tropical frog (Physalaemus pustulosus)

  • 備考:
    Species: Frog
  • 参照:
  • No.: 73
  • 文献情報:
    Errol M. Thomson, et al., Ozone modifies the metabolic and endocrine response to glucose: Reproduction of effects with the stress hormone corticosterone

  • 備考:
    Species: Rat
  • 参照:
  • No.: 74
  • 文献情報:
    Janko Sattler, et al., Role of 11硫-HSD type 1 in abnormal HPA axis activity during immune-mediated arthritis

  • 備考:
    Species: Mouse
  • 参照:
  • No.: 75
  • 文献情報:
    Joana F. Sacramento, et al., Bioelectronic modulation of carotid sinus nerve activity in the rat: a potential therapeutic approach for type 2 diabetes

  • 備考:
    Species: Rat
  • 参照:
  • No.: 76
  • 文献情報:
    Carlo Cinque, et al., Faecal corticosterone metabolite assessment in socially housed male and female Wistar rats

  • 備考:
    Species: Rat
  • 参照:
  • No.: 77
  • 文献情報:
    Colette N. Miller, et al., Uterine Artery Flow and Offspring Growth in Long-Evans Rats following Maternal Exposure to Ozone during Implantation

  • 備考:
    Species: Rat
  • 参照:
  • No.: 78
  • 文献情報:
    Nishioka R et al. Treadmill exercise ameliorates ischemia-induced brain edema while suppressing Na⁺/H⁺ exchanger 1 expression. Exp. Neurol. 2016 Mar;277:150-161
    Nishioka R et al
  • 備考:
    Species: Rat
  • 参照:
  • No.: 79
  • 文献情報:
    Sara Jamil, et al., Early life stress induces persistent alteration in endocannabinoid system and leads to dysfunc-tional modulation of emotional memory retrieval

  • 備考:
    Species: Rat
  • 参照:
  • No.: 80
  • 文献情報:
    Yu Li, et al., Repetitive restraint stress changes spleen immune cell subsets through glucocorticoid receptor or 硫-adrenergic receptor in a stage dependent manner

  • 備考:
    Species: Mouse
  • 参照:
  • No.: 81
  • 文献情報:
    Katarzyna Zalewska, et al., Sustained administration of corticosterone at stress-like levels after stroke suppressed glial reactivity at sites of thalamic secondary neurodegeneration

  • 備考:
    Species: Rat
  • 参照:
  • No.: 82
  • 文献情報:
    Bruno Sauce, et al., A broader phenotype of persistence emerges from individual differences in response to extinction

  • 備考:
    Species: Mouse
  • 参照:
  • No.: 83
  • 文献情報:
    Shinjini Pilon, et al., Metabolic, stress, and inflammatory biomarker responses to glucose administration in Fischer-344 rats: intraperitoneal vs. oral delivery

  • 備考:
    Species: Rat
  • 参照:
  • No.: 84
  • 文献情報:
    Kevin Fletcher, et al., Causes and consequences of life- history variation

  • 備考:
    Species: Bird (Collared Flycatcher)
  • 参照:
  • No.: 85
  • 文献情報:
    Angela Medina-Garcia, et al., Cognition, personality, and stress in budgerigars, Melopsittacus undulatus

  • 備考:
    Species: Bird (budgerigars)
  • 参照:
  • No.: 86
  • 文献情報:
    Jacqueline M. Ho, et al., Acute sleep disruption- and high-fat diet-induced hypothalamic inflammation are not related to glucose tolerance in mice

  • 備考:
    Species: mouse
  • 参照:
  • No.: 87
  • 文献情報:
    Anne T.M. Konkle, et al., Chronic noise exposure in the spontaneously hypertensive rat

  • 備考:
    Species: rat
  • 参照:
  • No.: 88
  • 文献情報:
    Kathleen Hunt, et al., Multi-year longitudinal profiles of cortisol and corticosterone recovered from baleen of North Atlantic right whales (Eubalaena glacialis)

  • 備考:
    Species: Whale (Eubalaena glacialis)
  • 参照:
  • No.: 89
  • 文献情報:
    Leaj J. E. Pryor & Joseph M. Casto, et al., Ectoparasites as developmental stressors: Effects on somatic and physiological development

  • 備考:
    Species: Bird (european starlings)
  • 参照:
  • No.: 90
  • 文献情報:
    Lynnette R. Montgomery, et al., Altered vasopressin and natriuretic peptide levels in a rat model of spinal cord injury – Implications for the development of polyuria

  • 備考:
    Species: rat
  • 参照:
  • No.: 91
  • 文献情報:
    Hyun-Yong Lee, et al., The ethanol extract of Aquilariae Lignum ameliorates hippocampal oxidative stress in a repeated restraint stress mouse model

  • 備考:
    Species: mouse
  • 参照:
  • No.: 92
  • 文献情報:
    Margatho R.O., et al., Beta-Adrenergic Blockade Decreases the Neuroimmune Changes in Mice Induced by Cohabitation with an Ehrlich Tumor-Bearing Cage Mate

  • 備考:
    Species: Mouse
  • 参照:
  • No.: 93
  • 文献情報:
    Jennifer A. Yang, et al., Acute Psychosocial Stress Inhibits LH Pulsatility and Kiss1 Neuronal Activation in Female Mice

