BSS graphics

 Mixed cultures of neonatal rat neurons and glia stained with Mouse monoclonal antibody to Nestin [4D11] M-1385-100 (red), Chicken polyclonal antibody to vimentin C-1409-50 (green) and DNA (DAPI stain, blue). Astrocytes and neuronal stem cells stain strongly and specifically in a clearly filamentous fashion with the Nestin antibody. The filamentous staining pattern is as expected as both Nestin and Vimentin are components of 10nm filaments. Note that some cells contain Nestin, but do not stain strongly for Vimentin and so appear red. Others contain Vimentin and not Nestin and so appear green- these are likely to be fibroblastic or endothelial cells. Some cells express both proteins and so appear yellowish. The presence of Nestin indicates that the cells are developing astrocytes, neuroblasts or undifferentiated neural stem cells.