  • 備考:
    Species: Mouse
  • 参照:
  • No.: 94
  • 文献情報:
    Priscila Vazquez-Leon, et al., Isolation stress and chronic mild stress induced immobility in the defensive burying behavior and a transient increased ethanol intake in Wistar rats

  • 備考:
    Species: Rat
  • 参照:
  • No.: 95
  • 文献情報:
    Yuka Tomabechi, et al., Extra-adrenal glucocorticoids contribute to the postprandial increase of circulating leptin in mice

  • 備考:
    Species: Mouse and Human
  • 参照:
  • No.: 96
  • 文献情報:
    Vishnu N. Thakare, et al., Silymarin ameliorates experimentally induced deptessive like behavior in rats: Involvment of hippocampal BDNF signaling, inflammatory cytokines and oxidative stress response

  • 備考:
    Species: Rat
  • 参照:
  • No.: 97
  • 文献情報:
    Layla Hiramatsu, et al., Maternal exposure to Western diet affects adult body composition and voluntary wheel running in a genotype-specific manner in mice

  • 備考:
    Species: Mouse
  • 参照:
  • No.: 98
  • 文献情報:
    Sucharita S Somkuwar, et al., Abstinence from prolonged ethanol exposure affects plasma corticosterone, glucocorticoid receptor signaling and stress-related behaviors

  • 備考:
    Species: Rat
  • 参照:
  • No.: 99
  • 文献情報:
    Danial A Giles, et al., Thermoneutral housing exacerbates nonalcoholic fatty liver disease in mice and allows for sex-independent disease modeling

  • 備考:
    Species: Mouse
  • 参照:
  • No.: 100
  • 文献情報:
    Anjana Bali, et al., Anti-stress effects of GSK-3B inhibitor , AR-A014418, in immobilization stress of variable duration in mice

  • 備考:
    Species: Mouse
  • 参照:
  • No.: 101
  • 文献情報:
    Bonnie Ann Baird, et al., Ambassador Animal Welfare: Using Behavioral and Physiological Indicators to Assess the Well-being of Animals Used for Education Programs in Zoos

  • 備考:
    Species: Armadillo, Hedgehog
  • 参照:
  • No.: 102
  • 文献情報:
    Lynn B. Martin, et al., Corticosterone regulation in house sparrows invading Senegal

  • 備考:
    Species: Birds (House Sparrow)
  • 参照:
  • No.: 103
  • 文献情報:
    Guido Di Martino, et al., The effect of crate height on the behavior of female turkeys during commercial pre-slaughter transportation

  • 備考:
    Species: Birds (Turkey)
  • 参照:
  • No.: 104
  • 文献情報:
    Reka Natarajan, et al., Chronic-Stress-Induced Behavioral Changes Associated with Subregion-Selective Serotonin Cell Death in the Dorsal Raphe

  • 備考:
    Species: Rat
  • 参照:
  • No.: 105
  • 文献情報:
    Elizabeth R. Wagenmaker, et al., Exposure to acute psychosocial stress disrupts the luteinizing hormone surge independent of estrous cycle alterations in female mice

  • 備考:
    Species: Mouse
  • 参照:
  • No.: 106
  • 文献情報:
    Carine Parent, et al., Maternal care modulates the febrile response to lipopolysaccharide through differences in glucocorticoid receptor sensitivity in the rat

  • 備考:
    Species: Rat
  • 参照:
  • No.: 107
  • 文献情報:
    Meghan Hibicke, et al., Development and Evaluation of an Adolescent Chronic Restraint Stress (ACRS) Protocol to Model Adult Depression in Female Rats

  • 備考:
    Species: Rat
  • 参照:
  • No.: 108
  • 文献情報:
    Matthew D. Waterhouse, et al., Individual-based analysis of hair corticosterone reveals factors influencing chronic stress in the American pika

  • 備考:
    Species: Pika
  • 参照:
  • No.: 109
  • 文献情報:
    Fabiane Martins Barbosa, et al., Depressive behavior induced by unpredictable chronic mild stress increases dentin hypersensitivity in rats

  • 備考:
    Species: Rat
  • 参照:
  • No.: 110
  • 文献情報:
    Marcelo Pires Nogueira de Carvalho, et al., Functional characterization of neotropical snakes peripheral blood leukocytes subsets: Linking flow cytometry cell features, microscopy images and serum corticosterone levels

  • 備考:
    Species: snake
  • 参照:
  • No.: 111
  • 文献情報:
    Laura R. Hinds, et al., Dynamic glucocorticoid-dependent regulation of Sgk1 expression in oligodendrocytes of male rat brain by acute stress and time of day

  • 備考:
    Species: Rat
  • 参照:
  • No.: 112
  • 文献情報:
    Enrica Marmonti, et al., A Rat Immobilization Model Based on Cage Volume Reduction: A Physiological Model for Bed Rest?

  • 備考:
    Species: Rat
  • 参照:
  • No.: 113
  • 文献情報:
    Katarzyna Zalewska, et al., Oral Administration of corticosterone at stress-like levels drives microglial but not vascular disturbances post-stroke

  • 備考:
  • 参照:
  • No.: 114
  • 文献情報:
    Guillaum Harle, et al., Repeated corticosterone injections in adult mice alter stress hormonal receptor expression in the cerebellum and motor coordination without affecting spatial learning

  • 備考:
    Species: Mouse
  • 参照:
  • No.: 115
  • 文献情報:
    Pardeep Sharma, et al., Correlating bacterial shedding with fecal corticosterone levels and serological responses from layer hens experimentally infected with Salmonella Typhimurium

  • 備考:
    Species: Chicken
  • 参照:
  • No.: 116
  • 文献情報:
    Angelo Contarino, et al., CRF1 receptor-deficiency increases cocaine reward

  • 備考:
    Species: Mouse
  • 参照:
  • No.: 117
  • 文献情報:
    Todd Robeck, et al., Characterization and longitudinal monitoring of serum androgens and glucocorticoids during normal pregnancy in the killer whale (Orcinus orca)

  • 備考:
    Species: Killer Whale
  • 参照:
  • No.: 118
  • 文献情報:
    Rebekah Taylor, et al., Stress Levels in Captured River Otters (Lontra Canadensis) Decreased After Transportation to Reintroduction Sites

  • 備考:
    Species: River Otters
  • 参照:
  • No.: 119
  • 文献情報:
    Ana Paula Bueno, et al., Corticosterone administration after a single-trial contextual fear conditioning does not influence the strength and specificity of recent and remote memory in rats

  • 備考:
    Species: Rat
  • 参照:
  • No.: 120
  • 文献情報:
    Alice Pulga, et al., Changes in C57BL6 Mouse Hippocampal Transcriptome Induced by Hypergravity Mimic Acute Corticosterone-Induced Stress

  • 備考:
    Species: Mouse
  • 参照:
  • No.: 121
  • 文献情報:
    Bong Hyo Lee, et al., Altered Acoustic Startle Reflex, Prepulse Inhibition, and Peripheral Brain-Derived Neirotrophic Factor in Morphne Self-Administered Rats

  • 備考:
    Species: Rat
  • 参照:
  • No.: 122
  • 文献情報:
    Thalita R.M. Machado, et al., Cohabitation with an Ehrlich tumor-bearing cagemate induces immune but not behavioral changes in male mice

  • 備考:
    Species: Mouse
  • 参照:
  • No.: 123
  • 文献情報:
    Agnieszka Mika, et al., Early life diets with prebiotics and bioactive milk fractions attenuate the impact of stress on learned helplessness behaviors and alter gene expression within neural circuits important for stress resistance

  • 備考:
    Species: Rat
  • 参照:
  • No.: 124
  • 文献情報:
    Sylvia J. Gasparini, et al., Continuous corticosterone delivery via drinking water of pellet implantation: A comparative study in mice

  • 備考:
    Species: Mouse
  • 参照:
  • No.: 125
  • 文献情報:
    Vishnu N. Thakare, et al., Attenuation of acute restraint stress-induced depressive like behavior and hippocampal alterations with protocatechuic acid treatment in mice

  • 備考:
    Species: Mouse
  • 参照:
  • No.: 126
  • 文献情報:
    Sandip K. Bose, et al., Hepatic glucocorticoid receptor plays a greater role than adipose GR in metabolic syndrome despite renal compensation

  • 備考:
    Species: Mouse
  • 参照:
  • No.: 127
  • 文献情報:
    L.S. Resende, et al., Social stress in adolescents induces depression and brain-region-specific modulation of the transcription factor MAX

  • 備考:
    Species: Mouse
  • 参照:
  • No.: 128
  • 文献情報:
    K.N. Santhosh, et al., Impact of scorpion venom as an acute stressor on the neuroendocrine-immunological network

  • 備考:
    Species: Scorpion Venom
  • 参照:
  • No.: 129
  • 文献情報:
    J.K. O'Brian, et al., Androgen and glucocorticoid production in the male killer whale (Orcinus orca): influence of age, maturity, and environmental factors

  • 備考:
    Species: Killer Whale
  • 参照:
  • No.: 130
  • 文献情報:
    A.P.N. di Lima, et al., Long-lasting monoaminergic and behavioral dysfunctions in a mice model of socio-environmental stress during adolescence

  • 備考:
    Species: Mouse
  • 参照:
  • No.: 131
  • 文献情報:
    Pierluca Costa, et al., An association between feather damaging behavior and corticosterone metabolite excretion in captive African grey parrots (Psittacus erithacus)

  • 備考:
    Species: (Bird) African Grey Parrot
  • 参照:
  • No.: 132
  • 文献情報:
    Kristen M. Covino, et al., Overlapping life-history stages in migrating songbirds: variation in circulating testosterone and testosterone production capacity

  • 備考:
    Species: (Bird) Songbird
  • 参照:
  • No.: 133
  • 文献情報:
    Lars H. Nelson, et al., Microglia depletion in early life programs persistent changes in social, mood-related, and locomotor behavior in male and female rats

  • 備考:
    Species: Rat
  • 参照:
  • No.: 134
  • 文献情報:
    M.J. Duncan, et al., Restricting feeding to the active phase in middle-aged mice attenuates adverse metabolic effects of a high-fat diet

  • 備考:
    Species: Mouse
  • 参照:
  • No.: 135
  • 文献情報:

  • 備考:
    Species: Mouse
  • 参照:
  • No.: 136
  • 文献情報:
    Almut Vollmer, et al., Serum amyloid A (SAA) is an early biomarker of influenza virus disease in BALB/c, C57BL/2, Swiss-Webster, and DBA.2 mice

  • 備考:
    Species: Mouse
  • 参照:
  • No.: 137
  • 文献情報:
    Shilpa Ravinder, et al., Excessive Sensory Stimulation during Development Alters Neural Plasticity and Vulnerability to Cocaine in Mice

  • 備考:
    Species: Mouse
  • 参照:
  • No.: 138
  • 文献情報:
    Caela Long, et al., Hormonal and molecular effects of restraint stress on formalin-induced pain-like behavior in male and female mice

  • 備考:
    Species: Mouse
  • 参照:
  • No.: 139
  • 文献情報:
    Lauren Gillespie, et al., Effects of human Disturbance on Physiology, Behavior, and Ornamentation in the Eastern Bluebird

  • 備考:
    Species: (Bird) Bluebird
  • 参照:
  • No.: 140
  • 文献情報:
    S. K. Makkar, et al., Nutritional Supplement of Hatchery Eggshell Membrane Improves Poultry Performance and Provides Resistance against Endotoxin Stress

  • 備考:
    Species: Chicken
  • 参照:
  • No.: 141
  • 文献情報:
    Vishnu Thakare, et al., Potential antidepressant-like activity of silymarin in the acute restraint stress in mice: Modulation of corticosterone and oxidative stress response in cerebral cortex and hippocampus

  • 備考:
    Species: Mouse
  • 参照:
  • No.: 142
  • 文献情報:
    James Rivers, et al., Success despite the stress: violet-gree swallows increase glucocorticoids and maintain reproductive output despite experimental increases in flight costs

  • 備考:
    Species: Bird (Violet Green Swallow)
  • 参照:
  • No.: 143
  • 文献情報:
    Christopher Boyson, et al., Maladaptive choices by defeated rats: link between rapid approach to social threat and escalated cocain self-administration

  • 備考:
    Species: Rat
  • 参照:
  • No.: 144
  • 文献情報:
    Desinia Miller, et al., Systemic metabolic derangement, pulmonary effects, and insulin insufficiency following subchronic ozone exposure in rats

  • 備考:
    Species: Rat
  • 参照:
  • No.: 145
  • 文献情報:
    Jose Gulfo, et al., Altered lipid partitioning and glucocorticoid availability in CBG-deficient male mice with diet-induced obesity

  • 備考:
    Species: Mouse
  • 参照:
  • No.: 146
  • 文献情報:
    Jennifer Wilkening, et al., Characterizing predictors of survival in the American pika (Ochotona princeps)

  • 備考:
    Species: American Pika
  • 参照:
  • No.: 147
  • 文献情報:
    Tamas Fuzesi, et al., Hypothalamic CRH neurons orchestrate complex behaviors after stress

  • 備考:
    Species: Mouse
  • 参照:
  • No.: 148
  • 文献情報:
    Sarah Wright, et al., Sources of variation in plasma corticosterone and dehydroepiandrosterone in the male northern cardinal (Cardinalis cardinalis): II. Effects of urbanization, food supplementation and social stress

  • 備考:
    Species: (Bird) Cardinal
  • 参照:
  • No.: 149
  • 文献情報:
    Sunny Zhihong, et al., Activation of the HPA axis and depression of feeding behavior induced by restraint stress are separately regulated by PACAPergic neurotransmission in the mouse

  • 備考:
    Species: Mouse
  • 参照:
  • No.: 150
  • 文献情報:
    Diana Cruz-Topete, et al., Corticosteroids Are Essential for Maintaining Cardiovascular Function in Male Mice

  • 備考:
    Species: Mouse
  • 参照:
  • No.: 151
  • 文献情報:
    Kristen Covino, et al., Transition between phases of the annual cycle: Spring migration to breeding Neartic-Neotropical songbirds

  • 備考:
    Species: Bird (songbird)
  • 参照:
  • No.: 152
  • 文献情報:
    Shuei Sugama, et al., Loss of dopaminergic neurons occurs in the ventral tegmental area and hypothalamus of rats following chronic stress: Possible pathogenetic loci for depression involved in Parkinson's disease

  • 備考:
    Species: Rat
  • 参照:
  • No.: 153
  • 文献情報:
    Pierluca Costa, et al., Fecal corticosterone excretion in captive healthy and feather picking African grey parrots (Psittacus erithacus)

  • 備考:
    Species: Bird (Grey Parrot)
  • 参照:
  • No.: 154
  • 文献情報:
    A. L. Dinel, et al., Dairy fat blend improves brain DHA and neuroplasticity and regulates corticosterone in mice

  • 備考:
    Species: Mouse
  • 参照:
  • No.: 155
  • 文献情報:
    Konstanze Plaschke, et al., Neuroinflammation: effect of surgical stress compared to anaesthesia and effect of physostigmine

  • 備考:
    Species: Rat
  • 参照:
  • No.: 156
  • 文献情報:
    Irene Melo, et al., Sleep supports cued fear extinction memory consolidation independent of circadian phase

  • 備考:
    Species: Mouse
  • 参照:
  • No.: 157
  • 文献情報:
    Christin Huske, et al., Towards optimized anesthesia protocols for stereotactic surgery in rats: Analgesic, stress and general health effects of injectable anesthetics. A comparison of a recommended complete reversal anesthesia with traditional chloral hy

  • 備考:
    Species: Rat
  • 参照:
  • No.: 158
  • 文献情報:
    Ellen Rhodes, et al., Chronic Stress and RCAN1 Expression

  • 備考:
    Species: Mouse
  • 参照:
  • No.: 159
  • 文献情報:
    M. Alm, et al., Welfare indicators in laying hens in relation to nest exclusion

  • 備考:
    Species: Bird (Hens)
  • 参照:
  • No.: 160
  • 文献情報:
    Erin Harris, et al., Calbindin Knockout Alters Sex-Specific Regulation of Behavior and Gene Expression in Amygdala and Prefrontal Cortex - See more at: http://press.endocrine.org/doi/10.1210/en.2016-1055#sthash.deW60vZK.dpuf

  • 備考:
    Species: Mouse
  • 参照:
  • No.: 161
  • 文献情報:
    J.W.M. Arts, et al., Transportation in Laboratory Rats - Effects of a Black Box

  • 備考:
    Species: Rat
  • 参照:
  • No.: 162
  • 文献情報:
    Julieta Ochoa-Amaya, et al., Attenuated allergic inflammatory response in the lungs during lactation

  • 備考:
    Species: Rat
  • 参照:
  • No.: 163
  • 文献情報:
    Duozhuang Tang, et al., Dietary restriction improves repopulation but impairs lymphoid differentiation capacity of hematopoietic stem cells in early aging

  • 備考:
    Species: Mouse
  • 参照:
  • No.: 164
  • 文献情報:
    Landsay Silva, et al., Sex and age specific effects of delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol during the periadolescent period in the rat: The unique susceptibility of the prepubescent animal

  • 備考:
    Species: Rat
  • 参照:
  • No.: 165
  • 文献情報:
    Tracey Shors, et al., Sexual Conspecific Aggressive Response (SCAR): A Model of Sexual Trauma that Disrupts Maternal Learning and Plasticity in the Female Brain

  • 備考:
    Species: Rodent
  • 参照:
  • No.: 166
  • 文献情報:
    Bonnie Baird, et al., Program animal welfare: Using behavioral and physiological measures to assess the well-being of animals used for education programs in zoos

  • 備考:
    Species: Armadillos, Hedgehogs, red-tailed hawk
  • 参照:
  • No.: 167
  • 文献情報:
    Jennifer Wilkening, et al., When can we measure stress noninvasively? Postdeposition effects on a fecal stress metric confound a multiregional assessment

  • 備考:
    Species: American Pika
  • 参照:
  • No.: 168
  • 文献情報:
    Anjana Bali, et al., Investigations on GSK-3硫/NF-kB signaling in stress and stress adaptive behavior in electric foot shock subjected mice

  • 備考:
    Species: Mouse
  • 参照:
  • No.: 169
  • 文献情報:
    Vera Voznessenskaya, et al., Responses to Domestic Cat Chemical Signals in the House Mouse Are Modulated by Early Olfactory Experience

  • 備考:
    Species: Mouse
  • 参照:
  • No.: 170
  • 文献情報:
    Elana Luo, et al., Corticosterone Blocks Ovarian Cyclicity and the LH Surge via Decreased Kisspeptin Neuron Activation in Female Mice - See more at: http://press.endocrine.org/doi/10.1210/en.2015-1711#sthash.pDI6sqrG.dpuf

  • 備考:
    Species: Mouse
  • 参照:
  • No.: 171
  • 文献情報:
    Ryutaro Nishioka, et al., Treadmill exercise ameliorates ischemia-induced brain edema while suppressing Na+/H+ exchanger 1 expression

  • 備考:
    Species: Rat
  • 参照:
  • No.: 172
  • 文献情報:
    Carolyn Bauer, et al., Hypothalamic窶菟ituitary窶殿drenal axis activity is not elevated in a songbird (Junco hyemalis) preparing for migration

  • 備考:
    Species: Bird (Songbird)
  • 参照:
  • No.: 173
  • 文献情報:
    Grace Pardo, et al., Effects of sleep restriction during pregnancy on the mother and fetuses in rats

  • 備考:
    Species: Rat
  • 参照:
  • No.: 174
  • 文献情報:
    Yanxia Lu, et al., An association between neuropeptide Y levels and leukocyte subsets in stress-exacerbated asthmatic mice

  • 備考:
    Species: Mouse
  • 参照:
  • No.: 175
  • 文献情報:
    Matthew Quinn, et al., Endogenous hepatic glucocorticoid receptor signaling coordinates sex-biased inflammatory gene expression

  • 備考:
    Species: Human
  • 参照:
  • No.: 176
  • 文献情報:
    M.R. Jarcho, et al., Behavioral and physiological response to onset and termination of social instability in female mice

  • 備考:
    Species: Mouse
  • 参照:
  • No.: 177
  • 文献情報:
    Oh Kwon, et al., At1 receptor blocker losartan protects against mechanical ventilation-induced diaphragmatic dysfunction

  • 備考:
    Species: Human
  • 参照:
  • No.: 178
  • 文献情報:
    J.M. Kott, et al., Effectiveness of different corticosterone administration methods to elevate corticosterone serum levels, induce depressive-like behavior, and affect neurogenesis levels in female rats

  • 備考:
    Species: Rat
  • 参照:
  • No.: 179
  • 文献情報:
    Kerry Fanson, et al., One size does not fit all: Monitoring faecal glucocorticoid metabolites in marsupials

  • 備考:
    Species: Marsupial
  • 参照:
  • No.: 180
  • 文献情報:
    Agnieszka Mika, et al., Voluntary exercise during extinction of auditory fear conditioning reduces the relapse of fear associated with potentiated activity of striatal direct pathway neurons

  • 備考:
    Species: Rat
  • 参照:
  • No.: 181
  • 文献情報:
    Paolo Cornale, et al., Effect of Cage Type on Fecal Corticosterone Concentration in Buck Rabbits During the Reproductive Cycle

  • 備考:
    Species: Rabbit
  • 参照:
  • No.: 182
  • 文献情報:
    Anderlise Borsoi, et al., Effects of cold stress and Salmonella Heidelberg infection on bacterial load and immunity of chickens

  • 備考:
    Species: Bird (Chickens)
  • 参照:
  • No.: 183
  • 文献情報:
    Benjamin Samuels, et al., 5-HT1A receptors on mature dentate gyrus granule cells are critical for the antidepressant response

  • 備考:
    Species: Mouse
  • 参照:
  • No.: 184
  • 文献情報:
    Cecilie Bay-Richter, et al., Behavioural and neurobiological consequences of macrophage migration inhibitory factor gene deletion in mice

  • 備考:
    Species: Mouse
  • 参照:
  • No.: 185
  • 文献情報:
    Jennifer Wilkening, et al., Parks, pikas and physiological stress: Implications for long-term monitoring of an NPS climate-sensitive sentinel species

  • 備考:
    Species: Mouse
  • 参照:
  • No.: 186
  • 文献情報:
    Kristen Covino, et al., Patterns of testosterone in three Nearctic窶哲eotropical migratory songbirds during spring passage

  • 備考:
    Species: Bird (songbird)
  • 参照:
  • No.: 187
  • 文献情報:
    Ian Woolsey, et al., Establishment and development of Echinococcus multilocularis metacestodes in the common vole (Microtus arvalis) after oral inoculation with parasite eggs

  • 備考:
    Species: Rodent (Vole)
  • 参照:
  • No.: 188
  • 文献情報:
    Lauren Chun, et al., Variations in Phase and Amplitude of Rhythmic Clock Gene Expression across Prefrontal Cortex, Hippocampus, Amygdala, and Hypothalamic Paraventricular and Suprachiasmatic Nuclei of Male and Female Rats

  • 備考:
    Species: Rat
  • 参照:
  • No.: 189
  • 文献情報:
    Edith Grosbellet, et al., Circadian desynchronization triggers premature cellular aging in a diurnal rodent

  • 備考:
    Species: Rodent
  • 参照:
  • No.: 190
  • 文献情報:
    P. Corral, et al., Variations in Phase and Amplitude of Rhythmic Clock Gene Expression across Prefrontal Cortex, Hippocampus, Amygdala, and Hypothalamic Paraventricular and Suprachiasmatic Nuclei of Male and Female Rats

  • 備考:
    Species: Rat
  • 参照:
  • No.: 191
  • 文献情報:
    M. DeVries, et al., Testosterone might not be necessary to support female aggression in incubating northern cardinals

  • 備考:
    Species: Bird (Cardinal)
  • 参照:
  • No.: 192
  • 文献情報:
    Sean Godar, et al., The D1CT-7 mouse model of Tourette syndrome displays sensorimotor gating deficits in response to spatial confinement

  • 備考:
    Species: Mouse
  • 参照:
  • No.: 193
  • 文献情報:
    S. Spulber, et al., Alterations in circadian entrainment precede the onset of depression-like behavior that does not respond to fluoxetine

  • 備考:
    Species: Mouse
  • 参照:
  • No.: 194
  • 文献情報:
    Magda Santana, et al., Impaired adrenal medullary function in a mouse model of depression induced by unpredictable chronic stress

  • 備考:
    Species: Mouse
  • 参照:
  • No.: 195
  • 文献情報:
    Lydia Rehnberg, et al., The effects of social interaction and environmental enrichment on the space use, behaviour and stress of owned housecats facing a novel environmen

  • 備考:
    Species: Cat
  • 参照:
  • No.: 196
  • 文献情報:
    Leah Pryor, et al., Blood-feeding ectoparasites as developmental stressors: Does corticosterone mediate effects of mite infestation on nestling growth, immunity and energy availability?

  • 備考:
    Species: Bird
  • 参照:
  • No.: 197
  • 文献情報:
    Tetsuya Ishimoto, et al., In vivo imaging of CREB phosphorylation in awake-mouse brain

  • 備考:
    Species: Mouse
  • 参照:
  • No.: 198
  • 文献情報:
    Paolo Cornale, et al., Effects of stocking density and environmental enrichment on behavior and fecal corticosteroid levels of pigs under commercial farm conditions

  • 備考:
    Species: Pig
  • 参照:
  • No.: 199
  • 文献情報:
    Edna Lopes, et al., Metabolic and behavioral effects of ractopamine at continuous low levels in rats under stress

  • 備考:
    Species: Rat
  • 参照:
  • No.: 200
  • 文献情報:
    , et al., Does sleep deprivation lower corticosterone levels in mice?

  • 備考:
    Species: Mouse
  • 参照:
  • No.: 201
  • 文献情報:
    Leen Puimege, et al., Glucocorticoid‐induced microRNA‐511 protects against TNF by down‐regulating TNFR1

  • 備考:
    Species: Mouse
  • 参照:
  • No.: 202
  • 文献情報:
    Jamie Jackson, et al., Alternative Material Nest Boxes and Impacts on Nestling Physiology and Adult Behavior in the Eastern Bluebird

  • 備考:
    Species: Bird (Bluebird)
  • 参照:
  • No.: 203
  • 文献情報:
    Anjana Bali, et al., Investigations in foot shock stress of variable intensity in mice: Adaptation and role of angiotensin II

  • 備考:
    Species: Mouse
  • 参照:
  • No.: 204
  • 文献情報:
    Tomris Mustafa, et al., Impact of PACAP and PAC1 receptor deficiency on the neurochemical and behavioral effects of acute and chronic restraint stress in male C57BL/6 mice

  • 備考:
    Species: Mouse
  • 参照:
  • No.: 205
  • 文献情報:
    Jennifer Wilkening, et al., Relating Sub-Surface Ice Features to Physiological Stress in a Climate Sensitive Mammal, the American Pika (Ochotona princeps)

  • 備考:
    Species: American Pika
  • 参照:
  • No.: 206
  • 文献情報:
    Stephanie Ghislin, et al., Hypergravity exposure during gestation modifies the TCR硫 repertoire of newborn mice

  • 備考:
    Species: Mouse
  • 参照:
  • No.: 207
  • 文献情報:
    Kevin Caldwell, et al., The Impact of Prenatal Alcohol Exposure on Hippocampal-Dependent Outcome Measures is Influenced by Prenatal and Early-Life Rearing Conditions

  • 備考:
    Species: Mouse
  • 参照:
  • No.: 208
  • 文献情報:
    Shuai Gong, et al., Dynamics and Correlation of Serum Cortisol and Corticosterone under Different Physiological or Stressful Conditions in Mice

  • 備考:
    Species: Mouse
  • 参照:
  • No.: 209
  • 文献情報:
    M. Alm, et al., Welfare and performance in layers following temporary exclusion from the litter area on introduction to the layer facility

  • 備考:
    Species: Bird
  • 参照:
  • No.: 210
  • 文献情報:
    Ian Woolsey, et al., Echinococcus multilocularis infection in the field vole (Microtus agrestis): an ecological model for studies on transmission dynamics

  • 備考:
    Species: Mouse
  • 参照:
  • No.: 211
  • 文献情報:
    Stefano Comai, et al., Melancholic-Like Behaviors and Circadian Neurobiological Abnormalities in Melatonin MT1 Receptor Knockout Mice

  • 備考:
    Species: Mouse
  • 参照:
  • No.: 212
  • 文献情報:
    Y. Xing, et al., Novel antidepressant candidate RO-05 modulated glucocorticoid receptors activation and FKBP5 expression in chronic mild stress model in rats

  • 備考:
    Species: Rat
  • 参照:
  • No.: 213
  • 文献情報:
    Amy Field, et al., Measurement of Fecal Corticosterone Metabolites as a Predictor of the Habituation of Rhesus Macaques (Macaca mulatta) to Jacketing

  • 備考:
    Species: Monkey
  • 参照:
  • No.: 214
  • 文献情報:
    Jessica Adams, et al., A physiological Role for Hypothalamic Propiomelanocortin in the Intrinsic Regulation of Locomotor Activity and Stress

  • 備考:
    Species: Mouse
  • 参照:
  • No.: 215
  • 文献情報:
    Jessica Adams, et al., Somatostatin Is Essential for the Sexual Dimorphism of GH Secretion, Corticosteroid-Binding Globulin Production, and Corticosterone Levels in Mice - See more at: http://press.endocrine.org/doi/10.1210/en.2014-1429#sthash.t1hwXvwp.dp

  • 備考:
    Species: Mouse
  • 参照:
  • No.: 216
  • 文献情報:
    Sebastien Arthaud, et al., Paradoxical (REM) sleep deprivation in mice using the small-platforms-over-water method: polysomnographic analyses and melanin-concentrating hormone and hypocretin/orexin neuronal activation before, during and after deprivation

  • 備考:
    Species: Mouse
  • 参照:
  • No.: 217
  • 文献情報:
    Anne Nosjean, et al., Acute stress in adulthood impoverishes social choices and triggers aggressiveness in pre clinical models

  • 備考:
    Species: Mouse
  • 参照:
  • No.: 218
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    Katharine Caldwell, et al., Prenatal arsenic exposure alters the programming of the glucocorticoid signaling system during embryonic development

  • 備考:
    Species: Mouse
  • 参照:
  • No.: 219
  • 文献情報:
    Bonnie Brenseke, et al., Mitigating or Exacerbating Effects of Maternal-Fetal Programming of Female Mice Through the Food Choice Environment - See more at: http://press.endocrine.org/doi/abs/10.1210/en.2014-1523#sthash.1EKBHBqR.dpuf

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  • 参照:
  • No.: 220
  • 文献情報:
    Marcella Galvao, et al., Prenatal zinc reduces stress response in adult rat offspring exposed to lipopolysaccharide during gestation

  • 備考:
    Species: Rat
  • 参照:
  • No.: 221
  • 文献情報:
    Chloe Lescale, et al., Hind limb unloading, a model of spaceflight conditions, leads to decreased B lymphopoiesis similar to aging

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    Species: Mouse
  • 参照:
  • No.: 222
  • 文献情報:
    Lunyun He, et al., Sleep Restriction Impairs Blood窶釘rain Barrier Function

  • 備考:
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  • 参照:
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    Gina Ferrie, et al., Nutrition and health in amphibian husbandry

  • 備考:
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    Kevin Norman, et al., Social stress and escalated drug self-administration in mice I. Alcohol and corticosterone

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    Adam Stewart, et al., Cytokine and endocrine parameters in mouse chronic social defeat: Implications for translational ‘cross-domain’ modeling of stress-related brain disorders

  • 備考:
    Species: Mouse
  • 参照:
  • No.: 226
  • 文献情報:
    M. Alm, et al., Corticosterone metabolites in laying hen droppings—Effects of fiber enrichment, genotype, and daily variations

  • 備考:
    Species: Bird (Hens)
  • 参照:
  • No.: 227
  • 文献情報:
    V. Ferraz-de-Paula, et al., 3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA – Ecstasy) Decreases Neutrophil Activity Through the Glucocorticoid Pathway and Impairs Host Resistance to Listeria Monocytogenes Infection in Mice

  • 備考:
    Species: Mouse
  • 参照:
  • No.: 228
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    L. Cucuzza, et al., Haematological and physiological responses of Piemontese beef cattle to different housing conditions

  • 備考:
    Species: Cattle
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  • No.: 229
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  • 備考:
    Species: Rat
  • 参照:
  • No.: 230
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    Natalia Kulesskaya, et al., Mixed housing with DBA/2 mice induces stress in C57BL/6 mice: implications for interventions based on social enrichment

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    Uchechukwu Okorji, et al., A semi-synthetic derivative of artemisinin, artesunate inhibits prostaglandin E2 production in LPS/IFN粒-activated BV2 microglia

  • 備考:
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  • 参照:
  • No.: 232
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    Christina Tyler, et al., Fluoxetine treatment ameliorates depression induced by perinatal arsenic exposure via a neurogenic mechanism

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  • 文献情報:
    Carolyn Roman, et al., PAC1 receptor antagonism in the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis (BNST) attenuates the endocrine and behavioral consequences of chronic stress

  • 備考:
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    Jeremy Borniger, et al., Exposure to dim light at night during early development increases adult anxiety-like responses

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    I. Melo, et al., Enkephalin knockout male mice are resistant to chronic mild stress

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    Bjorn Oettinghaus, et al., DRP1 abaltion in the adult moust forebrain

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    Keith Schutsky, et al., Limited Brain Metabolism Changes Differentiate between the Progression and Clearance of Rabies Virus

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    Fanny Gaignier, et al., Three Weeks of Murine Hindlimb Unloading Induces Shifts from B to T and from Th to Tc Splenic Lymphocytes in Absence of Stress and Differentially Reduces Cell-Specific Mitogenic Responses

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    Jing Zhang, et al., Extended Wakefulness: Compromised Metabolics in and Degeneration of Locus Ceruleus Neurons

  • 備考:
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    Jason Magida, et al., Metabolic crosstalk between the heart and liver impacts familial hypertrophic cardiomyopathy

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    Peter Slezak, et al., Genotype-Related Effect of Crowding Stress on Blood Pressure and Vascular Function in Young Female Rats

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    Megan Greenwald-Yarnell, et al., Identification of hypothamamic sites that control puberty onset and sexual maturation

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    Konstanze Plaschke, et al., In contrast to its anti-inflammatory and anti-apoptotic peripheral effect, levosimendan failed to induce a long-term neuroprotective effect in a rat model of mild septic encephalopathy: A pilot study

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    Marc Dingman, et al., Age-specific locomotor response to nicotine in yellow and mottled yellow Avy/a mice

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    C. Wilson, et al., Inflammation and Oxidative Stress Are Elevated in the Brain, Blood, and Adrenal Glands during the Progression of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder in a Predator Exposure Animal Model

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    Maria del Mar Remero, et al., Modulation in Wistar Rats of Blood Corticosterone Compartmentation by Sex and a Cafeteria Diet

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    Samantha Goggin, et al., Perinatal exposure to 50 ppb sodium arsenate induces hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis dysregulation in male C57BL/6 mice

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